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 How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)

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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 2:11 pm


Uploading directly from computer onto Servimg.
Uploading directly from computer onto Servimg. (YouTube video)

Uploading directly from computer to photobucket.

Determine the address (outside URL) of a picture
Using outside URL to paste onto forum.

Uploading directly from phone/tablet onto Servimg.

Uploading directly from phone/tablet onto Photobucket.  (( Under construction ))

Using outside URL to past from phone/tablet onto forum.  (( Under construction ))

Note:  Unlike most threads in the forum where reading from top to bottom allows the most comprehension, this thread is set up so you can click on the item of interest and hopefully we've presented this understandably.

Last edited by aljones on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:30 pm; edited 24 times in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 2:15 pm

Uploading directly from computer onto Servimg.

We are going to show you how to upload images from your computer directly to the ServImg host that the forum uses.
First, go to the topic where you want to post your pictures.  That can be a new topic or a reply to the existing topic.
Go to the topic editor (aka the reply area) click on the little icon with the floppy disk (if you rest your cursor there a tooltip will pop up showing "Host an Image") which will bring up the Servimg host.
You have a couple of different options here, you can drag 'n drop your files directly or you can select your files.
Another option you have is to resize your pictures.  The forum defaults to 800 pixels, however you can make them smaller or slightly bigger.  We recommend that you leave them at 800 pixels.  Making the pictures too big makes the forum scroll sideways - an inconvenience no one likes.

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Si110

Click on "Select Files" and you'll be shown a list of files.  You may have to move to the directory (folder) that contains the files you're looking for.
Note that you may be shown a list of files as in the YouTube video or you may be given a gallery - that depends on you operating system and any file managers that may have been installed.

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Si210

Once you've selected your files click on "Open" and they'll be inserted into the ServImg upload application.
You can click on the blue "Send All" to send all the files to ServImg at once or click on the blue upload arrow to the right of the image to upload them individually.  The orange buttons either remove all the pictures or the individual pictures.

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Si410

Uploading is normally quick and you're shown three links for each picture.  Most people will select "Insert All" which puts the links for all your pictures into the editor box at the cursor location.
Once you've done that, just go one editing your post.  As a courtesy to others, if you have no text between images, it's nice to insert a blank line between pictures - they just look better.

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Si510

Another option for selecting pictures, when a file is hosted someplace else, the URL option (see the first picture).  Select URL, copy the image URL into that block and everything continues as if you had selected a file.  
Not all images can be uploaded to ServImg this way.  Images from FaceBook, for example, cannot be uploaded to ServImg this way, they'll show up as an invalid image.  See "Using an outside URL to paste into the forum" for an example of how to post FaceBook images.  

One issue that people have run into is that their images come up sideways.  There is no remedy for that as far as we know.  Clicking on the image will take you to the library on ServImg and there's no way to rotate the image as there are on other hosts.

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(( 248927 ))

Last edited by aljones on Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:27 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 2:18 pm

Uploading directly from computer to photobucket.

Posting using photobucket is straightforward in 5 steps.
1) Log into your PhotoBucket account and then select Upload
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) PB1Upload_zpsivsfwayi

2) I find it easiest to drag 'n drop pictures to upload
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) PB2Drop_zps9uocrcnv

3) Once a picture is uploaded, click on the picture - not the 'save' block
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) PB3Save_zpskwpalb2t

4) Click on the link beside "Direct" this saves the link.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) PB4Select_zpsi27w4iju

So far we've uploaded the picture to photobucket, now we need to insert it into the message we're posting.
Click on the second picture icon (to the left of the link icon) - it's what I'm pointing to with the arrow; then right click in the box titled "URL" and past the saved link and click insert.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) PB5Insert_zpsiene3mwa

This message now looks like:
Posting using photobucket is straightforward in 5 steps.
1) Log into your PhotoBucket account and then select[b] Upload[/b]
2) I find it easiest to drag 'n drop pictures to upload
3) Once a picture is uploaded, click on the picture - not the 'save' block
4) Click on the link beside [b]"Direct"[/b] this saves the link.

So far we've uploaded the picture to photobucket, now we need to insert it into the message we're posting.
5) Click on the second picture icon (to the left of the link icon) - it's what I'm pointing to with the arrow; then right click in the box titled [b]"URL"[/b] and past the saved link and click insert.

and if everything has worked right, yours should look similar.

Of course, a few choice comments:

  • Photobucket seems to be considerably slower than Servimg
  • Adblock plus CANNOT be enabled while you're using photobucket.
  • Flash MUST be enabled for photobucket to work.
  • I'm not impressed!

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(( 248928 ))

Last edited by aljones on Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:33 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 2:26 pm

Using outside URL to paste onto forum.

This option to insert a picture on the forum works with Determine the address (outside URL) of a picture.  Once you've determined what the URL is, inserting into your post is simple.

Click on the Picture Icon (next to the one with the floppy disk)
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Insert10

Which brings up the box into which you can paste the URL and optionally resize it if you wish.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Insert11
Right click and paste the URL into the URL box, click on "Insert" and your image is inserted into your message.

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(( 248929 ))

Last edited by aljones on Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 3:12 pm

Uploading directly from phone/tablet onto Servimg.

In this tutorial we will show you how to upload directly from your phone/tablet onto Servimg. In this example, we are using an iPad with the desktop mode enabled.

In your post reply window, you will click on the image icon with the floppy disk, which will bring up the Servimg upload window. Hit "Select Files".
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0210

Your device will bring up this option or an option very similar. If you have the photo saved in your gallery, choose that option. If any other options pertain to you, then choose that option instead.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0211

Once you choose your photos / the gallery option, you select which folder your image is in.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0212

Then select the photo you wish to upload. You can select multiple photos during this step.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0213

Once your image(s) is selected, hit done.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0217

Your image will be inserted into the Servimg upload window.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0214

Select "Send All" and your image(s) will be uploaded. Once all are uploaded, then click "Insert All" and this will insert all of your uploaded images into your post reply.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0216

Your image code will be inserted into your reply and you can add your post text.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0215

Hit preview and your image should be inserted successfully into your post.
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Img_0218

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(( 248933 ))

Last edited by aljones on Wed Jan 25, 2017 3:32 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 3:19 pm

Uploading directly from phone/tablet onto Photobucket.

This isn't ready yet. It'll be finished shortly.

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(( 248934 ))

Last edited by aljones on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:26 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 3:23 pm

Using outside URL to past from phone/tablet onto forum.

This isn't ready yet. It'll be finished shortly.

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(( 248935 ))

Last edited by aljones on Fri Feb 10, 2017 9:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2017 7:20 pm

Determine the address (URL) of a picture

If the picture you want to insert into a message already exists on the web, rather than trying to upload the image to a hosting service (Servimg or PhotoBucket, for example) you can retrieve the URL of the picture and use that instead.

Each browser has it's own way of determining the URL of a picture.  Each of these starts with 'right clicking' on the picture.

For FireFox - select Copy Image Location
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Capff10

For Chrome - select Copy Image Address
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Capchr10

For MS Edge - select Copy
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Capedg10

For Opera - select Copy Image Address
How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Capopu10

After selecting (clicking on) the desired option, move the cursor to wherever you want to put the link and press Ctl-v or right-click->paste.

Note: While almost any image's URL can be used when 'Inert Image' several services use non-standard formats for their URL's and cannot be hosted by ServImg.  FaceBook is among these.

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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) Empty
PostSubject: Re: How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17)   How to upload pictures (udated 02/10/17) EmptyMon Jan 30, 2017 7:33 pm

Uploading directly from computer onto Servimg.
YouTube video

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