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 Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing

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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

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PostSubject: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySat Jan 05, 2013 9:42 pm

Hi There Smile

My name is Tori. I am the co-creator and owner of this forum. I thought I would share with you a little about our history, who we are, and why we are here, because I think that this forum is something special and we have a unique atmosphere here.

We are not the first husky forum. There were many others before us. There were three of us at the start. Myself, Chad and another forum member. We had been happily on a board called The Husky Forum. When that board's administrator left for personal reasons without warning, the board began to die. Not wanting to lose the husky family that we had created, the three of us decided to try and create a forum of our own. However, we wanted to do things differently.

We had found that most boards took a stance on some major issues. People were not allowed to disagree with training methods or ethical dilemmas. If they were, they were cut down, belittled, and chastised. It was a poor display of human decency. The three of us firmly agreed that open discussion was vital and pivotal to an educational space. We believed we could agree to disagree on any issue, and we could openly debate any issue, if we were polite and respectful. Thus, we gave birth to Rule #1 (always on the right side of your screen). This rule is first and foremost for a reason. It was the founding cornerstone of our forum.

In order to keep a clean environment free of clutter on the page and on the boards, we developed Rules #2 & #4.

Rule #3 might seem obvious, but we've found on many boards those titles aren't respected. We worked hard to form this forum and the staff continues to work hard to maintain it. Just like volunteers in shelters, forum staff members often get little respect for the amount of work, time and energy that we put in. We felt that people deserved a friendly reminder at all times how hard this staff works. We also attempt to maintain a very small staff so that the roles ARE a means of respect and not just a glorified title.

So on May 19, 2009, we opened our proverbial doors. We grew slowly, but many of us liked it that way. We developed a family. Jenn Bealer and Eddie Harris were among our very first members. Valerie found her way here soon after and many other friends from other forums found their way too. We did not want to "steal people" so we did not send out invitations, but rather allowed people to find their way here on their own or through other members.

Growing slowly allowed us to build relationships. We became a family and I think many of you will find that we ARE a family. But we're better than all that implies because we have a common goal: the health and happiness of our dogs. Sure we disagree, like all families do, but we do so with respect and maturity. We help people who come here looking for information, and sometimes those who didn't know they needed help. We support each other when times are tough and our friendship transcends our animals in many cases. And like a family, when someone steps out of line or injures a member of our pack, we deal with that infraction fairly and justly. But no grudges are kept. Families don't hold grudges.

We are a fun and friendly group because that's the love and respect we have for each other and our dogs. That is the emotion and ideals that we are founded on. We are rare, and we are proud of that.

So allow me be the first to truly and officially welcome you to It's A Husky Thing. I hope you are proud of the legacy that you are joining and help us to continue to make this a fun and friendly place. I know I am proud to call it mine.

Respectfully Yours,
Owned by Koda & Hailey
IAHT Co-Founder, Owner & Administrator

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing Hailey10
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Female Join date : 2013-01-06
Location : Newfoundland, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySun Jan 06, 2013 1:09 pm

Hey, thanks for the info!! I'm finding the lay out of your site a little confusing, but I guess I will get the hang of it.
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySun Jan 06, 2013 2:06 pm

Feel free to PM a staff member with any questions Smile

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing Hailey10
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posh totty
posh totty

Female Join date : 2013-01-06
Location : Dumfrise, UK

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySun Jan 06, 2013 6:05 pm

HI , this is my first ever forum so you will have to let me know if am writing in the wrong boxes . And thanx for accepting me x
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
Location : Los Angeles

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Jan 08, 2013 1:04 am

Great post and great sticky! wave

Welcome, new members! Definitely check out all the stickies first and then introduce yourself in the Welcome Mat!

Some great resources here for both first time husky owners, prospective owners and us old timers that just love talking about our dogs and have worn out friends and family with all our huskies stories! lol!
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Join date : 2013-02-10
Location : nj

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Feb 12, 2013 11:49 pm

My first post
Glad to be part of this
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Female Join date : 2013-02-16
Location : New Tazewell TN

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySat Feb 16, 2013 3:37 pm

sunny Thanks for the warm welcome!
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Join date : 2013-03-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyFri Mar 15, 2013 11:10 pm

Glad to be a member, I like the rules
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Male Join date : 2013-04-23
Location : Philippines

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Apr 23, 2013 11:54 pm

So happy to be a part of this.
Very Happy
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Male Join date : 2013-05-08
Location : Salt Lake City, Utah

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyWed May 08, 2013 6:01 pm

Yes thank you for the welcome!
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Female Join date : 2013-05-10
Location : Wisconsin

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyFri May 10, 2013 10:56 pm

Thank you for the warm welcome! I have always had cats (& still have 4 beautiful felines) so our Ovie is a completely new experience! I look forward to reading other's perspectives & insights.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-16
Location : Jersey City, New Jersey

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 12:09 pm

Hello my name is Gabe. My GF and I are getting our puppy July 3rd. We have first pick of 6puppies (3boys/3girls) from a breeder so we don't know the sex yet. But we are VERY excited! I have been reading through numerous threads on this forum from raw feeding to training. I can't wait to share more once we get our puppy! Thank you all for such an amazing forum.

