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 Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!

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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! Empty
PostSubject: Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!   Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! EmptySat Aug 15, 2015 2:48 pm

My most wonderful hubby stopped by the butcher's today on the way to the airport...just an afterthought. They were closed so he went to the house...wonderful, wonderful - she had 5 bags we could buy!!!

Now, a question. These bones are really scrap from trimming up boneless beef. I did not think they provided much in the way of nutrition or calories...but, since we've had no bones, Ami has been acting positively STARVING! Prancing around, scarfing down his food, looking for more, even coming back later and licking out his empty bowl (I feed dry kibble!) So are the bones giving him more nutrition then I'm thinking? Or is it the fat clinging to it giving him empty calories? Maybe I should cut back on the bones and give him more kibble? There are minor remnants of meat and slightly more bits connective tissue still attached. His coat looks good, his eyes are bright, he is vigorous (when it's cool enough Rolling Eyes ...yup, vigorous - wanted to play at 4 AM this morning, woo-wooing and playbowing at the end of the bed at 4 AM Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! 1625187496 )

Or am I overthinking this?
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!   Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! EmptySat Aug 15, 2015 4:38 pm

Amy, I do believe that bones make a good treat, probably better than the man made ones, for dogs. Not only do they clean their teeth, but they have benefits to their eyes and coat, as well as bone and joint health. Imho, it provides what supplements that many people buy, and still rely on humans to make, my science knowledge is not great, but I believe that marrow and connective tissue is what provides the supplements Glucosimine and Chrontadine(sorry my spelling is terrible today), which is joint and bone supplements. So yes I would be as excited as you on finding bones....Glad to hear. Personally I do not see them as empty calories, but that is just me, maybe others think differently. In any event seeing our dogs happy with their favorite treat makes up for any "empty" calories they may be providing.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!   Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! EmptySat Aug 15, 2015 5:11 pm

Renee - I just can't believe how HUNGRY the big boy has been without the bones. I think I've had to just about double his kibble intake. And that is in addition to all the treats he gets at dinner from Wayne (usually, at least a cheese stick or 1/3 C rice with a bit of parmesan and butter or, if we're having mashed potates, 1/3 C of that (all in itty bitty demitasse spoons to make it last as long as possible Laughing )

And he is not fat - if anything, I'm wondering if he needs a bit more - his backbone, now that he's blown his coat is very prominent to the touch as are his hips. I can easily feel, (though not see) his ribs but I can also feel a bit of flesh over them.
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Female Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : New Zealand

Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!   Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! EmptySat Aug 15, 2015 9:55 pm

Hi Amy Smile
I was really interested to read this because I had the same thing with Orion a long time ago. I observed him for a while and even when I swapped him to raw he always ate/wanted to eat more in the absence of a bone.
I kind of came up with my own theory on this one... The gnawing on bones = satisfied hunger thing I think comes down to their natural feeding instinct, just like their natural instinct is to migrate (walkies), eat then rest. When they eat naturally, the bones are the last part of a meal - chewing on them produces a natural feeling of satisfaction and invokes the feeling of a meal having been completed. I know it sounds a bit odd but there are many actions or repetitive voluntary habits in people that invoke a calming chemical release in the human brain, I figure that this is just an inherent one in dogs.
Whatever the reason, if your boy is happy eating bones and you can get them for him then he's a lucky boy Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!   Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! EmptyMon Aug 17, 2015 9:28 am

I wonder how much it is not that Ami is starving but bored for not having the bones. My boy when it is cool enough will stay out side after dinner and does not think of a treat just runs and trots and snoozes out there. But if he is inside due to heat he is right in front of the bone cabinet like he is starving. Seems to not give the treat a second thought on a cool day. So it is just me wondering if he is starving not because he is nutritionally lacking these bones but that he got used to them and wants them and might be a bit bored. Or like Olivia said the satisfactions is not there.

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Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! LcFfm5Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! KIX4m5
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bones! Bones! We Got Bones!!!   Bones!  Bones!  We Got Bones!!! EmptyMon Aug 17, 2015 10:28 am

Maybe it's like quitting smoking... Ami has an oral fixation and needs a good chew. Smile
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