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 Puppy threw up... What now?

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Male Join date : 2012-06-04
Location : Kitchener, Ontario

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:29 pm

So this afternoon when I returned from work I was told that Kato had knocked over the container of his treats and scarfed down 15-25 before my sister could get to him to stop him. Thankfully they were the super plain treats he came with, however he just threw them up. He is as energetic, playful and cuddly as ever so I do believe it was just from eating all those treats as well as his full meal, however, he will be watched closely over the weekend. After throwing up he immediately went up and laid down by his food bowl, in a situation like this what should I do?

thanks for the help!
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Female Join date : 2012-03-01
Location : Corpus Christi, Texas

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:33 pm

Others will be able to offer good advice, but I had that issue at one point, and through this forum, I learned to just watch them, and maybe tomorrow give him just some plain rice and boiled chicken. Something bland, just to make sure it's not his tummy. Smile
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Freya's Mummy
Freya's Mummy

Female Join date : 2012-05-31
Location : Western Australia

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:35 pm

even some plain yoghurt to put some good enzimes back in his tummy.
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Male Join date : 2012-06-04
Location : Kitchener, Ontario

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:39 pm

So should I just give him some water? No food or anything? stick with the schedule kind of deal?
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:49 pm

Depends on how sensitive he is normally. I would give dinner, but perhaps a smaller portion. Allow water to be available and just monitor of course. Shouldn't cause much if any of an issue. Smile

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Puppy threw up... What now? 6877191385_f831cf231c
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Male Join date : 2012-06-04
Location : Kitchener, Ontario

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:50 pm

Oh, that's the other thing I didn't mention.... He ate his dinner at 5:30, and the throw up contained nothing but the treats that he got into :s none of his kibble was in it.
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Husky Collector

Female Join date : 2009-12-13
Location : South Fl

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:53 pm

Then I really wouldn't worry, seems as though his body took care of it for you. Just be sure water is available. Puking can dehydrate them.

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Puppy threw up... What now? 6877191385_f831cf231c
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Male Join date : 2012-06-04
Location : Kitchener, Ontario

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:55 pm

Okay cool! i immediately filled his water bowl when he ran upstairs, as I knew how I feel after throwing up! hopefully he's all good Smile
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 9:57 pm

I agree with Kristina - he probably corrected/took care of the issue by vomiting. But I'd still keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours and see if there are any changes in his activity level, demeanor, if he has soft stools, or if he throws up again.

If he has soft stools, it could be because he over ate. In that case, if he does not correct himself within 24-36 hours, give him a tablespoon of plain non-fat yogurt (with active cultures) to help him along with his digestion. This will help promote the healthy bacteria in his digestive tract.

If his stool does not firm up with 2 days, try backing off half of his current food and mix in a bland diet of green beans, or carrots, or green peas and hard boiled eggs. If he still doesn't correct himselft, go full bland diet for a couple of days and he should firm up, then slowly transition him back to his normal food.

If you see a change in his demeanor, and/or soft stool and vomiting still, I'd take him to get checked just to make sure there isn't anything else going on.

I think he'll be fine without issue, though.

Puppy threw up... What now? 41765413
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Male Join date : 2012-06-04
Location : Kitchener, Ontario

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 10:01 pm

Thanks a ton everyone! great info cmanding, I appreciate it, he will be closely watched Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Puppy threw up... What now?   Puppy threw up... What now? EmptyFri Jun 08, 2012 11:05 pm

sounds to me like he threw up the treats because he ate so many at one time and his tummy could not handle it, if he is acting normally otherwise I'm sure he will be just fine.
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Puppy threw up... What now? Empty
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Puppy threw up... What now?

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