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Join date : 2013-07-25

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyThu Jul 25, 2013 6:26 pm

I have a Siberian Husky Rescue. Our "Buddy" came to us the morning of February 23rd, very very stinky! we were unable to locate his family and after a failed attempt to get him a new home because I was concerned about his growling, we decided we were his family now. The person who I thought would give him good home lost him and lied to me when I inquired as to how he was and the people who found him posted him to Craig's list as a found dog. I replied just on a whim with his description and it was him. Now these people wanted to keep him but they were moving to Montana (we live in Jersey), but after the first "good family" lost him and lied to me about it, I refused. So I am learning about the Husky life. Buddy is somewhere between 2-4, and he is a runner!! Once he realizes he is not on a leash off he goes, so he is always on a leash and we are having a fence installed, complete with chicken wire around bottom. We have an electric fence for our 8 year old female beagle but everything I read states it is pretty much useless against a Husky, especially one who is already full grown. Our Buddy is very bull headed, can't get him to heal on leash and walk nicely in new places, total ADD ( I have 16 yr old twin boys and one is ADHD, so I recognize the signs Smile . He loves to go for car rides and will quickly jump in, but will just as quickly jump out the open window and run full speed up road deaf to any calling(while the car is moving!!!) He growls when he is happy, the happier he is the more vicious he sounds, (takes some getting used to) He is ok with my kitties, except when he decides to suddenly liven things up and take a quick chase through the house. He argues back, when I want him to do something he doesn't want to do...Just what I need a dog talking back as well as my 3 teens!!!
He is not as of yet neutered (but got him all of his shots and health check) , I plan on it as soon as I have extra money (unemployed and was not planning on another dog)...the marking in the house has pretty much stopped.
I do think he would like to eat my rabbit and my pet rat, so we keep them well protected! I do not know for sure but have feeling Buddy was on his own for a while. We live in the woods and tried calling SPCA's from 5 counties, could not find his people or they did not want to be found.
So that is our story. I hope to learn more about our Siberian Husky, my Buddy.
hmmm, trying to upload picture of him but no luck!
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Female Join date : 2013-03-29
Location : SW Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 2:07 pm

Welcome, thank you for saving him. Huskies really are quite a handful, especially when younger. You are right to keep your small animals away from him. Huskies have a high predator drive! Share pictures when you can. We love pictures here.
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Join date : 2013-11-10

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PostSubject: Hello   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 2:23 pm

Hello! Although I am new to the board, I am not a 'new' husky owner. I had one quite a few years ago, that I had found running alongside a country road many years ago. She was a part of our life for 13 years before we had to let her go across the Rainbow Bridge. I am now once again being owned by a Siberian mix. This guy I found, or accurately he found me, in September while I was camping with my 3 dogs. While I do not know his whole back story, what I have found out is he had been spotted for approximately 2 weeks running the state park. Unfortunately because of his looks people were thinking he was a wolf and scaring people. The park rangers had to their own dismay decided that he would be shoot on sight. Fortunately, for him, he decided that 2 weeks of avoiding all humans needed to end. He came into my camp site late Sunday evening to visit with my dogs, at which point I noticed he had part of a leash hanging off of a collar. The next morning he came back, and as soon as I found a camp worker I asked about the dog. I figured he had chewed himself loose and someone at the park was looking for him. I was then informed of how there was a shoot on sight order out for him, unless someone was able to catch him up. I then said - So if I catch him up and take him from the park no one will be upset. The fellow's response was - He needs a good grooming! I just chuckled and responded with - I think I can handle that much, as dog grooming is what I do. :)Needless to say I went back into my site and seeing him eating, I hoped he would take food from my hand, which he did and allowed me the chance to take hold of his collar. Once he knew he was 'had' he relaxed and showed his submissive side. We have now had 'Hueston' for 2 months.

Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing Dscf5315

Last edited by jojuzach on Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding Picture - figured it out :))
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Male Join date : 2013-12-03
Location : Du Bois, PA

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PostSubject: Just joined forum...   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 9:56 pm

I was doing a search about my Husky's behavior of shoving anything under the couch and came across this forum of others who were experiencing the (sometimes) frustrating behavior. Ozzy would shove toys or chews under the couch and then whine and "complain" as only a husky can do. I would get them out only to have him do it again...until I stopped getting! .. I did kind of figured he wanted attention and was bored. Thanks for confirming what I was thinking. I am looking forward to learning more about our 1 year old (just had a birthday- 11/22/13)
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Male Join date : 2013-12-03
Location : Du Bois, PA

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 10:18 pm

Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing Big_oz12
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Male Join date : 2013-12-03
Location : Du Bois, PA

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PostSubject: This is Ozzy now with his buddy "Layla"   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Dec 03, 2013 10:28 pm

]Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing Ozzy_a10

I did some research before we decided for a husky. It has worked out with the cat, with her being here before him. She has learned how to handle him and he "listens to her".
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Join date : 2013-12-04

