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 Freya's first feed.

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Freya's Mummy
Freya's Mummy

Female Join date : 2012-05-31
Location : Western Australia

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 5:55 am

I just brought Freya home. She's 6 weeks old and was taken away from her mum 2 days ago, nad her litter mates today.
I watched her have her lunch with 2 of her litter mates today nad she didnt growl or try to bite them.
This evening (just shy of 5pm) I fed her some raw lamb. She ate it really quickly and was growling throughout the whole meal.
I stayed with her and petted her back and head. I wanted to let her know I wasnt going to take it away from her, that I was just being nice to her.
When she was licking the bowl clean she relaxed a little - I'm guessing because she knew it was all gone and I couldnt take what wasnt there?
I went to feel how full her little tummy was when she snarled and swung around at me in an attempt to bite/nip/warn me.

After she stepped away from the bown which was perfectly cleanshge returned to her old happy self.

How can I get her to stop growling/attmepting to bite when she is eating. She is fine with treats (I'm using 100% dried liver treats), and I told her to sit before I gave her the meal (I'm not sure if she's fluking it, but she seems to be learning sit after only a few shots at it).

I have 2 small children, and although if I told them not to touch her while she's eating they wouldnt, I dont want to risk her biting them if they forget.
She isnt going to stay little for long, a bite now is minor compared to a bite when she's fully grown.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 8:13 am

Well 6 weeks is young for her to be away from her mother and siblings, that is how she would start to learn acceptable behavior, her mother and siblings would teach her. Around here we can't get puppies until 8 weeks of age. But aside from that make sure you are giving her "nothing in life is free" or NILF training. Start training her to sit, or lie down, or even shake before you feed her. Also feed her by hand. Offering her small bits of food from your hand so that she begins to understand all good things come from you, the alpha. A lot of dogs are food aggressive, my greyhound was and it took diligence on all our parts to correct the behavior, and we did! I am sure you can too. She is very young, so you should be able to correct it. In fact with my greyhound she used to try to "herd" my kids, so we would switch around as to her was hand feeding her so that she realized the kids were not hers to boss around lol. It will take some work but it can be done. And remember she is new to your home, so it may be nothing at all. Just her settling in. Good luck and I'd love to see pictures.
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Freya's Mummy
Freya's Mummy

Female Join date : 2012-05-31
Location : Western Australia

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 12:21 pm

Thanks, I was looking into the NILIF training. It sounds appealing. She is doing good, I'm trying to teach her sit first, and after only a few tries she is progressing well.

Here are some pics.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 1:33 pm

She is adorable, it is always good to have them work a bit for food lol
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Rescue Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-09-09
Location : Deltona, FL

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 1:39 pm

I would start hand feeding her and not using the bowl at first. That way she'll learn it's fine if you hand is around her food. Also work a lot on bite inhibition with her being so young. I got Siku at 6 weeks too (too early) and I worked a lot on bite inhibition and it paid off in the end. She knows the strength of her bite and does not give too much pressure now. She also takes treats like a dream, while Elara my other one will sometimes take off your finger! lol.


Freya's first feed.  Woowoosig
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Freya's Mummy
Freya's Mummy

Female Join date : 2012-05-31
Location : Western Australia

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySat Jun 02, 2012 8:58 pm

I've notices with just the dry food she doesnt have any agression at all, I can pat her head and put my hand on the underside of her tummy. I also give her lots of scratches around the face while she is eating treats.

With taking treats she is a little snatchy, but I dont release the treat until she is taking it nicely, she can try all she likes but she doesnt get it until she has calmed down enough to take it nice.

Whats bite inhibition and how do I do it?
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Rescue Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-09-09
Location : Deltona, FL

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySun Jun 03, 2012 1:48 pm

Well not giving her a treat until she takes it nicely is a good start to bite inhibition! Bite inhibition is getting the puppy to realize that they should not bite down hard on a person or animal. A lot of people use the "ouch!" method where whenever the puppy bites you, you say "ouch!" in a high pitched tone and end playtime (for at least a minute or two). They realize that biting ends fun time. A way I think works great is teaching gentle mouth. There's a whole step by step process, but you put your finger in the puppy's mouth and don't take it out until the puppy releases pressure (yes it can hurt! and only do with a puppy, not an adult dog with powerful jaws). Once they release pressure, you praise them and give them a treat with your other hand. Eventually you only treat if they don't bite down at all and then you get to a point where you can stick your fingers in the puppy's mouth to check its teeth and gums without the puppy doing anything. Also I've noticed that a dog who was taught this as a puppy only mouths when they play with a person or another dog. They don't really bite down, just gently mouth.


Freya's first feed.  Woowoosig
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Freya's Mummy
Freya's Mummy

Female Join date : 2012-05-31
Location : Western Australia

Freya's first feed.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Freya's first feed.    Freya's first feed.  EmptySun Jun 03, 2012 9:14 pm

Thanks. I've been doing the 'ouch' or yelping like a dog when she bites, even when it's just softly and she pulls away and looks at me with a confused look as if to say ' did that noise just come from you?'
With only half a day of practicing this, i thnik she is understanding.

I'm feeding her in the crate now, I still get her to sit before I put her in there, but I think until she understands stat I'm not going to take the food from her it will be good to stop my sons touching her while she's eating.
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Freya's first feed.  Empty
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