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 Puppy Sleeping Issues

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Male Join date : 2012-04-18
Location : New England

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PostSubject: Puppy Sleeping Issues   Puppy Sleeping Issues EmptyWed Apr 18, 2012 2:16 pm

My husband and have a 16 week old male puppy. His name is Qannik, pronounced Kennick. We are having some sleeping issues. We brought him home at 8 weeks. Night 1 was ok. We set up his crate in our bedroom. He cried, howled, yelped and shook the cage for about 30 minutes and then finally fell asleep. He did this again about 3 hours later. All in all, we thought we did ok and expected night 2 to be better. It wasn't! Night 2, he did the same thing for 4 hours straight. Night 3 we decided to put his crate in the kitchen. He did the same act for 5 hours straight that night. It seemed that as much as we tried to let him cry it out, he would act out more and even longer. Night 4, we put the crate back in the bedroom and I decided to tough it out at all costs by ignoring him. He only cried for about 30 minute increments twice in the night. We felt much relief. In the next few weeks, he would go to bed fine and need to get up once or twice for a potty break. Then he started sleeping 7 hours straight without a break. He's an early riser at about 5:00am. Anyway, weeks go by, he's now 16 weeks old, and over the past week he's regressed quite a bit for some reason and we are at a loss. He loves his crate by the way, so we aren't sure what's up with his behavior. He goes to bed in his crate just fine, but then wakes up at odd random times, and wants out. He starts doing his first week bratty act and it's just unbearable. So hard to ignore it when we both have to work in the morning. We started putting his crate in the kitchen last week, thinking that maybe we'd all do better if we weren't distracting each other (husband and I are restless sleepers too). That worked well for the first three nights. Then last night he woke up at Midnight, went potty, and started his hissy fit again. We gave him 15 minutes to calm down. Then, I had to make the call. I waited for him to be quiet in his crate for a moment and took him out and brought him into our living room. No TV, no lights. I laid on our couch and waited to see what he'd do. He chewed on some toys for about 15 minutes, then he ended up going right back into the kitchen and sleeping until 5:15am. Have any other husky owners gone through this? Overall, he's a great dog. He loves his crate and goes in with no problem during the day. He's definitely teething, but it seems to be less intense over the past few days. He's mostly housebroken too, so pottying in the house isn't an issue anymore. And as a side note, he is walked at least twice per day, and has a lunchtime visitor each day to take him out for a break.
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Snow White
Snow White

Female Join date : 2012-04-02
Location : Maryland

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PostSubject: Re: Puppy Sleeping Issues   Puppy Sleeping Issues EmptyWed Apr 18, 2012 2:33 pm

Consistency is key here.

Puppies like to test you, so you have to make sure you are only taking him out to potty and then putting him right back in his crate no matter how loud he cries. I like to teach my dogs a command for going potty so they know I'm not there for cuddles or playtime, I'm there to potty and that's it.

Our pup started out in the living room and that's where her crate remains to this day. She screamed bloody murder for 3 nights and then finally she gave up. I would set my alarm and take her out every 2 hours for potty breaks, gradually increasing them time as she got older. Obviously now she sleeps all night with no potty breaks. Smile (8 months old)
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Male Join date : 2012-04-18
Location : New England

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PostSubject: Re: Puppy Sleeping Issues   Puppy Sleeping Issues EmptyWed Apr 18, 2012 3:29 pm

Snow White, thanks for your input. Other than figuring things out the first three nights with our puppy, we have been very consistent. We recognize his "I have to go potty" whine vs. the "I want your attention" whine, and had no real issues with this once we got into our routine until about 10 days ago. We are in constant contact with our puppy trainer (he is enrolled in puppy kindergarten, and we have her come to our house for personal sessions as well). She was wondering if our restlessness was feeding off each other. The first three nights in the kitchen over the last week seemed to work out great. Last night threw us for a loop. It's frustrating, but at the same time, I think we need to step back and remember that he is just a baby. This will probably take some time to work out. Hoping for a better night tonight! Thanks again!
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