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySat Dec 07, 2013 9:29 pm

Hi, my name is Dotti......10 years ago, I was given a Husky puppy and she's a black and white with bright blue eyes, and we named her Sapphire.....I got all my research on the run with her....I went into work one day and that evening I had her.....I just love the breed, even though Sapphire can be a pain in the neck at times......She feels she's the Alpha dog.....We lived on Long Island at the time, and we moved to Pa. and then we ended up taking care of a Malamute, Bear....The owner of the house we bought couldn't take Bear with her......When Bear passed away we ended up rescuing a red and white husky with blue eyes named Mya.....She was only 3 when we got her, and she was badly abused, but just as she was coming into her own, and loved being in the house, she had a massive tumor that was ready to explode.....She was only 7 when I had to put her down.....I couldn't stand to see her suffering.....We tried to adopt another husky after about 5 months....For one reason or another it didn't work out.....Went on the internet and found a woman who bred husky's as a hobby....We ended up getting a deep red and white husky and Jon and I named him Zeus....He's 2 years old and he's over 86lbs.....His Dad was a huge black and white husky.....We ended up deciding to adopt another husky to play with Zeus, and after another search on the internet, we found a place that had Huskys, Malamutes all working dogs.....The foster mom called me and we ended up adopting a Huskita, named Stripe.....This is her 5th and final home and she's only 17 months old...She looks like a Husky except she has the Akita tail.....She adores Zeus and Zeus adores her and she loves her forever home....

Thanks again for letting me come on here.....This is my first time on a forum.....Please let me know if I write in the wrong places.....Thanks again, and I look forward to talking to people on here who love Husky's as much as I do.....

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Female Join date : 2013-12-10
Location : Tulsa, Oklahoma

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Dec 10, 2013 4:58 pm

Hello everyone! The admin, Linda Elgin, for the H2M2 in Tulsa told me about this site. This is my family! I help rescue and foster Huskies in the Oklahoma area. Sprocket and Ryder (the black and whites) are my fur kids. Zuki on the left went to his new home recently. I look forward to meeting everyone! Smile

Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing <a href=Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing Christ10" />
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Join date : 2013-12-15

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 2:43 am

This is my first time ever joining a forum and I'm extremely happy to have found one that has so much great info for me. I am a first time husky owner and though I've wanted one for a LONG time ; wasn't quite prepared for Kona's arrival. So basically this is a thank you for having this place for people like me who just need a little help with the small stuff and keeping my saintly Smile. Kona is 8 months old and a major handful but we love her to death. She has completed our little family and has bonded with my 7 year old daughter. Hopefully I will have some input of my own soon. Thank you again and looking forward to being part of this community:)
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Female Join date : 2013-12-10
Location : New Zealand

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptySun Dec 15, 2013 2:53 am

It is deffinately a hive of information Very Happy
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Female Join date : 2014-01-16
Location : California

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyThu Jan 16, 2014 12:59 am

Hello, I am a new husky owner. I adopted my 16 month old from a family member who did not have the space for him or time. My intention was to keep him on a temporary basis until I could find a forever family. However, I feel in love with him and his personality and he has such a calm disposition. He is still considered a puppy, so he is active, but i try to walk him everyday and play with him when I get home from work. I just want to make sure I am doing things right with him. I have been researching the breed and I know that I need to be the "Pack Leader" since they are pack animals. Any advice seasoned husky owners could share.
Thank you so much, Deanna
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyThu Jan 16, 2014 1:11 am

Hello and welcome to the forum.  

If you need help with specific things here are some tips:

-stickies in the top right box and the Search feature.  You can narrow things down.
-ask specific questions in the appropriate sub-forums which you can see listed on the homepage.

They are pack animals indeed, but don't confuse that with  the dominance/submission wolf-pack "your Husky wants to conquer you and your home" training theory.  If you are into that and subscribe to it, then great.  

But by being pack animals it is meant that Huskies are working dogs who were bred to be a part of a team, ideally of dogs and humans but it is fine if your Husky is the only dog (like my family).  Huskies are not well suited for being yard dogs, left alone too much, or excluded from normal social activities around the house or out and about.  They have a desire to be with you and please you (though typically not in a gushy, clingy, affectionate sense) as a working dog, albeit highly stubborn and independent working dogs (again, a working/sledding attribute).  It's their service drive, if you will.  All that is meant is that they are team dogs who just want to be included.  

It takes a remarkable amount of consistency and patience and calmness and time to earn their trust and respect, which really is the goal of any Pack Leader, regardless of what training persuasion you subscribe to. They are picky, defiant, and hard to win over. But once you get it it is golden.

Have fun on the forum. This is a truly remarkable community of folks here who are happy to help.

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Male Join date : 2014-02-04
Location : Sellersville, PA

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PostSubject: Re: Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing   Hello and Welcome to It's A Husky Thing EmptyTue Feb 04, 2014 12:12 pm

Hi, I am a first time husky owner. We haven't had a dog in the past 10 years.

Aspen is an awesome puppy, 10 weeks old. I need more patience...

She is a lover, loves to be held and on my lap.

Any housebreaking tips would be greatly appreciated, although I will browse the forums for tips also.

Thank you!


once I figure how to add pics I will
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