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 Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!

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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 3:31 pm

I am excited to announce that Artemis will be a big sister!! The woman that we got Artemis from is having another litter, due any day. She has been very lonely since we had to give out Boxer away, and I think this will be great for her. (We gave her to my husband's friend, who is a single man. She was getting aggressive with Artemis and the girls...especially Artemis.) He is a veteran that my husband deployed with, who has experience with Boxers and is excited to have company for hiking and things that he likes to do.) They will actually be half-siblings, because they have the same father. I wanted a red one, but the last litter I came across were killed by an animal that got into the kennel. I hope that everything goes well and we get to meet the little guy (or girl) soon!

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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 3:51 pm

Congrats Stefanie, can't wait to see baby pics!!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 4:22 pm

I want a puppy but there are none in my future. Can't wait to live vicariously through you and to see pictures.

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2016-03-30
Location : New Jersey

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 4:49 pm

Congrats!! So exciting. Cant wait to see pictures!
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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 8:30 pm

Thank you!! I am so excited! I keep frantically checking my messages to see if she had them yet. She sent me a picture of her earlier, and she has gotten really big over the past week.
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Male Join date : 2016-02-08
Location : Windsor Ontario Canada

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 9:22 pm

When our breeder told us they are expecting another litter my fiance had to talk herself down from getting another puppy. We just got Loki and we are getting married in august, so its better if we wait. We kinda already decided to get another one even before we got Loki but figuring out the timing is tricky. I figure maybe this time next year if everything is going well we will get him a sister. Congratulations on your new fur baby!
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 9:32 pm

Congratulations! So exciting! Looking forward to seeing pics of them together Smile
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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyThu Apr 21, 2016 10:32 pm

I really didn't have plans to get another one this soon, but she has been lonely without her buddy. We were originally going to get two at the same time, but it didn't work out that way. I have always wanted a red one, and I am looking forward to finally being able to have one. I can't wait to see the puppies and meet my new little one! I am wanting a boy, so *fingers crossed*
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Female Join date : 2015-08-01
Location : Toronto

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 12:50 am

YAY HOW exciting!!! I'm also hopping to get a second dog with in the next year or so! I can't wait to see the pictures!!!
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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 8:16 am

It's going to be fun/frustrating. I really hate the house training part. Lol
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Female Join date : 2016-03-30
Location : New Jersey

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 8:22 am

Haha puppies are certainly an adventure. Makes you realize how well behaved the older one actually is.
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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 9:40 am

Artemis is really very good. She barely makes any noises. I have resigned myself to the fact that the new one will be extremely vocal. I'm just praying that it isn't at 4am.
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Female Join date : 2016-03-30
Location : New Jersey

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 10:02 am

Haha we have the same situation. Kai barely makes noise (except in the morning when shes hungry). Mako is the MOST VOCAL husky i've ever met. I guess we should have known. When we picked him up from the breeder we left the room for 2 minutes to go over the contract and he cried and howled the entire time. He talks to me all day long and has the cutest howl ever.
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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 10:19 am

How cute! Artemis only pipes up if she really has to pee or if she is starving, and it's usually just a whine or a yip. I've only heard her howl once.
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Male Join date : 2014-12-10
Location : Detroit, Michigan

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 12:26 pm

Aw Artemis is going to be so happy!
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Stefanie Miles
Stefanie Miles

Female Join date : 2015-10-06
Location : Chattanooga, Tennessee

Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! EmptyFri Apr 22, 2016 5:11 pm

I hope she is! I've decided this is the last one I will ever buy. I've found two local rescue groups that I will start adopting from. I didn't know about them until I had already put the deposit down, but I would prefer to adopt from now on.

UPDATE: Pele has refused two meals and will not leave the living room....hoping to see some puppy pictures soon! *crosses fingers*
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Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Artemis is getting a new brother/sister!   Artemis is getting a new brother/sister! Empty

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