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 H2M2 Ohio husky meets!

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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 10:34 pm

We had our first meet last Saturday and it went so well! We had about 11 huskies there including 2 that aren't in the group. Here's a bunch of pictures that i took.  Very Happy

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 429813_490314054372476_691155721_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969284_490314257705789_1002644645_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 580724_490314394372442_466339671_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 944490_490314614372420_1948171557_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970032_490314694372412_1513829355_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 576631_490314924372389_443675065_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 960050_490315117705703_2044891190_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 971241_490315241039024_1494419172_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969062_490315394372342_2046766839_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 295536_490315414372340_1630006156_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 389176_490315797705635_450931860_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 429918_490316054372276_264383040_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 429791_490316344372247_2075259978_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 270074_490316407705574_1140642557_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 937_490316531038895_744978396_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 8749_490316807705534_743316659_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 954656_490316991038849_493265548_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970078_490317084372173_10739774_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 480909_490317467705468_1853301623_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 601242_490317581038790_491330488_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 383396_490317681038780_1831093165_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969157_490317927705422_2112595432_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970273_490318191038729_243409069_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1192_490318214372060_1375544815_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 922708_490318447705370_1898618703_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969626_490318484372033_1865513856_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 935195_490318644372017_505789216_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 400483_490318891038659_197177321_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 945555_490318987705316_1002883496_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 426739_490319071038641_1336031811_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969288_490319907705224_1665229741_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 419008_490340347703180_427113360_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 972238_490340391036509_847871567_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 601941_490340554369826_1952412912_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 429814_490340661036482_574605533_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969881_490340764369805_1027090179_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 10512_490340831036465_1969395210_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 969758_490342044369677_587793151_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 10590_490343434369538_783285826_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 375576_490347444369137_1231146829_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 971131_490347527702462_1444520380_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970081_490347671035781_413002884_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 8554_490347824369099_1897419470_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1472_490349504368931_564989779_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970936_490349541035594_575603014_nH2M2 Ohio husky meets! 7149_490349554368926_1557713465_n

Last edited by MayaAndSophie on Thu Jul 25, 2013 1:18 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 10:50 pm

They all look like they had a lot of fun! Smile

Great shots!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 10:53 pm

Rocio_Caballero wrote:
They all look like they had a lot of fun! Smile

Great shots!
Thanks! Yeah they had a blast! Smile
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 10:56 pm

Damn i missed thag one. Hopefully i can take him to the next one
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 11:00 pm

Ericobeasto wrote:
Damn i missed thag one. Hopefully i can take him to the next one
We have the next one posted, It's on June 29th. We're jumping to different dog parks so we may have a meet near you in a couple months.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 11:00 pm

Ericobeasto wrote:
Damn i missed thag one. Hopefully i can take him to the next one

Next meet will be June 29th at the VOA dog park in West Chester. After that we'll be going to the Montgomery County Dog Park in July. Then we'll be going to one in Fosteria? Somewhere Alaina is suggesting in August. Hopefully you can come to one of them, we'd love to meet Koda. The June 29th one is already planned and is pinned at the top of the group and will be under the events tab Very Happy
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 11:02 pm

Im going on vacation the weekend of the 29th and the weekend of july 5th.. But the one after that ill try depending on where its located.. But i defintly want to do one atleast this summer!
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 11:12 pm

Ericobeasto wrote:
Im going on vacation the weekend of the 29th and the weekend of july 5th.. But the one after that ill try depending on where its located.. But i defintly want to do one atleast this summer!

The July Meet will most likely be July 20th. We avoided 4th of July weekend on purpose Very Happy July 20th will be at Montgomery County Bark Park, it should show up if you google it, IF the big side is open. I still need to call and see if they have re-opened it.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 12:45 am

A little husky meet with Khloe and Bowie June 5th.

