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 Tasty door frame and cabinet corners

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Carolyn Barr
Carolyn Barr

Join date : 2016-01-31
Location : Independence, LA

Tasty door frame and cabinet corners Empty
PostSubject: Tasty door frame and cabinet corners   Tasty door frame and cabinet corners EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 1:59 pm

Hi. I am just joining this morning. My husky is just 5 months old. His name is CHUKCHI KRASIVYY MUZHCHINA, but I call him Chuck for short. Chuck follows me everywhere with adoring eyes. I love it.

I found this site because I was looking for some advice on how to stop Chuck from chewing on the door frame or cabinet corners.

Chuck sleeps in a kennel in my room at night but when I am gone for extended periods of time, I leave him in the utility room. First, I'd like you to know that he doesn't have separation anxiety. He is fine when I leave him and when I come home, he is sleeping under a bench I have in there and just looks up at me like he's bored. He has done this since I've had him and can stay hours without having a potty accident. (I am so proud! Very Happy )

He has LOTS of chew toys to occupy him, but the other day, I noticed that the bottom of my cabinet had scratches in it. (By the way, I just built this house and moved in at the end of November so I am not too happy.) The next day, I had to see about my elderly uncle so when I left, Chuck went into the laundry room, as usual. When I got home, I noticed that the door frame had been chewed. I put tabasco sauce on it to see if that might stop him. He licked it off as soon as he went back into the room. But didn't chew on it for a couple of day. Then he started again. I tried vinegar. He licked it off. I tried lemon juice. He licked it off. I am beginning to think that I am treating him instead of dissuading him. Any OTHER suggestions?

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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Tasty door frame and cabinet corners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasty door frame and cabinet corners   Tasty door frame and cabinet corners EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 2:09 pm

Since weekends are typically really slow here, I'll toss out two for you - though I've been lucky in that I work with rescues and mine pick up on 'No!' (don't chew on that!) real quick.

The first is the constant reminder that the safest place for a pup - or any dog who isn't completely trustworthy - is a crate.  No, it's not cruel, they soon pick up on the fact that the crate is their place and will go there to nap and in general tell you that they're taking a break.
The second is something that I haven't had to try but receives raves reviews here is a 'Bitter Apple' spray.  Something like this from Petco, for example.

Tasty door frame and cabinet corners S-event    Tasty door frame and cabinet corners S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Carolyn Barr
Carolyn Barr

Join date : 2016-01-31
Location : Independence, LA

Tasty door frame and cabinet corners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasty door frame and cabinet corners   Tasty door frame and cabinet corners EmptySun Jan 31, 2016 11:53 pm

Thanks for the response. First, I have never caught him in the act so NO won't work. Second, this is truly the only thing that he has done since I've had him that I would consider as "not trust-worthy". He hasn't jumped on furniture, he hasn't tried to take things off of the countertops. He hasn't tried to chew on electrical cords. Nothing. I hate to put him in his kennel during the day if there is any way to stop him from doing the one bad thing he does. The only thing that bothers me about putting him in the kennel is that, since I have never caught him in the act, he won't know why he's there. I will try the sour apple first. If that doesn't work, I will try the kennel.

Thanks again.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Tasty door frame and cabinet corners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tasty door frame and cabinet corners   Tasty door frame and cabinet corners EmptyMon Feb 01, 2016 1:15 am

Since it's a really slow evening I'm going to pick nits, just for something to write ... my comment was "completely trustworthy" If he's bored enough, he's going to find something to relieve the boredom and chewing on things is a dogs way of relieving boredom (and stress and anxiety).  If he's chewing on anything y that he shouldn't be, then he's not completely trustworthy.

This is going to sound sarcastic but that's not how it's intended.  What do you think he spends most of his time doing while you're not at home?  I'd lay last weeks paycheck (er, I'm retired so that's a safe bet) that he spend 90% of it or more sleeping, waiting for his human to get home.  If he were in his kennel (crate, whatever) I'd bet that he's going to be sleeping 90% of the time.  

If you've introduced him to it right, then the kennel is his place.  You said that he wouldn't know why he's being put in there ... which suggests to me that even in your mind the crate is a place of punishment --- it's not, any more than your bedroom is a place of punishment when you go to bed at night. (( and please, everyone, no comments on that ))  It's simply his safe place.

BTW, people have said that the sour apple works wonders, so good luck!

Tasty door frame and cabinet corners S-event    Tasty door frame and cabinet corners S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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