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 Post-neutering bad side effects

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Join date : 2022-11-15

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PostSubject: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyTue Nov 15, 2022 2:25 am


My lovely Jessica was the perfect girl, no cons, only pros (well, she wasn't able to get out by herself or to prepare her own food but that was the only "hassle"). Then I made the mistake of having her ovaries removed (for medical reasons but I'm sure I could have found alternative methods to begin with if I had looked into it). Since that, I have a dog who not only pees inside all the time but barks a lot, is agressive with humans and other dogs (including her brother and her sister), destructive and more fearful than ever. I use Incurin and it actually helps a lot with the peeing but not with her behavior.

To the point... Since I obviously can't put her ovaries back, is there another treatment or some supplements or foods that can help with her lack of oestrogens ? I love her to death, I hate having to reprimand her and our relationship is affected by the huge change. I just want my baby back and happy. Thanks to anybody who would give me some advice since it's a first for her vet.

(ps : I'm French, sorry for the grammar, and I won't necessarily have access to whatever is available in other countries)
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Post-neutering bad side effects Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyTue Nov 15, 2022 1:32 pm

It's a first for me as well. (( BTW if you hadn't said anything I'd have figured you for a native English speaker. ))

A couple of questions: The first is how old was she when she was spayed - it doesn't relate to much, in my book, but I'm curious. The second is more important: How long since she's been spayed.

Most of the females I had spayed spend a couple of days sleeping after surgery then rebound - all too fast. But none have had any change in their personality.

I think my first shot would be to have her examined by your vet - or maybe another vet you trust - to make sure that the spaying went right. The only reason I can picture for the aggression is if she's in pain. I don't think that an estrogen supplement will help ... though I'm apt to be wrong on points like this.

I've had one dog spayed twice when the initial spay 'missed something' (Don't ask, I don't know. All I know is that I had a dog who had been spayed was still having heats ...)

Post-neutering bad side effects S-event    Post-neutering bad side effects S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Join date : 2022-11-15

Post-neutering bad side effects Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyWed Nov 16, 2022 3:20 am

Hey, thanks for answering.

She was born on August 15th 2020, she had no behavioral issues except from her "periods" (see, no perfect English 😛) that were too close and made her whine all the time. That's why I neutered her a year ago.
I've read some studies saying that one time out of ten, the bitch (😁) is very different after that and that it increases aggressive behavior.

I completely trust my vet about the surgery, since the Incurin works for the peeing it's really related to the loss of her ovaries, and I guess that the behavior changes are caused by the lack of hormones (or whatever the ovaries can carry).

I don't think that she's in pain, although I may be wrong, because I've seen her in pain because of a strong gastritis and hip issues when she was younger and this is very different. If she's in pain, it's mostly because the dynamics changed when she started biting everyone (including me, but mommy doesn't get it as hard as the others, apparently). She's always been afraid of the outsides (genetics I guess, her father and her siblings are worse) but now she doesn't want to get outside even if her best friend is waiting for her. It all happened quite suddenly three weeks after the surgery, so...

Feel free to ask me if you have other questions and thanks again 🙃

(edit) For example, when her younger beaten sister arrived (Laura, I know that I need to post a presentation), the sister went for her neck immediately. I locked Laura up, and Jessica was whining at the door, like "it's okay, we can be friends". Now Laura is better, Jessica is the one jumping at her.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyWed Nov 16, 2022 4:26 pm

A cranberry supplement could be useful to add. It will support urinary health in general. I would be inclined to initially think the change in behavior could be tied to the addition of synthetic estrogen. That said female huskies are notorious for having gender on gender aggression regardless of whether fixed or not so if they didn't know each other before the spay there's no being certain they would have jived with each other. Unfixed dogs can be confused by fixed ones that can lead to unsettled reactions. Considering you were dealing with a dog that was having perpetual heats and false pregnancies the decision to spray was a good one. A dog that experiences these things are at high risk for a number of horrible things but they are more complicated to spay and parts are more easily missed. While hormones can fuel a lot of various behaviors they can often be curbed to an extent through training. This all started during what we call the teenage phase which is the natural time in life when huskies become brats and need stepped up training, boundaries, and exercise. Add in a Rollercoaster of hormones and it can be a perfect storm.

Post-neutering bad side effects Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyThu Nov 17, 2022 12:19 am

I would check that the spay was done correctly. Past that i would give it 6 months and then reevaluate the situation.

On the other hand there are lots of posts relating to the squirt spider war in the forums. To be short we made it work but not in a way anyone saw coming.

And you are correct in that this happens in about 1 in every 10 female dogs. With squirt i think it was a factor, but the day we brought her home as a 9 week old fuzzball she attacked our 1 yr old Rottweiler.
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Join date : 2022-11-15

Post-neutering bad side effects Empty
PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyWed Nov 23, 2022 6:35 am

Hi again,

The Incurin only started two or three months ago, before that I spent a lot of time on pee cleaning for six months, so...

I've thought of any variable. Basically, before the surgery, when there was any kind of conflict, she would stay behind me (if a child with stupid parents came at her, trying to hold her leash to hug her, for example) or fight the bare minimum to protect herself. And then try to make peace. If an unknown chihuahua was yapping at her, she stood still until it was over (sighing deeply, which was very cute). Meaning, she never was violent, even less towards me. If she "hurt" me by mistake, she would stop, lie on the floor and I was the one telling her that it was okay. Most of her friends were females. I could leave her alone for one hour without any issue, now she's taking things from the table right under my nose, growls at her previous dog friends, stuff like that. Basically, she was a bit too nice and now I can't tell people that she's safe to touch if she's willing, I'd rather take precautions.

She was puzzled when Laura and Luke arrived but she never made a move. They were puppies, traumatized, and when Luke was peeing on her stuff or whatever (only for the first week), she was more patient than I would have been. Now she's waiting and whining by the door when he's out but she still hurts him badly when he's here.
Also, when her siblings came, I made sure to make the transition as smooth as possible, spending a few hours alone with her, going out or taking a nap, so she would still feel "special". And it worked great.

I hoped for the teenage crisis but the coincidence is a bit too much and her change of personality too big.

I know that I couldn't leave her with her hormonal issues but when they suggested surgery or worse for other problems, I was able to find something less drastic and she completely recovered (yeah, collagen and plants aren't always a fixer but sometimes they're enough). I didn't even try that for her ovaries, that's why I'm feeling guilty.

Long story, sorry. I held her when she was two weeks old in Romania, it was love at first sight and we're very close. I'll try the cranberries (the vet suggested soy too).
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyWed Nov 23, 2022 12:15 pm

I wont go into how many animals squirt has killed in the first year she was spayed but she has never been violent at people. And i get that you love your dog. I love squirt. It just didnt get better and we keep her separate from the other 3.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

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PostSubject: Re: Post-neutering bad side effects   Post-neutering bad side effects EmptyMon Nov 28, 2022 10:39 am

You might could try melatonin. Sometimes if dealing with a bad spay that leaves some hormones in flux it can help smooth out the fluctuations. My female has a bad spay and still cycles off and on and I've had some success with it when she's in cycle to help mellow her out.

Post-neutering bad side effects Huskyf10
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