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 Boswellia Question

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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Boswellia Question   Boswellia Question EmptyMon Aug 26, 2013 9:11 am

Hi all. I tried to search for this term, since I know there have been threads mentioning it, but nothing came up for boswellia specifically, so I'm sorry if I'm asking for duplicate information.

So, Dizzy has been limping a bit and favoring his back right leg. I took him to the vet on Saturday and based on the exam, and where he reacted to being touched, she thinks its either a muscle strain that has never healed, or a tendon tear (but not rupture). He is going today to make sure its not a referred pain from a joint issue (stifle joint is suspected, but she will also x-ray hips if indicated).

I remember vividly when the injury happened, we were playing ball inside the apartment when he used to fetch things, and went to do some spin, jump, puppy move and yelped when he landed and held up his leg for a few minutes. He seemed better after a couple days of rest, but I recently noticed his gait is still a bit odd on that side, and he whines when I massage or pet that leg.

So, anyway, if it is a muscle or tendon issue as I'm hoping, she recommended rest and anti-inflammatories. The rest part is going to be torture for the poor guy. He has only been going out for potty breaks since Friday and he was really upset last night. Since he has x-rays this am, he didn't get any food or water after midnight last night, and I felt so bad for the little guy. He was so confused and sad this morning, he kept going in the kitchen and looking at the sink.

Anyway, sorry for the long back story, but I thought it might help you give advice if you had all the info. I'm looking into using boswellia instead of some of the pharmaceutical drugs they usually prescribe (especially rimadyl, I HATE rimadyl) and I'm wondering if that's appropriate, and what the dosage would be for an almost 40 lb puppy. I also ordered a combo of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM to start giving him, which considering our environment is mostly concrete, I figured it would be good either way. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance for any advice.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Boswellia Question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boswellia Question   Boswellia Question EmptyTue Aug 27, 2013 2:19 pm

So, his x rays look good and its only a muscle issue that won't heal because he's too active. SO, its rest and anti-inflammatories. Any advice on the boswellia?
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Boswellia Question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boswellia Question   Boswellia Question EmptyTue Aug 27, 2013 3:47 pm

Megan's the one that recommended boswellia. Since my boy has early onset arthritis I took her advice and give my 50 lb adult a dose of 400 mg of boswellia which is just slightly higher than the dose she uses for her similar size adult I believe.

I use MSM as a natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory which has been quite beneficial also. I also give hyaluronic acid as a natural pain reliever, I give it in a low dose though, only 20 mg. I use MSM (1000 mg) daily and alternate between giving boswellia and hyaluronic acid. My boy is doing great and acts like a puppy without the need for pain meds for his arthritis. If you were to meet him you'd never believe he has arthritis!

Boswellia Question Summer10
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Boswellia Question Empty
PostSubject: Re: Boswellia Question   Boswellia Question EmptyWed Aug 28, 2013 12:42 am

I use boswellia in place of conventional pain meds. Here is the full description of what I use:

MSM - I use the powder, 1/8 tsp a day, its very potent. Roughly 1200mg

Bone Meal - KAL, Inc Brand - 1/4 teaspoon a day

Glucosamine HCL - 1000 mg/day (giving more is completely safe)

Shark Cartilage - 1500 mg

Boswellia - a tablet of nature's way brand a day for maintenance and up to 3x a day for pain. Boswellia is a natural anti inflammatory and pain reliever, much easier on the body then conventional meds. They have a powder as well, made by NaturVet for horses.

Vitamin E - 400 I.U. Every Other Day

Salmon Oil - 1000mg Daily
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

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PostSubject: Re: Boswellia Question   Boswellia Question EmptyWed Aug 28, 2013 8:56 am

Thank you!
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