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 Got my puppy

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Join date : 2015-02-23

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 4:55 pm

I posted here a few days ago and I'd like to say thanks to MGoBlue and amymeme for their replies, you had some good advice for me.

Well we got our puppy and she is lovely. She has a really great temperament and she likes my daughters a lot. She especially likes my 3 year old, my 1 year old is kind of in her own world. She already knows how to sit which is great and I've been feeding her in her crate since day one to get her used to it. I started out hand feeding just to make sure she didn't have any food aggression or didn't develop any and I made her sit for each handful(is that excessive?) I just want to establish a good relationship with her food and people and want her to know she doesn't have to guard her food out of fear or anything. I started feeding her just in her crate today, making her sit before I put the bowl in for her and closing her in for some privacy.

She seems really great so far, it's only been 3 days but I'm pretty happy with her overall attitude. She listens fairly well, like when she's chewing on something she's not supposed to, only 1 or 2 firm no's and a redirection to a chew toy does the trick, I'll just have to be very consistent for a while I'm sure. She seems like a petty normal puppy though, plays for a half hour, sleeps a few, plays hard, sleeps a while and so on. She doesn't mind anyone playing with her and her toys and that's a good thing.

I'm just curious though and it may be because I am use to my little lap dogs, are huskies more independent and like their space? She seems like she likes to lay in her own spot by herself and that's fine I'm just not used to that. She will lay with you if you put her up on the couch and cuddle but only for a bit then she likes to go lay by herself. Just want to know if that's normal.

I'd also like any advice on her and my other dogs. Now they are still kind of stand offish towards her and that's fine I know it takes time with a new pet. I am just worried that when they do interact they get kind of nippy towards her and I don't know if I should let it happen and let them get used to each other or if I should correct them because I don't want her to think that's good behavior. So far I have let them be natural but I've tried to keep them from getting to aggressive because I don't want the puppy to think that's ok behavior. Any advice as far as the dog interaction goes would be great. Will the dog interaction carry over to people interaction or will it remain a separate type of behavior?

Well here she is, we are still in a debate on what to name her, my husband wants some name that I just don't like and he's not wavering much. Today is the name day though and I've got a few to throw at him, I really don't want her name to be Sif after the dark souls wolf.

Got my puppy 3E15pwM
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 5:05 pm

Well she is quite cute, and I do wish you luck. I do not have a multi dog house household so I will not reply to any of those questions. The independent nature of huskies, is evident even as puppies. They like doing things on their terms. As she ages she will probably be less standoffish. My girl is more like a lap dog, but I think it's because I have always done everything with her. Some people say that they like to be near you and not on top of you, so it is a personality thing. As she grows you will figure out what type she is.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 5:30 pm

Okay as far as the nature: Yes some huskys are into do it on my terms. Huskys are a very "individual dog dependent" breed. ie it depends on the dog I also believe that they change alot as they mature and develop.
As far as the others dogs to a degree let nature take its course. They will learn their own heirachry as time goes by. I for one am a person that says try not to interfere but use your best judgement. I would think that nips as you described them are a okay. Remember they are teaching or training her also. Obviously you do not want your dog injured either so use your judgement here. As far as interaction with all together, I try to give first to the eldest dog or the dog first in the house. You may change your dynamic if they change the dynamic but in this beginning I suggest giving treats to the original dogs first then the new dog. Remember you want to baby her but you do not want the others jealous. Make sure you spend the same time on the new as the old. Fine line and balance I know. I have found that to this day I have special things for each dog. Baylin gets to go to the mail box and little car rides with dad. Bourbon does mush and biking with mom. So they each have their own time and they actually have time that they have to enjoy together...walks and family cuddles (puppy piles). Hope this helps. Congratulations she is gorgeous!

Got my puppy 20170810
Got my puppy LcFfm5Got my puppy KIX4m5
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 6:02 pm

That is just about the handsome-ist puppy I've ever seen! Great photo.
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 6:49 pm

What a beautiful dog!

