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 10 week old Addi looks very thin...

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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 12:36 am

my 10 week old puppy lokk svery thin. She is on her second round of shots and she has been dewormed once (I was adviced not to do it untill she was 10 weeks old). Her eating and energy levels are normal but she still loks thin. Her parents were tall and thin.(i dont know if that matters) I was told her adult teeth could be whats bothering her. I have an appt on wednesday to get her checked out. Any advice would be helpfull. Thank You:)
-Navila & Addi
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 12:47 am

10 Weeks is a little too long to wait for the 1st dewormer IMO. Who gave you that information?? She should be hitting a growth spurt right about now and start looking a little awkward. Where did you get her from?? Huskies should be thinner, they aren't meant to be "husky" Wink . Could you possibly post a picture of her from above so we could see if she is indeed too skinny? How much and what food are you feeding her?? All of this will help us too Smile .
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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 12:54 am

oh no i dewormed her at 4 weeks and im about to deworm her again tomorrow.she does look awkward her ears are big and her legs are long but i can see her ribs through her coat. i own full grown lab and a pom (pom passed away in june) so im used to huskier fat dogs. i rescued her when she was 4 weeks old. Im feeding her high protein food from the local feed store.Ill get the name tomorrow (im at work right now). I have never followed a feeding schedule with my pets we leave enough food for all the dogs and they just eat. I only followed her eating schedule when I first got her.
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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:03 am

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Pictur11
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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:03 am

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Pictur12
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:03 am

Labs aren't meant to be fat either lol.. neither are poms by any stretch of the imagination. Well no dog should be fat. Obesity is REALLY hard on dogs, even 2 extra pounds makes things so much more difficult. You should be able to see their ribs when they are moving. They shouldn't protrude, and your dogs should have a nice tuck behind their ribs. No dog should have to be fat.

I am also an avid believer in measured feedings. I know some people free fed and their dogs do just fine, but if you are describing your dogs as fat, then something needs to change. When you free fed, you have NO idea how much food your dog is eating. You don't know if they are eating too much food or too little. I really think you should look into measured feedings, especially with a puppy.
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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:06 am

Oh no niether were fat. i was just stating that the pom had A LOT of hair so she looked bigger than she was and the lab is half queensland which gives her a (what i call) a corn dog look. that lab waist is not really there. I know huskies have a more defined hip/waist section.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:08 am

She looks like she may be a little skinny in that top picture, but it could just be because she is stretching and it's blurry.

Like I said, with free feeding you have no idea how much she is eating, so I don't really know how to help you if you won't give her measured feedings. She probably isn't eating enough.
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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:11 am

Well thank you for your help though! I will deff have to try and messure her feeding.
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Female Join date : 2012-05-02
Location : MD

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 8:38 am

That being said I know both my husky boys went through stages of looking thin. Loki right now is at 3 months old. But he is gaining tons of weight and the vet is happy with his growth so I don't worry. Huskies tend to fill out after 1 year, and Balon sure did!

I would have the pup's poop tested for worms just to rule that out. I also agree with measured feedings for all 3 of my dogs. It's the only way you can really tell what they are eating and if its enough or too much!

I would check with the vet to see if the pup is gaining suffiently. Good luck, the pup is adorable!
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Other / Decline to state Join date : 2013-04-27

10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
PostSubject: Re: 10 week old Addi looks very thin...   10 week old Addi looks very thin... EmptySun Apr 28, 2013 12:10 am

So i started messuring her food intake and she wasnt eating enought. Not because i wasnt feeding her enough food but because her adult teeth are indeed coming in. I let her food sit in chicken broth before i gave it to her and i rewarded her with soft treats when it was play time. I also got canned food to giver her while she is at this stage. Thank You everyone for your help:)
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10 week old Addi looks very thin... Empty
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10 week old Addi looks very thin...

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