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 Maya's Home

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Join date : 2015-10-31

Maya's Home Empty
PostSubject: Maya's Home   Maya's Home EmptySun May 29, 2016 8:22 pm

Hey guys,

Recently just brought home our 4 month old Maya, been in the house for a couple days now she had to get acclimated to our older Malamute Jerrico (who is not having a good week, he tore is ACL late last night and is going to be a process to get him healthy again) I have a small concern, Maya seems to well behaved I know I may be knocking on wood here but I am actually concerned, she has had 1 accident in the house and only because she was left unattended so that's not her fault, but she crate sleeps through the night, whines for maybe 5 minutes if I am still up then settles down. She loves her crate, only eats in it and goes in there constantly through the day just to relax or nap when she wants.

Just wanted to see what your thoughts where, I have never seen a 4 month old dog so mellow and well behaved as her I cannot imagine if this is common or what to expect going forward.

Now to just get our big guy back on track, Vet on Tuesday hoping they can do his surgery this week. Than 4-6 weeks of recovery.
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Maya's Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maya's Home   Maya's Home EmptySun May 29, 2016 9:15 pm

Hey Ryan ... well, what can I say, she must be defective - you need to return her and get a *real* Husky Smile

Now, seriously, dogs are a lot like people. As a group, people who live near a beach all swim; people who live in the mountains all camp -- but there are exceptions. For a Husky, it sounds like you go a well trained exception. Maybe the extra time you left her with the breeder plays into that.

I have two dogs here both of whom are pretty laid back; one - an Alaskan Husky - has never met anyone who wasn't a friend; the other - a Sibe - like to go walking, but is just as happy to be laying somewhere in the house. Neither meet the "destructive Husky" challenge ...

I'd just keep up her training, so you don't spoil a good thing and thank the gods that she's as good as she is.

Maya's Home S-event    Maya's Home S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Maya's Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maya's Home   Maya's Home EmptySun May 29, 2016 9:54 pm

Huskies generally are well behaved and mellow, even when just puppies. Most people run into problems when leaving them alone and crating in most cases, solves it, or when not kept exercised both physically and mind. So I wouldn't be worried or concerned about Maya. She sounds pretty normal to me, like Al mentioned, just keep up on her training, keep her exercised, both physically and mind, and enjoy her Smile

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Jerrico.
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Male Join date : 2014-02-18
Location : Hoschton. GA

Maya's Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maya's Home   Maya's Home EmptyTue May 31, 2016 1:06 pm

Gabby was really well behaved up until about 7-8 months (teenage time for dogs), then all the training went out the window for a couple months. Peeing on carpets, not listening to commands, etc. She is now a very well behaved dog at 2.5 years old (most of the time).

To add to it, she is also in a new environment that she has not gotten used to yet. I am sure she will start to push limits when she finally learns what those limits are. Just be careful to not loosen up on the training because you think she has a handle on it.
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Male Join date : 2014-09-20
Location : Houston, TX

Maya's Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maya's Home   Maya's Home EmptyThu Jun 02, 2016 1:43 pm

My boy Mylo was pretty mellow as a young pup. Then again we would go visit him every weekend for hours before we finally took him home. He stayed pretty mellow now at almost 2 years old, he is not a destructive dog at all. The only times he is close to destructive is when he is angsty or being ignored..if theres some paper or napkins in his reach he will absolutely start shredding up those things lol Anyways, its great that Maya is in good terms with the crate! With all this mellowness, training shouldn't be too much of a struggle and I would think she is good on a leash too.

Sending good vibes to your boy Jerrico.
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Maya's Home Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maya's Home   Maya's Home EmptyFri Jun 03, 2016 3:37 pm

hope Jerrico feels better, sends good energy your way.
my boy was very mellow, not much for destroying things, a few accidents but he was very easy to train. his personality didn't really change much as he got older. only a bit during the teenage stage with some tantrums, but he grow out of it and training and metal work outs helped best and then he was back to his mellow self.
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