Maya and Sophie bullying Link.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 8665_492822010788347_645161015_n
Cloud being cute.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 485591_492822200788328_1196281049_n
The pups playing with Khloe
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 8618_492822260788322_275226955_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 988469_492822300788318_245317255_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 983748_492822354121646_1628060540_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 494_492822487454966_661185241_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 601860_492822520788296_2049791068_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 435_492822547454960_295742830_n
A husky we met there, i think her name was layla.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 996756_492822914121590_696049705_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 10238_492822670788281_47152555_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 971064_492822714121610_1465401297_n
Cloud being cute again.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970145_492822820788266_1269559709_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 942870_492822844121597_1880629584_n
Yuki laying in the grass.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 943563_492822884121593_1921614576_n
Khloe playing with Cloud.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 971987_492823017454913_996776443_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 600561_492823170788231_1261478396_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 576787_492823247454890_2064581277_n
Sophie getting all wiggly seeing Rush (a regular at the park).
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 995612_492823317454883_59509138_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 419059_492823404121541_468449479_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 995633_492823437454871_1105277812_n
Another husky we met there playing with Yuki and Cloud.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 934001_492823644121517_911192771_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 960236_492823674121514_1245122823_n
Another husky that's a regular at the park.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 996161_492823737454841_1466562684_n
Sophie and Cloud.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 943367_492823750788173_301671328_n
Yuki biting Cloud.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 994572_492823767454838_1759339505_n
And Link biting Maya's butt. xD
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 971838_492823797454835_1378954856_n
More pictures of Cloud being adorable.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 8877_492823907454824_93497366_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 397381_492824124121469_1699259441_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 971890_492824104121471_1526036968_n
Yuki staring at the grass.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 944796_492824234121458_346292708_n
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 12:50 am

Awh great pics Abby the kids had a great time and you know it xx
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 12:58 am

Man, yall are giving me serious red/white fever. I am so looking forward to getting a second Husky next year and I hope I can convince my partner to get a red...Link 2 is pretty much what I want but Sophie catches my eye all the time too. Ugh.

You all have a fantastic group, thanks for all the pics.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:00 am

seattlesibe wrote:
Man, yall are giving me serious red/white fever.  I am so looking forward to getting a second Husky next year and I hope I can convince my partner to get a red...Link 2 is pretty much what I want but Sophie catches my eye all the time too.  Ugh.  

You all have a fantastic group, thanks for all the pics.  

Haha awh, well thanks! I was the same EXACT way! Every time I saw a red I was so jealous and wanted a red so bad (had originally wanted a red after meeting Maya and Sophie but fell in love with Yuki somehow). And when Link #2 fell into my lap, how could I say no? I am so grateful for each of my pups, they all have such vibrant personalities. But those reds I'l tell ya, they're crazy Razz
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Male Join date : 2013-02-05
Location : seattle, wa

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:04 am

It's funny, I have yet to meet a red in person but I've met every other variety. Bowie is so beautiful too, I really like the more dilute coats like his.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:06 am

seattlesibe wrote:
It's funny, I have yet to meet a red in person but I've met every other variety.  Bowie is so beautiful too, I really like the more dilute coats like his.  

I'm sure Bowie's owner says thank you! Bowie is two months older than Yuki, shes a beautiful girl. She's got a green and a blue eye, which is why her owner named her 'Bowie' because of the two different colored eyes.
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Female Join date : 2012-10-25
Location : Seattle, WA

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:11 am

Great pics (as always)! You guys have a lot of reds! Reds aren't so popular up here, black/white, grey/white, and white, but I haven't seen a lot of reds..hmm. This one keeps making me laugh:

MayaAndSophie wrote:
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970936_490349541035594_575603014_n

His face Laughing
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:27 am

A big meet that we had June 30th. 12 huskies showed up to this one. Smile My camera decided that it didn't want to focus on far away objects at this meet. Sad

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 942082_503321119738436_6060804_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 998194_503322583071623_211726018_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1013892_503325553071326_901777184_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1016855_503326073071274_1900849846_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1002757_503322793071602_1912754138_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 994526_503326523071229_1992851344_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1043961_503326599737888_1930640973_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1005967_503321856405029_1702914173_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 968958_503322516404963_407550448_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1016397_503322543071627_370752861_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1012791_503322153071666_1508722448_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1463_503322499738298_1897147453_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1002092_503324346404780_304839811_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 945065_503322453071636_1830954055_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 942964_503321886405026_1761182102_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 8626_503321983071683_305678930_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1003840_503326249737923_1710715052_n
Muddy Link.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1017492_503322916404923_689240064_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1010567_503322959738252_400032455_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 945053_503323039738244_1798219407_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 600206_503323593071522_739360699_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 941438_503323623071519_109729257_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 944445_503326219737926_97169795_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1016042_503326626404552_1564646425_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 946857_503325246404690_1903971270_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1000761_503324769738071_520508577_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 601700_503322599738288_522199810_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1011348_503322393071642_168877331_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 998997_503326579737890_500609520_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1012008_503322223071659_819869480_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 484660_503324586404756_1325066067_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1043945_503325186404696_1985049261_n
Not sure of this person.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 995911_503324203071461_1030864614_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 5885_503322659738282_1052167552_n
And now playtime pics!
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1005428_503321143071767_1169446332_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044035_503321186405096_1082289505_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1005081_503321249738423_2323440_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1045164_503321329738415_191635565_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 992785_503321356405079_508537895_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1003988_503321483071733_591222191_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1004449_503321506405064_697928472_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 968783_503321539738394_1220460045_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1011010_503321583071723_685747622_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1460_503321599738388_2081576091_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044487_503321719738376_878163432_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1002930_503321916405023_1772134143_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 968973_503322116405003_1633074857_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044853_503322296404985_1432647764_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 946851_503322383071643_1536707156_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1011687_503322869738261_98887024_n
Give me your ball!
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1016344_503323096404905_284491969_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 998186_503323139738234_420012892_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 995910_503323663071515_1187716459_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1013203_503323773071504_1350866258_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044645_503323809738167_1418697416_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1013885_503323923071489_434284389_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044237_503324073071474_1718992433_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044757_503324139738134_1579242804_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1012761_503324166404798_72893304_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 998006_503324306404784_1694651878_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 935814_503324376404777_1814964360_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 995926_503324683071413_651848352_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1013730_503324786404736_793409393_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 998997_503325086404706_7240686_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1000772_503324936404721_1554976945_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044574_503325386404676_1217466344_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1017388_503325626404652_1227730909_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 934973_503325806404634_2095587219_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1003831_503325896404625_1873134527_n
Let me up!
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1006240_503326003071281_1545864018_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1001512_503326166404598_2006578494_n
Kay and her new ball buddy.
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 993916_503326336404581_176899425_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1044446_503326366404578_1165004586_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 7451_503326379737910_549697288_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 21363_503326456404569_1310242430_n
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 1011047_503326496404565_1080788946_n
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 1:28 am

