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 12 week old Diarrhea

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Chris Eddlemon
Chris Eddlemon

Join date : 2015-11-22

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptySun Nov 22, 2015 7:03 am

I recently got a new husky. He is 12 weeks old. Ive had him for 2 weeks now. Currently eating Wellness Core Original Formula. He had some problems with diarrhea last week so i took him to the vet. They gave me amoxycillin for him to cure a minor bacteria they found. They also had me give him a white rice and boiled chicken diet (Bland food). This solidified his poop. He has been back on the wellness dry food for a couple days. He now is getting very liquidy poops. I came home to find that he had pooped all over in his kennel. I am curious to if this has to do with the food he is getting or other measures. Any insight will help me greatly.

Random info:
He has been receving 1 cup, 3 times per day for food.
Was given 1 blue wilderness turkey recipe treat.
He is currently 16.8lbs at 12 weeks.

I am not sure what other info you may need, but i appreciate any help and insight
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Female Join date : 2015-11-04

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptySun Nov 22, 2015 10:44 am

Maybe 3 cups is too much for him? Mine is 12 weeks old and I feed him 1 1/2 cups-1 2/3 cups a day. It all depends on the food too. I find pumpkin is much better than rice, IMO. Mine also had diarrhea last week and I tried both rice and pumpkin and only pumpkin worked. The breeder says that's all he gives his dogs whenever they get liquid poop. Try mixing some pumpkin with his food for a few days and see how it goes.
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Chris Eddlemon
Chris Eddlemon

Join date : 2015-11-22

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptySun Nov 22, 2015 5:18 pm

I was giving him 1 1/2- 1 2/3 as well but the vet was telling me that was low. Im using Wellness Core Original Formula (Not puppy line). The bag recommends 1 1/4 but since hes a pup i added the little extra. Im definitely guessing the increase in food is what caused the loose stool.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptySun Nov 22, 2015 6:29 pm

If you use pumpkin, make sure it's pure pumpkin and not the canned pumpkin used for pumpkin pie filling. If I hadn't read it clarified in another thread, I'm one that would have probly thought it was ok to use the pumpkin for pumpkin pie filling as I've never really noticed the canned pure pumpkin before so I thought I'd throw it in here, just in case.
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Female Join date : 2015-11-04

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptyMon Nov 23, 2015 10:21 am

The only pumpkin I have ever given is pure pumpkin. We buy the pumpkin, peel it, chop it, and freeze it whenever needed. I boil it after then puree it. I don't buy canned pumpkin although I heard it's perfectly fine. Most people buy canned because it's easier.
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Join date : 2015-08-14
Location : Denver

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptyMon Nov 23, 2015 6:41 pm

Is this the same brand of food he was being fed before you got him? If not, maybe he is still getting used to the new food. I would agree with everyone above, sounds like too much food.

Personally, I had the same exact problem when I got my husky at 8 weeks. I ended up having to try 5 different brands of food before I found one that agreed with her stomach and what a surprise, it happens to be one of the more expensive brands, Orijens. A higher quality dog food also means you do not need to feed as much quantity.
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Join date : 2015-11-22

12 week old Diarrhea Empty
PostSubject: Re: 12 week old Diarrhea   12 week old Diarrhea EmptyWed Nov 25, 2015 6:54 pm

I was having the same problem with Blue Buffalo Puppy, switched to Acana Puppy and the difference thus far has been nothing short of amazing.
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12 week old Diarrhea

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