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 Diarrhea all night!

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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Virginia

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyWed May 11, 2011 11:30 pm

cmanding wrote:
Yay Sabaka!
I think it was the treat he had, and he's back to himself.

NO MORE STRANGE TREATS!! Lesson learned the hard way...
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyThu May 12, 2011 2:14 pm

SabakaMom wrote:
Awwww, Melissa, we had the poop in the crate too! I guess ground into the carpet would have been worse. Hope Kody bounces back quickly!

We celebrated a very normal poo about 6:30pm!! He's having a massive wrestling match with Bob right now so it's evident that he has caught up on all of his lost sleep and is feeling better!

I'm so glad that he's better! It probably was the treats that they gave him then.

Kody had a normal BM this morning too! YAY! I'm hoping they're still ok when I get home!
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Female Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Shorewood, Illinois

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptySat May 14, 2011 12:27 am

All these tips are very helpful ladies. Thank you!!!.. Ive actually took a few and applying it to his diet. I first started off with the pumpkin stuff and it actually worked. We are going to continue monitoring his stool to see if there are or is going to be any changes.

We feed him at least 3 times a day. Once in the morning.. roughly around 8am lunch is about 3 or 4 and dinner will be around 8. WOUld this be an okay time frame to feed him?
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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Virginia

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptySat May 14, 2011 1:31 am

I still feed on that same schedule for my 6 month old. I may soon cut out the 3 to 4:00 feeding and push dinner up to 6 or 7:00. He seems to be doing that on his own anyway.

I'm glad Kato is doing better!
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptySat May 14, 2011 10:53 am

KatoTA wrote:
All these tips are very helpful ladies. Thank you!!!.. Ive actually took a few and applying it to his diet. I first started off with the pumpkin stuff and it actually worked. We are going to continue monitoring his stool to see if there are or is going to be any changes.

We feed him at least 3 times a day. Once in the morning.. roughly around 8am lunch is about 3 or 4 and dinner will be around 8. WOUld this be an okay time frame to feed him?

Just don't use pumpkin as a fix as it could only mask any real issues he may have. If you slowly decrease the pumpkin, are his BMs still normal? If not, you'll want to try a bland diet with just eggs to start so you can, by process of elimination, find out what is really causing his to go soft. It could be a food intolerance, or IBS, or something, but you won't know if you just use pumpkin as a remedy.

I feed my 2 (6 yrs and 4 yrs old) 3x a day:
7-7:30 am Breakfast
12-12:30 pm Lunch
5-6 pm dinner

I think it's a personal preference as to how often and when you feed. Most of us feed 2x a day in the morning and at night. Since I work from home, I'm able to feed 3x a day.

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Female Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Shorewood, Illinois

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 12:40 pm

The pumpkin worked. But once i stopped putting the pumpkin in his food... his BM is still very very soft but not as soft as to the point of "watery". My next step is to add rice to his food. He is still a very active dog... but he also likes to sleep alot as well. I hope that is normal.

I also have another question to ask you ladies. What do you think of a pinch collar? Is that a good tool for obedience training? Kato just started obedience class and we were unaware of the pinch collar that they used.
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Female Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Shorewood, Illinois

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 12:41 pm

OoO n YES!! I forgot to add... ****HAPPPY MONDAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!**************.. hOPE YOU GUYS ARE having a fabulous start!!!...
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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Virginia

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 1:31 pm

I have spent perhaps HUNDREDS of hours reading training collar / harness reviews online! I think I remember that Kato is just a few months old. My fear when walking a very young puppy is that if he is allowed to just pull that crazy husky pull we will be reinforcing a bad behavior. We should never let them do that. So this involves HOURS of redirecting the pup when he pulls to teach him to keep a loose lead. The other downfall of using any training collar or harness is that we as the owner become lax and begin to think that since the dog is behaving we have solved the problem. None of the devices are designed to be a permanent solution.

I have said all of that to say that I have researched the pinch (or prong) collar, the Gentle Leader halter and the Easy Walk harness as options for training my dog to walk on a loose lead. I think it would be wise for you to read reviews on all of these online (perhaps at for a starting place). Back 20 years ago when dog training was done a little less gently than it is now, we were instructed how to use the pinch collar on our first husky. We found (IF USED CORRECTLY) it is a very effective tool. I think it looks absolutely like a Medieval torchure device, but I thoroughly believe that between the Gentle Leader and the pinch collar, the pinch collar is indeed the MOST humane. After a few proper corrections the dog will walk with the leash in a loose position and really not know the collar is there. I have a fear of whip lash when using the Gentle Leader or that the Gentle Leader is rubbing the dog's face and making him very uncomfortable. I think most people cannot get past the look of the pinch collar. If you do take time to read the reviews online, notice how many people write things like, "I've never used one myself and I never will..."

The age of your pup concerns me. I would not use any of these devices on a dog under 5-6 months old. First of all the halters or harnesses are not going to fit well for more than a few months and then you will be having to buy another size. The pinch collar just should not be introduced to a young pup at all.

I have not tried a Martingale collar but many have had good success with those. They are really just a choke collar that cannot actually choke! I would not recommend a choke collar at all. I tried one of those on my first husky as well and she vomitted twice and passed out another time. The Martingale will not allow the collar to get but only so tight around the dog's neck.

