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 Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP

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Female Join date : 2012-07-26
Location : Providence,RI

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 7:00 am

This morning around 5 am Luna started gagging and before I can turn on the light she vomited. I open her create and let her out so I can clean it. She was chewing this wood thing and she started gagging and again then vomit. I'm freaking out because I don't know what to do. I took her to he vet on Monday. I really can't go to the vet right now since I don't have the money for that. Any suggestion on what to do please?

Right now she's very mellow and that's not like her Crying or Very sad
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Ms. Amicable

Female Join date : 2009-05-20
Location : Glenville, NY

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 10:56 pm

When your dog is vomiting and acting lethargic, the only advice I have for you is go to the vet IMMEDIATELY.

Vets have payment plans for emergency situations. Vomit and lethargy are not good.

It's a husky thing... you wouldn't understand.

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Hailey10
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 11:18 pm

I don't mean to be harsh, but you needed to prepare for this situation. There are cases all over this forum suggesting pet insurance, savings account or credit cards for unexpected issues. I suggest applying for CareCredit and I hope the best for her.

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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyWed Sep 12, 2012 11:29 pm

"She was chewing this wood thing and started gagging"? What exactly was she chewing? A dog bone, toy, etc? Or something she got a hold of? If she got a hold of something that's not doggie approved then I would be concerned. She could have blockage. Take her the vet. I've had two scares with Kody with blockages. First he ate TWO socks and the second time a toy. If she's throwing up and acting lethargic that's not a good sign. Is she eating/drinking water? Has she pooped?
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 1:09 am

Check her gums, are they pink? If not get her to a vet ASAP.

As long as she's staying hydrated and eating, I personally don't worry. If she's acting lethargic and not herself call your E-Vet and see what they say.
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Female Join date : 2012-09-05
Location : Central FL

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 10:04 am

If she's not drinking any water, at least try to get her to eat some ice cubes. She needs to stay hydrated. Hopefully it's not a blockage and just something upset her stomach. I wouldn't take any chances though. If you're really worried, I would take her to the vet and ask for a payment plan. Vets are really good about them when it's an emergency. When our lab was sick, he couldn't keep anything down and he was extremely mellow, which terrified me. Our vet tried his best to keep us out of having to get xrays because that's when it starts getting expensive. Instead, he gave us a few antibiotics and pain killers to give him and thankfully they seemed to do the job.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
Location : Los Angeles

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 1:12 pm

I understand that you love your husky and want to provide for her - so you need to plan ahead, as many above have mentioned.

Here are more specific steps - follow each one :
#1 get pet insurance (you can research plans on and
#2 get a credit card with enough credit to pay for the vet bill until you get reimbursed
#3 watch your husky so she quits chewing on wood or anything else. Many emergencies are avoidable. Less emergencies = less costly husky.
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Female Join date : 2011-10-06
Location : Brownsville, WI

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 2:59 pm

If she was at the vet on Monday, what was she there for? Could she be having some wierd side effects from something? At least call the vet and ask what they recommend. Dont just avoid it and hope she gets better.
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Female Join date : 2012-07-26
Location : Providence,RI

Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP EmptyThu Sep 13, 2012 5:26 pm

Ok Thanks for the concerns. She's doing fine fine now.

So I guess by what happen is that, that night before she went to bed she must of sneak a flip flop into her create, when she woke up she was chewing on it. My girlfriend call her friend who is a Vet in Boston. She told her to give her hydrogen peroxide, which she cause her to vomit.

We do have money save for her for emergency, but ALLY Bank take two days to transfer money. I guess now we know. We move our saving back to Bank of America.

She went to the vet on Monday because she need to get her distemper shot and had this rash on her stomach.

We are getting insurance for her, we already planned it for this up coming Friday, we just thought she will be fine from Monday afternoon to Friday morning. We talked with Pets Best and Friday morning she will have it.

Yet again thanks for the concerns.

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Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP   Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP Empty

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Now she's gagging in her sleep, PLEASE PLEASE HELP

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