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 15 year old...suggestions?

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Female Join date : 2012-03-30
Location : Jacksonville, Florida

15 year old...suggestions? Empty
PostSubject: 15 year old...suggestions?   15 year old...suggestions? EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 11:10 pm

We took in a 15 year old husky girl this weekend and I could use just a little advice...we are taking her to the vet on Wednesday but figured I'd see if anyone else has ran into this.
She is on Rimadyl every other day for arthritis along with dermamine hc spray and atopica for a fungal thing she has on her tummy.
From what the vet records show she has had this fungal infection for quite sometime. It is on her belly and her skin is almost stretched looking and it makes almost like a pocket (think of a dog that has been bred, how the skin where she had milk doesn't tighten up).

According to the papers she has been going to the same vet all her life, and has had this fungal thing for half of it common for a dog to have a fungal infection for this long without it completely going away? The previous owner said that with the meds she is on now the infection will not get bigger, but there has to be something to get rid of it completely without her needing meds everyday, right?
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Female Join date : 2012-08-08
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

15 year old...suggestions? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 year old...suggestions?   15 year old...suggestions? EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 9:26 am

I would think that a fungal infection shouldn't go on that long. But, I do know they can be tricky to treat.

(Just a suggestion, if you included something about a fungal infection in the title of the thread, you might get a few more responses. Just a suggestion!)
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

15 year old...suggestions? Empty
PostSubject: Re: 15 year old...suggestions?   15 year old...suggestions? EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 9:37 am

I know they can be hard to treat, but I would get a second opinion and take her to a different vet. It's probably a good idea anyway, because if it is fungal, she might transmit it to your other pets and you probably want a better solution than keeping it from getting worse. You could also try topical tea tree oil, just make sure she can't/doesn't lick it and be careful if you have cats. Fungal infections can also be a sign of something else, like diabetes or a compromised immune system. Or it could be that the cream is just giving the fungus a sublethal dose, or it could be the fungus is dead, but another opportunistic infection has taken root, bacteria, etc. I definitely think a second opinion and a new skin scrape test are in order though.
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