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  worms in 5 month pup?

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Join date : 2018-02-23

 worms in 5 month pup? Empty
PostSubject: worms in 5 month pup?    worms in 5 month pup? EmptyMon Apr 16, 2018 2:58 pm

Hi everyone, I’ve been browsing these forums since I got my husky about 4 months ago and something happened today which made me want to ask for your input. Ramsey is turning 6 months next week, he’s had all of his shots up until now. I’m feeding him taste of the wild (still transitioning into it but it’s almost completely TOTW now). Anyway, this morning while picking up his poop I noticed this was there.

I’ve been checking stuff online and he doesn’t seem to show any of the symptoms associated with having worms, but I also read that there may not be symptoms sometimes. Does it look like worms to you guys? Also, what exactly could have caused this? I feel so bad, should I go to the vet right away?
 worms in 5 month pup? 64277410
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Female Join date : 2017-11-15
Location : Tampa, Fl

 worms in 5 month pup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: worms in 5 month pup?    worms in 5 month pup? EmptyMon Apr 16, 2018 3:09 pm

Yes definitely go to the vet and take that with! They'll be able to help you honestly for worms there usually are absolutely no symptoms. That looks like a roundworm. In my opinion, if you're ever thinking "Should I go to the vet for this?", you should always go to the vet and if not call them and ask their opinion.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

 worms in 5 month pup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: worms in 5 month pup?    worms in 5 month pup? EmptyMon Apr 16, 2018 3:16 pm

I would go to the vet, take a stool sample and take that worm with you. Some worms are common and easy to get rid of with over the counter drugs if you know the worm and practice but others need prescriptions for deworming. It is not uncommon for a young dog to get worms. Most worms do not cause symptoms. A dog may become infected by sniffing or licking infected feces.

 worms in 5 month pup? 20170810
 worms in 5 month pup? LcFfm5 worms in 5 month pup? KIX4m5
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Join date : 2018-02-23

 worms in 5 month pup? Empty
PostSubject: Re: worms in 5 month pup?    worms in 5 month pup? EmptyMon Apr 16, 2018 3:52 pm

Thanks to both of you, I’ll take him to the vet to be on the safe side.
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