Kinda took over a diarrhea thread with all this talk of training collars....Ooops.... Laughing
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 1:33 pm

KatoTA wrote:
The pumpkin worked. But once i stopped putting the pumpkin in his food... his BM is still very very soft but not as soft as to the point of "watery". My next step is to add rice to his food. He is still a very active dog... but he also likes to sleep alot as well. I hope that is normal.

I also have another question to ask you ladies. What do you think of a pinch collar? Is that a good tool for obedience training? Kato just started obedience class and we were unaware of the pinch collar that they used.

There are a lot of huskies out there that cannot tolerate rice, so be careful about adding rice to his current kibble, if that's what you're going to do.

If you're still feeding his usual kibble, it could very well be something in it or the manufacturing process of his kibble that is causing him to go soft.

Have you tried just giving him scrambled or hard boiled eggs?

I use a martingale collar on my 2. It's designed to be loose around their neck until they pull, which will cause it to cinch up and snug but not tight.

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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 1:40 pm

KatoTA wrote:
I also have another question to ask you ladies. What do you think of a pinch collar? Is that a good tool for obedience training? Kato just started obedience class and we were unaware of the pinch collar that they used.

You will find differing schools of thought and viewpoints on pinch collars. Some that don't recommend them at all and others who will tell you that they are great when used correctly. Ultimately you will have to make the final decision.

I will say that although I am not a fan of pinch collars and would never use something like that or check chains on my dogs, I am not against their use at all. If you or anyone else prefers to use them that's your choice. Just be sure that you have someone help/show you how to properly fit the collar on your dog and also learn how to position it and use it properly. Using any training device improperly can result in damage both physically and psychologically to your dog. I would advise doing some of your own research before venturing down the road of pinch collars and check chains, even some "trainers" do not know how to fit or use them correctly so it would be wise to learn a bit on your own and find someone with good experience and trustworthy.

As a side note, I would not recommend using a pinch collar or check chain on a puppy ever. Those type training aides are best suited for adult dogs. Using a negative reinforcer like a check chain or pinch collar on an impressionable puppy can sometimes (not always) result in unintended consequences like a leash reactive dog or an insecure dog. During puppyhood you really want to make sure your dog has lots of good, positive experiences to build up their confidence and have a well rounded dog. Too many negative experiences as a puppy on a check chain or pinch collar for example can have a lifelong damaging effect. Just some things to keep in mind as you weigh your options. I would definitely not advise using a pinch collar on a pup, regardless of whether or not you intend to use it when he/she is an adult.

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Female Join date : 2011-02-10
Location : Virginia

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 1:48 pm

Huskyluv wrote:
As a side note, I would not recommend using a pinch collar or check chain on a puppy ever. Those type training aides are best suited for adult dogs. Using a negative reinforcer like a check chain or pinch collar on an impressionable puppy can sometimes (not always) result in unintended consequences like a leash reactive dog or an insecure dog. During puppyhood you really want to make sure your dog has lots of good, positive experiences to build up their confidence and have a well rounded dog. Too many negative experiences as a puppy on a check chain or pinch collar for example can have a lifelong damaging effect. Just some things to keep in mind as you weigh your options. I would definitely not advise using a pinch collar on a pup, regardless of whether or not you intend to use it when he/she is an adult.

I tried to find a great article I recently read online about puppy development and their fear of pain or negative experiences pertaining to leash training. Basically Val is saying the same thing. You really have to watch all of these training tools when using them on young ones. Using a regular collar and lots of treats or a stick of string cheese held beside you can keep him from pulling on the leash.
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Female Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Shorewood, Illinois

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyMon May 16, 2011 4:26 pm

Soorrry everyone... the topic on collars was my fault.. okay.. back to diarrhea. Smile. I am def. reading up on the different types tho!..
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Female Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Shorewood, Illinois

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyTue May 17, 2011 2:38 pm

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... KATO bm is SOLID again (excited even tho the accident was in the house)!!!... No more runnny poooo... I've tried eliminating one of his treat and it worked...soo nooo more... sweet potato treats!!... I am thinking about giving him some raw hides but ive heard horror stories about them and poos.... would it be a no go for rawhides?

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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyTue May 17, 2011 2:55 pm

Good to hear he's back to normal.

Rawhides will be trial and error. There are beef and pork rawhides, from what I understand. You'll need to see how he does. Maybe start off with small rawhides, let him gnaw on it for a few minutes and then gently take it away and reward him with something else. Monitor how he does in the next 24 hours, and if he still have normal BMs, let him have rawhide again, and let him gnaw on it for a little while longer and then take it away, and hopefully he still has regular BMs. If he continues to do OK, then you'll know he's OK with rawhides.

I've heard rawhides give other pets bad gas....

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Female Join date : 2011-05-10
Location : Shorewood, Illinois

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyTue May 17, 2011 2:58 pm

Thank you Claudia!!... I will take your advice.. what would I do without this forum... I would be lost in husky world...
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Diarrhea all night!   Diarrhea all night! - Page 2 EmptyTue May 17, 2011 3:28 pm

Glad you found the culprit! As Claudia said, rawhides are trial and error. Just be careful with them as they are not digestible and if too large a piece is swallowed it could potentially cause a blockage. Many people do not feel comfortable giving rawhides for that very reason.

I give my sibe beef rawhides, he does great on them, no gas or tummy upsets. I've been giving them for 4 yrs under supervision and have never had a problem to date. Pork hides do not agree with my sibe but they may agree with others. You'll never know till you try it.

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