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 A question for those who have adopted.

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Female Join date : 2012-04-10
Location : Massachusetts

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 4:50 am

How long did it take before your adopted adult husky to start eating regularly?
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 7:17 am

That depends on the individual. With my sibe it was a few days, with my chi girls it was about a week or two.

A question for those who have adopted.  Summer10
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 8:29 am

My boy had some issues the first few days.. after a couple of days he was eating but he only ate once a day for several months ( suspect he only wants to eat in the evening when it is hot) He is beginning to want to eat only once a day again now that is it getting hot again.
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 10:10 am

I didn't have any problems with either of my two, but eating and anxiety are perfectly normal. I'd give the dog a couple of weeks before I'd be concerned.

The important part is consistency. Don't change things up. Stick to the same routine from day 1 until your dog starts eating normally. Most dogs are NOT eating because they are stressed. Once they see that every day, they are fed and offered the same food, they will stop "worrying" and start to feel more comfortable. Don't make any significant changes to diet until your dog is settled.

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

A question for those who have adopted.  Hailey10
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Join date : 2011-09-06
Location : VA

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 11:29 am

Isis ate right away with no issues. Dante had very red and raw gums, so we had to make a kibble soup for him to get him to eat it for the first week, then slowly backed off the amount of chicken stock to kibble.

Now he's eating raw and happily crunching bones with no issues.
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Female Join date : 2012-03-01
Location : Corpus Christi, Texas

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 11:42 am

Rio didn't eat for like a week. She didn't potty either for like 3 days.
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Female Join date : 2012-03-08
Location : Ohio

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 11:52 am

It took about a week and a half for Alice to eat regularly, but she also had worms and was going through all of that. Our coonhound didn't eat for the first few days and had digestive issues for about the first month he was with us (he was kind of an emotional mess).
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Female Join date : 2012-04-01
Location : Jersey City, NJ

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 12:20 pm

Chubby would nibble at his food, one eye on the eye on us for the first few days. After that he would eat with no problem. But as I've found out by reading up on Huskies, they sometimes will miss a day or two. He does this once in awhile, as long as he's drinking & doesn't go past 2 days, I know it's just a Husky trait.

Congratulations on your new addition.....Huskies are the best! Laughing
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Female Join date : 2012-01-19
Location : Riverside, california

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 12:57 pm

it took river about 2-3 weeks and several different foods later tell he found one he liked with raw eggs in it and meat from the butcher
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 1:02 pm

i cant remember.... that makes me think we did not have any issues, we just dealt with soft stool from Jack for like a few months till i found this site and learned about grain free. then no issues after the switch.

A question for those who have adopted.  Iaht10
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Female Join date : 2012-04-10
Location : Massachusetts

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 2:09 pm

Thank you all who replied. She ate her first bowl of kibble yesterday and today had just a few bites before my lab mix ate the rest Laughing

It comforts me to know this is somewhat normal.
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Join date : 2011-12-22
Location : Fort Wayne, IN

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 10:15 pm

Cali- DAYS, she would only eat maybe a cup an entire day for about a week or so, then started to get "normal" for her which is eat one meal and half another.

Mika- you give her food, she eats it. She will finish cali's if i would let her.
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Join date : 2011-09-15
Location : Michigan

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyThu Apr 12, 2012 10:32 pm

My Eurohound took literally 6 months to finally eat normally. I tried everything under the sun to get her to eat, different foods, adding meat, different bowls, feeding at different times of the day, feeding less, withholding food for a day, etc. Sometimes she would eat and sometimes she wouldn't. Finally one day, it's like a switch clicked on--she just started eating her food and has been a pretty good eater ever since.

My husky that I just got a few months ago ate like she would never see food again the first day I brought her home. She wasn't deprived of food, she just enjoys it immensely. Wink

All of the others were normal. Smile
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Male Join date : 2012-05-01
Location : Hollywood, FL

A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  EmptyWed May 02, 2012 12:06 am

It definitely depends on the individual dog. My female (Lola) took quite some time to start eating regularly. Part of it was nerves; part was she was on a crappy food (Science Diet) when I first got her as a foster. My male (Harlen) ate pretty good from day one (although he had been in another foster home for a while)
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A question for those who have adopted.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for those who have adopted.    A question for those who have adopted.  Empty

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A question for those who have adopted.

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