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 Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook

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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySun Sep 14, 2014 6:56 pm

Thank you Lucy!! theyre not greatest, I GOTTA get away from the iphone pics...they suck Sad

I gotta get in the habit of taking an actual camera with me wherever I go...but that will suck too, haha
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 3:38 am

Mishka with her bff, haha, a Great Dane named "Pip". Kohdi is there too, but you can't see him, but if you look closely you can see dirt starting to appear on the sidewalk, yes...he decided to dig a hole in the landscape of this townhome complex on our street. I think he was just wanting to help the gardeners out Wink maybe he thinks a plant needs to be planted there? Wink

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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 3:49 am

Hahahaha, too funny. Wow what a good looking Dane. I just want to pick Mishka up and snuggle her(or smuggle her, lol) her coat is so fluffy and soft looking. She looks like she is supervising the work of big brother, I had to laugh.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 4:06 am

LOL Renee, I'm willing to bet shes not supervising big bro...but more wondering if she should get up and join in Smile

The Great Dane is beautiful...she's 4 yrs old and the ladies second Dane rescue, and SPOILED, haha. Her first Dane passed away prematurely after getting very ill, and it was her first ever dog. She wasnt going to get another one but eventually she did, obviously, lol...and shes Kohdi and Mishka's bestest friend.

Haha Renee, Mishka is a fluffball...and the sweetest, happiest lil dog on earth!! she never has a bad day!!! lol
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Female Join date : 2013-12-04
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Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 10:30 pm

Just found this scrapbook she is such a little cutie! I love all the walking pictures I have a hard time with those because of all the pulling. How old is she now?
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyTue Sep 30, 2014 2:16 am

Thank you Elise Smile I have a hard time with the walking pictures too, Kohdi always manages to pull me at just the right I have to wait for them to get distracted...which ends up being quite often, haha. Mishka was born March 27, 2014, so shes about 6 months old now. She seems to be growing slowly...I'm pretty sure Kohdi was much bigger at 6 months (Kohdi is almost exactly a year older than Mishka, he was born March 17, 2013)
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:50 pm

Just a pic I took today of Mishka watching me clean my room Smile

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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySun Nov 02, 2014 11:53 pm

And...Mishka getting tired from watching me clean my room, lol

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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2014 2:49 am

She is such a little charmer. She really is a petite thing. Just love her. She didn't give you any help Jimmy? hahaha, can't imagine she just sat there and watched you, lol
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyMon Nov 03, 2014 3:44 am

LOL Renee, she didnt just lay there and watch the top pic she's watching t.v!!! she does "help" me though, she is just the happiest little girl on earth, just watching her makes me smile.

Thank you Renee Smile ...and she better have a growth spurt soon, Kohdi keeps kicking her ass!! lol
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 2:43 am

Kohdi and my lil Tasmanian Devil (aka Mishka) Wink

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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 2:52 am


Blurrrrrr, lol, you should have named her that. Wow Kohdi is more handsome than ever, his markings look so much darker around the face.

Today is a special day for my girl. Will try and post some pics this weekend, belated birthday.

Anyway, love your blur baby and your fur baby,lol. Does she know how difficult it is for you to take pics of her?
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 3:14 am

So early this morning (I'm up early now cuz of the time change Sad ) Mishka was bored...

Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 00310

So...she went to the canyon looking for trouble...she found a stick instead...

Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 00911

she pondered...and decided the stick will have to do...for now. Now to get this thing up to the yard, ugh, wheres Kohdi when you need him!!!

Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 00811

Ha!! didnt need Mr. Kohdi

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I'm content...for now

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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 3:20 am

Haha Renee, she really is qwik like that...she tagged poor Kohdi in the face during this pic

Thank you...I love my Kohdi...he just looks so serious all the time...

and haha, if she did know how hard it is for me to get a good pic, would she care?...I think not, LOL

Happy Birthday to Miya!!! can't wait to see the birthday girl pics Smile
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 3:40 am

Thank You Jimmy, Found a recipe here (jenb put it up so credit her) for doggy cookies, I'm going to make, and take to Miya's boyfriends house, so 2 huskies, a lab, and an aussie will be able to sample, I'll let you know if they are a hit, seems super easy to make (I cook great food, I'm a horrible people baker, so maybe I'm a good doggie baker lol).

You're right that little ball of fur could care less, as long as she has a good time, even at Jimmy's and Kohdi's expense, hahhahahahha Twisted Evil You snuck some picks in, why do huskies view tree limbs as sticks, lmao. For being little she has some big paws too, runs in the family I presume.......
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 3:58 am

Ahh, very cool...I'll have to make some of those cookies too...hope Kohdi and Mishka like burnt cookies, haha...who am I kidding, they like ANYTHING!!! Wink

YES!!! I finally tried multiple pics in one posting to see if I can do it (thanks to your great tips!!) and...I did it!! Smile

Mishka LOVES tree limbs (as does Kohdi) the bigger, the better...funniest thing was Kohdi picking one up on the walk, Mishka wanted in on it too so Kohdi shared...I had to move out into the street (the limb was like 5 ft long) and Kohdi on one end, Mishka on the other, carrying this huge limb home Smile I wish I woulda had my camera with me. It was TOO cute, cars driving by and laughing/smiling/pointing, haha

she DOES have big paws, I LOVE that!!! she is the cutest lil thing too

give Miya a birthday hug from me Smile
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 4:07 am

Ugh, I forgot a pic in "Mishka's Morning"...bummer

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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 4:10 am

She looks like a lil wolf in that pic ^
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 4:19 am

I will give her lots of hugs.....She does look like a lil wolf, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. you made me laugh so hard picturing the two of them sharing a tree limb and you having to walk in the street, lol. Miya always wants me to play fetch with her and limbs, goofballs.........You're welcome on the tips, I don't give good instructions generally so YAY for me, Very Happy
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 4:29 am

Haha, it was one of those "dammit...I NEED my camera!!" moments...and yeah, I did have to walk in the street, Kohdi and Mishka have no clue on the cost of damage they could do (and came VERY close to doing!!!) to a BMW, and a Lincoln Navigator, parked along the curb line

going to bed now...have a great nite Renee (and fun at Miya's b-day party!!!) Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptyFri Nov 07, 2014 1:29 pm

Artic_Wind wrote:

Mishka LOVES tree limbs (as does Kohdi) the bigger, the better...funniest thing was Kohdi picking one up on the walk, Mishka wanted in on it too so Kohdi shared...I had to move out into the street (the limb was like 5 ft long) and Kohdi on one end, Mishka on the other, carrying this huge limb home Smile I wish I woulda had my camera with me. It was TOO cute, cars driving by and laughing/smiling/pointing, haha

she DOES have big paws, I LOVE that!!!  she is the cutest lil thing too

The pictures are beautiful...and so is Kohdi!

As for cars driving of the first thing hubby noticed was that walking Ami is the best "babe magnet" going! I told him that if he used MY dog, to pick up women...he was dead meat!
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 08, 2014 3:08 am

Thank you Amy!!! and Kohdi thanks you too!!! Wink

LOL about your husband...I have friends who wanna borrow my dogs for that very reason!!! LOLOL
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 6:46 pm

My lil girl Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 6:47 pm

My lil girl doing something I don't see her do very often...sleep!!

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PostSubject: Re: Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook   Mishka's (Kohdi's lil "sister") scrapbook - Page 4 EmptySat Nov 15, 2014 6:50 pm

Didnt last long theyre both awake

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