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 Starch free dog food- whats next!

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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Starch free dog food- whats next!   Starch free dog food- whats next! EmptyFri Oct 01, 2010 5:02 pm

so i was looking up some dog food and this was the first link that popped up under my grain free dog food search and it claimed grain free is a hoax and starch free is the way to go. im really not sure what to think about it. it has over 60% protein in it, seems over kill! but does not list the cal per cup. the price is in line with TOTW. just thought i would throw this out there and see what you all thought if you look over the site.

Starch free dog food- whats next! Iaht10
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

Starch free dog food- whats next! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starch free dog food- whats next!   Starch free dog food- whats next! EmptyFri Oct 01, 2010 5:10 pm

I haven't read up on any of this yet, but starch-free sounds to me like they're assuming dogs to be primarily carnivores which from my understanding and research is just not true. A diet without starch means no potatoes on top of no grains and that just seems wrong to me. If you look at the ingredient list, it's a bunch of vegetable protein, but not the vegetable. So how do they propose that works? Dogs can't magically ingest the protein without ingesting the vegetable in the wild, so it seems to me like they're taking liberties that just don't make sense and are playing on the popular trends and hype.

I'd need to do more research, but at first glance, I wouldn't feed it.

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Starch free dog food- whats next! Hailey10
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Starch free dog food- whats next!   Starch free dog food- whats next! EmptyFri Oct 01, 2010 5:34 pm

thats kind of what i thought as well. does not make much sense to me

Starch free dog food- whats next! Iaht10
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Comedic Relief

Male Join date : 2009-07-15

Starch free dog food- whats next! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starch free dog food- whats next!   Starch free dog food- whats next! EmptyFri Oct 01, 2010 9:58 pm


Last edited by Here4thePics on Sun Feb 13, 2011 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Gentleman

Male Join date : 2009-06-16

Starch free dog food- whats next! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Starch free dog food- whats next!   Starch free dog food- whats next! EmptyFri Oct 01, 2010 10:03 pm

My beer *hic* is full of alcoholinum... *hic*
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PostSubject: Re: Starch free dog food- whats next!   Starch free dog food- whats next! Empty

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Starch free dog food- whats next!

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