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 Back legs bowed

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Maya Randall
Maya Randall

Join date : 2015-07-03

Back legs bowed Empty
PostSubject: Back legs bowed   Back legs bowed EmptyFri Jul 03, 2015 11:31 am

I looked for info online and couldn't find anything so here I am!

My 7 month old husky Onyx seems to be bow legged with his back legs, they turn in. He doesn't seem to be in any pain and when he runs and stands they straighten out, it is strictly when he walks. I was just wondering if anyone else had a husky with this and what the outcome was? Thanks so much!
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Join date : 2012-07-31
Location : Denver, Colorado

Back legs bowed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back legs bowed   Back legs bowed EmptyFri Jul 03, 2015 11:45 am

How old was the pup when you got him? Ever have a vet look at it for you with x-rays? I imagine this to be a rare medical issue for husky owners but maybe someone here has experience for you and will give you good advice.
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Maya Randall
Maya Randall

Join date : 2015-07-03

Back legs bowed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back legs bowed   Back legs bowed EmptyFri Jul 03, 2015 11:49 am

He was 9 weeks old when I got him. Thanks for your reply. I have taken him for his shots and nothing was said about his legs but I will take him tonight since he is due for his heartworms meds and ask. I saw that hip dysplasia testing can not be done until they are 2 years old or at least that is the recommended age.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Back legs bowed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back legs bowed   Back legs bowed EmptyFri Jul 03, 2015 2:13 pm

OFA testing can be done at any age as a prelim, AKC and OFA will not recognize results until a dog is at least 2 years old, I believe because most dogs are considered full grown at 2, so therefore the test is more valid or accurate. Pennhip testing can be done as young as 16 weeks, I do not know at what age AKC recognizes a valid Pennhip test, in fact I don't believe AKC even recognizes Pennhip, since it is a newer test. I would definitely have your vet check them, and see what type of test they may be able to do. Of course this is from reading about both tests, your vet and breeder, as well as more experienced people here would be able to give you more thorough info on those tests. I would also contact the breeder if after seeing the vet and vet determines there may be something wrong, just to let them know there may be a problem, which would probably come from the breeding pair.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-01
Location : Spokane WA

Back legs bowed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back legs bowed   Back legs bowed EmptySun Jul 05, 2015 2:37 am

If his knees are turned inward that would be called 'cow-hocked'.  Generally when seen in young dogs it can be something they grow out of by the time they hit maturity.  Especially if this was not something seen at 8 weeks.  Puppies bodies grow unevenly and can do some pretty ugly things.  You really won't know for sure if this is the rear your dog will have until he matures.Cow-hocked dogs generally do not require any special care and it does not mean they have hip dysplasia.  

Back legs bowed ScreenShot113

Figure 1 would be 'idea'
Figure 2 would be narrow
Figure 3 is cow-hocked
Figure 4 is toed-in
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Join date : 2015-10-26

Back legs bowed Empty
PostSubject: Re: Back legs bowed   Back legs bowed EmptyWed Oct 28, 2015 1:07 pm

I've had a German Shepherd before who had her front legs turned inward when she was about 3 months old. Took her to the vet and the vet suggested calcium supplements. Then, I also asked about it in a german shepherd forum then they said she had too much calcium. I didn't know which one to follow so I decided to go where there won't be damage if ever it was wrong, so I decided to not give calcium and just give her a good diet, probably the most expensive dog food there is in my country(Philippines), then after 2 weeks her legs were normal. I guess it's just a puppy stage I don't really know, I'm not a vet. Exercise too is important.
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