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 Few problems im having with koda

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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

Few problems im having with koda Empty
PostSubject: Few problems im having with koda   Few problems im having with koda EmptyTue Jun 11, 2013 4:49 pm

Ok so koda turned 7 months yesterday. He is super smart and a great pup. There are a few things that bother me with him. Just things i nees to adress and not sure how to go about it or if its normal for a pup his age..
1.) the biting!!!! He still mouthing a lot. If he is inside he will ether be chewing on a bully stick or biting and barking at me.. Thats all he doea inside. I and walk him 2 timea a day. In the car he just started biting when im driving and i have huge brusies on my arm from him this past weekend from that. He doesnt seem to do it to be mean he wants to play but its really starting to hurt..

2.) jumping on people.. I know this is normal for a pup but how do i train him out of it?

3.) when we are in the house he is only good if he has a kong or bully or something tasty to chew.. Is that normal for a pup? I see vidoes of huskys just laying down and relaxing. He doesnt do this wit me. Maybe for like 5 min after a long walk then he is up and biting me until i give him something to play with.

4.) counter surfing. I dont mind it as much as my mom. But i know it has to stop. It also ties in with him not being able to be in the same room as me when eating. How do i fix this?

Thanks guys!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

Few problems im having with koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Few problems im having with koda   Few problems im having with koda EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 12:39 am

Sorry can't really help much Eric. Yuki never counter surfed nor did she jump on people, and shes very lazy and is content to just lay around all day. She also stopped biting at 3 months old. Some tips to help until better advice arrives:

When biting, are you folding your arms and turning away? If you are, instead of that try a time out. Every time he mouths you put him in a separate room for a few minutes and don't let him out until he's calm. You might have to put him in time-out every two seconds but eventually he will realize if he's mouthy, he won't get attention and he won't be able to spend time with you.

Jumping... try asking whoever he's jumping on just to turn around when he jumps, and ask Koda to sit. Only have the person he's trying to jump on give him attention when he's sitting and calm.

In the house.. yeah like I said Yuki is very lazy. I can have anime marathons for the entire day with the pups sleeping at my feet, only getting up to go potty. Maybe try some mental stimulation games, like a food dispenser for him to occupy his time with. That may help tire him out too.

Counter surfing.. lol no advice just try to keep the food out of reach!
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Female Join date : 2011-08-07
Location : Michigan

Few problems im having with koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Few problems im having with koda   Few problems im having with koda EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 2:08 am

Is he still teething?

As far as jumping goes - I'm guilty of having a dog that jumps. I blame my husband, because he is constantly telling Cato to jump up to him. I've been working really hard to correct this behavior by telling him down and putting him into a free stack and then treating. It's worked pretty well.

He's a puppy so just keep him preoccupied. Have you thought of puzzle treat games? Or taking him to agility classes? Or training?

I'd say just put a gate up to avoid counter surfing.
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

Few problems im having with koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Few problems im having with koda   Few problems im having with koda EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 9:22 am

I have a bunch of different puzzle toys for him. He will play with them for a hour or so and then he is not tired at all. I will take him for a walk he will lie down for 5 min when he drinks his water then he is bouncing off wall again. I have done obidience with him a few months ago but havnt go him in another class yet. I am trying to get him in another but i need to get caught up on my bills. But every wed. I take him to my training place for puppy play date with like 3-6 other puppies. I understand he is a puppy and a husky and have a bunch of energy but its never ending lol. 

Im not sure if he is still teething. a few months ago he was loosing teeth left and right and then just stoped. I dont kow if he is done or not. I didnt see any of his big teeth fall out though so idk if he still is or not. I started doing the time out thing and being real strict with my family about if he mouths you at all to ignore him. So hopefully it gets better.
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Female Join date : 2013-01-18
Location : Northern Virgina

Few problems im having with koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Few problems im having with koda   Few problems im having with koda EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 9:32 am

Ericobeasto wrote:

4.) counter surfing. I dont mind it as much as my mom. But i know it has to stop. It also ties in with him not being able to be in the same room as me when eating. How do i fix this?

Thanks guys!

I saw on here when I first joined a post on counter surfing I can't find it know but basically put cookie sheets on the end of your counters and when he jumps up and puts is paws on the counter he will hit the cookie sheet making it drop to the ground and scaring him.  Worked for Loki. He doesn't counter surf anymore.

* found the thread

Last edited by eander83 on Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding thread)
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Female Join date : 2012-06-16
Location : Toronto, ON, Canada

Few problems im having with koda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Few problems im having with koda   Few problems im having with koda EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 9:43 am

Stark used to jump up on people all the time when he was a little pup (~3-4 months) (especially when going for walks). So whenever somebody approached him, we would ask him to sit, treat, and then step on his leash - we had to keep one on him inside for a little while as well. Once he was sitting when the person approached, then they could give him attention.
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