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 The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?

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Laura Newson
Laura Newson

Female Join date : 2011-12-03
Location : Australia

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:27 pm

Kira of late has been sitting/lying in a strange position with her right front leg tucked under her tummy, also sometimes she curls up her right front paw. She doesnt limp on it, or when i touch that area she doesnt show signs of discomfort. I am taking her to the vet next week for a general checkup anyway but I thought I would ask others here if your huskies sit like this is it normal way for huskie to sit or lie ?
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Female Join date : 2012-08-11
Location : Toronto, ON

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:28 pm

Can we see a picture? Smile If possible?

EDIT: I don't think it sounds like it would be a problem but a picture would help us to see what you are seeing. Sorry computer was dying so I just hit send...
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Laura Newson
Laura Newson

Female Join date : 2011-12-03
Location : Australia

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:37 pm

Sorry here she
The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? 2012-110

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Female Join date : 2012-08-11
Location : Toronto, ON

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:41 pm

I wouldn't be too worried if she doesn't seem to be hurting but double check with the vet when you go to be on the safe side and ease your mind. Cally lays like this sometimes and other times she tucks up both of her legs underneath her.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
Location : Los Angeles

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:45 pm

LOL Completely normal! Both of mine do that - but Frosti does it more. I've had other dog owners comment that it's strange, so maybe it's a big dog or husky thing! Smile
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Laura Newson
Laura Newson

Female Join date : 2011-12-03
Location : Australia

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:47 pm

Here is another one
The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Img_2510
she is sitting normally but no lumps or bumps that I can see along her forleg ( right)
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 9:48 pm

Mine do that too! And the bending in of the paw too. Especially Asia!
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Laura Newson
Laura Newson

Female Join date : 2011-12-03
Location : Australia

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 10:02 pm

I feel a bit more re-assured good to know others huskies do that to. She is only a young one ( 1 or 2) so at her age I would hope she is not developing any medical issues. I feed her the best food all natural grain free ( earthborn dry ) and good cooked meat and veg she loves fruits, and give her lots of love and excercise. Also give her a fish oil tablet once a day. I am very wary that if you give a dog a good healthy diet and excercise rt ( lots lots of love) they should live a happy healthy life. Hope to keep her free from health problems if I can aoid it. Our last husky my baby Laska lived to 15 years I want same for Kira. Laska was tan you will see post on Rainbow Bridge about her. Anyway this little devil is full of beans totally different to laska and I just want to give her a great start in life. So watching I watching her like a hawk. I will get vet to check her legs out to.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-24
Location : Los Angeles

The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? EmptyFri Dec 14, 2012 10:38 pm

She's a cutie! No worries and great that you're taking good care of her! Smile
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The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty
PostSubject: Re: The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?   The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned? Empty

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The way my husky sits is it normal or should I be concerned?

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