Yup, that's husky behavior.
They aren't velcro dogs.
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 6:52 pm

the expression on her face SCREAMS for a loud fun name! im just not good a naming things...
congrats on your new girl, more pics please!

our girl is independent and will come when she wants snuggles

our boy will let us pick him up and sit him on our lap with no complaints, and he snuggles more with us, they are all different.

as for your other dogs, let them interact, but make sure they are not to rough, but they will read you and if you start acting worried they will pick up on it.
take them out on little short walks together but then also talk her out alone and your others out by themselves. it will take time but they should all settle and hell she will be big enough in a month to stand her ground!

Got my puppy Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 7:12 pm

Remember when you name your puppy, dogs become their names.
So "Hellhound' becomes dog from hell; "Bonkers" becomes crazy dog etc.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyMon Mar 02, 2015 8:59 pm

Congratulations. she is VERY cute Smile
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 1:37 am

Congrats on the new puppy, I hope she brings you guys many years of fun and joy. Very Happy
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Join date : 2015-02-23

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 2:18 pm

Thank you all so much, she is definitely a handful and I can't wait to start puppy preschool next week cause she does NOT like to come when I call her(I'm getting there though, I'm making her sit for food and every time she goes outside.) I'm so surprised at how quick she is learning potty training, it was hell with my small dogs but she is already letting me know when she needs to go out and she slept in her crate 2 nights now with no accidents.

The craziest thing is how quiet she is. I am so use to my little dogs yapping at everything that moves outside like a block away and this is a pleasant surprise so far. I had read that they didn't bark much but she is just a joy in the no barking department.

She is starting to learn her boundaries now with the other dogs, she is submissive especially to one of them and starting to be with my oldest chihuahua(he's 10 but he sticks up for himself, he has a lot of experience with my sister and brothers big dogs.) My pom is still really stand offish but she's coming around.

The only worry I have right now is with my 1 year old. She has been a little mouthy with her, it's puppy mouthing of course, nothing vicious. I just don't want to reprimand her every time she interacts with my girl cause I don't want her to see the baby as a negative presence. I'm trying to just figure out how to make their interactions positive without my daughter getting hurt. She has growled at her once, when my baby layed on her while she was resting and I understand that she has to be able to express displeasure of an action, it's just hard cause my baby doesn't understand things yet like my 3 year old does. It's definitely going to take a lot of work on my part but I have to insure my kids safety above all else so I'm gonna be very helicopter mom until the puppy understands both kids are above her in the pecking order.

I think puppy preschool will be a really positive training course for her and teach her and me a lot and thanks again for advice and all of the above.
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Join date : 2012-06-13
Location : Denver, CO

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PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 2:23 pm

I love the no barking. My parents have Brittany Spaniels that bark at EVERYTHING. They stayed with us a couple weeks ago for a few days and were like "He really doesn't bark at stuff, does he? It's a nice change..." lol
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 7:29 pm

Aside from their wonderfully impudent personalities, the np barking is my favorite thing about Siberian!

I think with your 1 yr old, it should be a constant "uh uh" and removal any time he gets mouthy... and ditto for the baby when she infringes on puppy. You have your hands full lol!
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Got my puppy Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got my puppy   Got my puppy EmptyTue Mar 03, 2015 7:36 pm

Just think of it as if you had two puppies there, one human and one canine!  And puppies are always a lot of enjoyment, yes??

My Sasha will rarely bark, she growls if she's unhappy but very seldom barks; she'll nip Avalanche when he's getting rowdy but she's gotten to be a soft (not so) old girl.  Avalanche, on the other hand, will bark when something unusual is happening; it's a happy, "let me at 'em" bark when there are rabbits around and a definite "this *is* unusual" at strangers, etc ... when he really barks, he really makes me set up and take notice.  (( My only complaint with him is that he's a whiner, if he isn't getting what he wants, he whines!  Worse than a two year old!!! ))

Shoot, I thought I'd said "congratulations" earlier; you look like you've got a handsome pup there and there is definitely a bit of an attitude in those eyes.  Take plenty of pictures, you won't believe how that mask will change over the next couple of years!!

What I thought I had responded to was a wise:
Quote :
my 1 year old is kind of in her own world. She already knows how to sit which is great and I've been feeding her in her crate.
It's nice that your daughter has her own crate, that'll help keep the fuss to a minimum (( ducking, rapidly!! ))

Got my puppy S-event    Got my puppy S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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