Dot wrote:
Great pics (as always)! You guys have a lot of reds! Reds aren't so popular up here, black/white, grey/white, and white, but I haven't seen a lot of reds..hmm. This one keeps making me laugh:

MayaAndSophie wrote:
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 970936_490349541035594_575603014_n

His face Laughing

That's one of my favorites. Laughing
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 10:50 am

So when is the next meet up and where at? I kind of live in a isolated part of ohio compare to the rest of you it seems.. Im all the way over near youngstown. But if its not to far of a drive id like to do a meet up.. Im realy busy this summer so hopefully i can fit one in.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 11:03 am

I love all the Link/Maya lovebird pictures. XD

I'm so jealous of you guys! I don't know anyone in southern Louisiana who would have a husky meet up. I want him to go play with some huskies!

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Signat11
H2M2 Ohio husky meets! O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 12:25 pm

Ericobeasto wrote:
So when is the next meet up and where at? I kind of live in a isolated part of ohio compare to the rest of you it seems.. Im all the way over near youngstown. But if its not to far of a drive id like to do a meet up.. Im realy busy this summer so hopefully i can fit one in.

The next meet is July 28th at Meadowlark park in Fostoria i believe.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 12:26 pm

simplify wrote:
I love all the Link/Maya lovebird pictures. XD
They love each other. I love you 
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 3:00 pm

MayaAndSophie wrote:

Ericobeasto wrote:
So when is the next meet up and where at? I kind of live in a isolated part of ohio compare to the rest of you it seems.. Im all the way over near youngstown. But if its not to far of a drive id like to do a meet up.. Im realy busy this summer so hopefully i can fit one in.

The next meet is July 28th at Meadowlark park in Fostoria i believe.

Correct. 1225 S. Union St., Fostoria, OH 44830
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 7:41 pm

simplify wrote:
I love all the Link/Maya lovebird pictures. XD

I'm so jealous of you guys! I don't know anyone in southern Louisiana who would have a husky meet up. I want him to go play with some huskies!

Make your own group Smile That's what I did. We don't have huge turnouts yet, maybe 10-15 other huskies total, but I'm hoping to get more as we just started our meets a couple months ago.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 9:22 pm

Megan, would you be interested in being part of the official H2M2 group?  I'm pretty sure we don't have an Ohio group yet and I can help you get started.  It'll be easy for you since you already have several people on board.

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H2M2 Ohio husky meets! 85ced801-eef9-49ab-a499-d82fe0067cd7_zps64d8039a
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
PostSubject: Re: H2M2 Ohio husky meets!   H2M2 Ohio husky meets! EmptyThu Jul 04, 2013 11:40 pm

blueeyedghost wrote:
Megan, would you be interested in being part of the official H2M2 group?  I'm pretty sure we don't have an Ohio group yet and I can help you get started.  It'll be easy for you since you already have several people on board.

Thanks for the offer Meredith! I was thinking about starting up the H2M2 when I first created the group but at the moment I think we'll just stay Ohio Huskies, our member count isn't very high and our group is just kinda relaxed, I don't know if I want to put myself in a commitment with another group quite yet without knowing if I can handle it.
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H2M2 Ohio husky meets! Empty
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