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 Drives Me CRAZY!!

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Female Join date : 2013-05-01
Location : Albany, New York

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyThu May 30, 2013 10:43 pm

So tonight my mom was giving a friend of hers a ride and stopped by to pick something up for my dad cause she was going in the same direction where he lives(my parents aren't together anymore but friendly and she had a chair she was giving him.) Anyway, This friend of her's was holding phoebe's leash and playing with her, well phoebe decided she had to go and started to pee on the floor, so this friend ran her outside to finish. As always she never did. When she came back in side she stated to my mom "you should really house train her." I held back but I had really wanted to say "Hey lady, don't you think we have tried every trick in the book and it does NOT work plus she's only 4 months, how much do you expect?" So she went on to state that MULTIPLE times.

Then about 5 mins later she took phoebe out, my mom told her to let her go cause she was going to call her over Drives Me CRAZY!! 1625187496. The was people out so of course she got distracted and started running around. After the 3 of us trying to catch my mom went to do it herself. Well, while I was standing there we started to talk about how big she is going to get, she goes "she could also fill out more once she has babies", I go "she isn't having babies". She proceeded to ask how much we spent on her.
I told and she goes "she's a husky, you should breed her" yet again another Drives Me CRAZY!! 1625187496.
I then explained(well,tried too) that she has faults and breeding would require CERFs and a Hip Dysplasia Test. I stated if we didn't we would probably be considered a BYB. She looked at me like I was CRAZY. She then keep going on about how we should breed her. I was like "she has snapped tail and isn't in standard" (I explained what those meant) and she goes "all the huskies I have seen have curled tails." I was like "Well that's a fault there not suppose to have them" She (Thankfully) left before I could go into more detail and get even more angry.
This lady(well, probably more like a child cause she acts more like one then I do and I'm 16) Drives me CRAZY and I have no respect for her because of some TERRIBLE decisions she has made since we have known her(she beat up a roommate over some really stupid stuff and got arrested, and countless other things) I Hate it when people try to assume they know more than you about your OWN dog.

Sorry If this was really long and ranty. I had to get it off my chest and had nowhere to go.
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Male Join date : 2012-11-22
Location : Atlantic City New Jersey

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyThu May 30, 2013 10:59 pm

I get simular comments like this on a daily basis multiple times, anymore now i give people about 3 sometimes 4 chances to keep their thoughts to themselves... after that they get the bird and are promptly told to shut the... well you get the idea.

im old and no longer have the patience for people that i use to have. however since you are younger, i would suggest trying to just smile and nod, they'll eventually get the hint and drop the subject (unless they are completely dense).

as for the potty training, give her time... blu wasn't fully trained till almost 7 months. a few months ago he got so excited to see my aunt that he pee'd on her brand new ugg boots, i laughed... she was infuriated LOL xD

on a side note: my blu has a snap tail too! i personally love it... although alot of people seem to think he's a shiba inu/husky mix because of that and his size(he is very small for a male, he plays with a female from time to time who is almost twice his size and they are the same age). kind of annoying to be frank, but hey... what can you do. atleast i dont get the "is that a wolf?" comments... i have a feeling those would annoy me to no end.
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Female Join date : 2013-05-01
Location : Albany, New York

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyThu May 30, 2013 11:22 pm

My Dad is Bipolar and has bad OCD who can do and say some crazy stuff so I am pretty much trained in the smile and nod department. I also have some bad anxiety problems so usually keep to my self (I was terrified the first time I posted on IAHT.)

Most of my other dogs I have had took until arounf 7/8 months to be fully potty trained so I wasn't expecting much less.

I love her snapped tail too! I find it so unique and it fits right in with her personality.
When we first got her I got the"is that a wolf" comment from a neighbor (I'm pretty sure that's what he said, he's Indian and I have a hard time understanding him and the rest of his family.)

Thanks for the input. I really like coming here and finding people who understand similar things to me. IAHT feels like one big family
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Male Join date : 2009-07-23
Location : Connecticut

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyFri May 31, 2013 12:12 am

Your story actually reminded me of this thread, although you handled it pretty well imo. Honestly these stories are quite laughable but I bet it's pretty stressful at the time to be in that type of situation. :/
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Female Join date : 2012-07-07
Location : Houston, TX

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyFri May 31, 2013 2:39 am

Juneau wasn't fully potty-trained until she was 4 1/2 months - you're almost there! You just have to watch her really close and make sure you catch her every time she squats.

Sometimes you just gotta ignore those people. They're hard-headed and can't be convinced otherwise, even with the truth right in front of them.
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Female Join date : 2012-01-29
Location : Broken Arrow, OK

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyFri May 31, 2013 8:54 am

Keri you handled yourself very well.. You are young and did a good job I am old and probably wouldn't have did as good of job. lol

Both of my pups have snap tails they are rescues huh not standard at all but I love them and their tails!!!..

People ask me all the time if I am going to breed them.. Huh.. they are spayed and neutered huh...
I just couldn't deal with puppies I would have the worst time seeing them go and finding good homes for them..
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Female Join date : 2012-09-24
Location : Niagara Falls, NY

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyFri May 31, 2013 10:11 am

I've had people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them Lucian is already neutered. I get the "he's so beautiful, you should of bred him." No way. Not happening. All my animals get fixed. That's the way it's been, and it will stay that way.
I would have probably not acted so calmly, lol. People that think they know everything really get on my nerves. You don't know diddly about my dog.
Just keep at it with the potty training, she'll get it eventually. I think I got really lucky with Lucian. We had maybe a total of 10 pee accidents in the house, and 1 poop. He was fairly easy to potty train, and he hasn't had an accident in the house since he was maybe 3 1/2 months. Every time he went outside he got a treat, and basically a small party, lol. I told him good boy and loved him up. I may have gotten lucky with potty training, but I didn't with training. He likes to pull me down the street on walks, and plays keep away when he gets a hold of something he's not supposed to. He's also got a bad habit of chewing up my kitchen rugs, lol. Good luck with the potty training!
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Female Join date : 2013-05-01
Location : Albany, New York

Drives Me CRAZY!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Drives Me CRAZY!!   Drives Me CRAZY!! EmptyMon Jun 17, 2013 5:45 pm

I think you guys should know something happened today with this same lady and it's awful.
I posted a link to the post I made about it.
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