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 Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.

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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 12:22 pm

Alright, the puppy has liquid diarrhea and I'm concerned. It's pretty orange in color and it smells horrible. Pup had a fecal a few weeks ago and everything was normal and this is a recent development.

Last night I gave pumpkin and poop is more solid, but still soft. I also gave gatorade to replace any electrolytes. He is fine otherwise, but I'm concerned.

Anyone experienced something like this? I'm worried it may be giardia or coccidia, but I don't have experience with either.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 1:20 pm

Diz had both coccidia and giardia at different times and both were sort of chronic issues. He also has a chicken intolerance, so with that plus the other two issues, it was a problem off and on until he was about 5-5.5 months old. First, I would test for parasites, then do the antibiotics as needed. Once Diz was clear of parasites, the problem persisted, so I started looking for other causes and found he reacted to chicken and fish, figured this out through trial and error between a bland diet with hard boiled eggs and green beans. I was raw feeding chicken at the time, but once I figured that was a problem I switched to kibble, tried totw pacific stream, and bang the runs came back. Are you raw feeding Teddy, did the breeder? The only thing that finally got Dizzy consistently solid was putting him on a lowish protein (25%) kibble and gastriplex (probiotic and some other gut health stuff including slippery elm), even a high protein kibble 30%+ would give him the runs. I put him on merrick lamb and rice puppy. The stool volume was much larger, but it was solid and he seemed better so I stuck with it. Eventually I was able to get him on a higher quality, grain free kibble, canidae pure sky and now i'm switching him back to raw. I give him kibble in the morning and raw in the evening. Although, he recently started refusing the kibble, so it may be the end of those days, which is what I wanted anyway. Raw is a bit challanging since I can't feed chicken, but he's doing well on it. Smile Coccidia and giardia are pretty easy to cure in my experience, but can set off a cascade of crappy effects, notably throwing the gut balance off by killing all the flora, so you kind of have to help him rebuild that with the probiotics. Also you'll have to clean everything, because it can reinfect. Does that help at all?
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 1:39 pm

One other thing to note is that gaterade can act as a diuretic. I wouldn't worry too much about electrolytes at this point as long as he's drinking water and staying hydrated. I could be wrong, but I don't think electrolye loss is much of a concern with diarrhea as much as dehydration.
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 1:46 pm

I'm not even sure that's what it is. At first I was scared it was a blockage.

He has been raw fed his entire life. I did just introduce turkey and I'm wondering if that caused the runs to appear. It is possible, since he's used to chicken.
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 1:57 pm

mbarnard0429 wrote:
I'm not even sure that's what it is. At first I was scared it was a blockage.

He has been raw fed his entire life. I did just introduce turkey and I'm wondering if that caused the runs to appear. It is possible, since he's used to chicken.
Koda is allergic to turkey. I dont remember exactly what it looked like, i figured it out about 7 months ago. But it could of had a orangish tint to it the more i think about it. It took him a few days after the last time he had it before he was back to normal. On the other hand though i wasnt feeding him raw, turkey was in his kibble, and i noticed he got real real sick after i gave him a piece of lunch meat turkey.
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Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 2:01 pm

Could it be something with the turkey that you fed?
Did you go back to his basic diet and the runs still persisted?
I'd start with the vet to make sure there's nothing medically wrong...then maybe start a bland diet?

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. 41765413
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 2:03 pm

It literally happened last night - I've fasted him so far today aside from pumpkin. The pumpkin poop wasn't super firm (but I'm used to raw poops) but it wasn't liquid at all. I'm thinking tonights dinner will be green beans and scrambled eggs or chicken.
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 3:08 pm

If it was the turkey, he should be able to correct himself within 24-36 hours. And if you are giving him green beans and scrambled eggs or chicken tonight, he should be improving by tomorrow night.

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. 41765413
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 7:43 pm

So far he's fine. There has been no vomiting and he feels great. No diarrhea as of yet today.
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. EmptyTue Nov 26, 2013 7:48 pm

Sounds like the turkey could be the culprit...
Glad to hear he is feeling better.

Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. 41765413
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Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.   Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross. Empty

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Orange Liquid Diarrhea...I know, it's gross.

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