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 Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy*

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Male Join date : 2013-04-11
Location : Pittsburgh, PA

Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* Empty
PostSubject: Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy*   Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 1:27 pm

So a good friend of mine has had Sibes for the past six years or so and my fiance and I fell in love with the breed. Almost a year ago we purchased our first house and talks began of building our family (just fur babies for now Smile) So we began to look around for breeders and rescues and such but hadn't really made solid moves to get a pup just yet.

While we were out an about one day running errands we drove past a local pet store ( I know tisk tisk...) with a sign outside that read "puppy sale" (I know, real original right?)... so as it were my fiance tricked me (not really) into going to take a look :)As we pull into the parking lot she says, well even if they don't have a husky maybe we will get a rottweiler or lab if they have something we like (at this point I knew we were going home with a pup, be it a husky or not)  So we enter the store front and center is a 12 week old Malamte, beautiful tan and white female... already pretty big so we decided to keep walking . Low and behold, there he was, 11 weeks old just around the corner... pouncing on and tossing the toy that was in the crate with him. She wanted a female, it didn't matter to me either way but ultimately.... I didn't want to be the only guy in the house Razz 

So we asked to see him and we were sent to room where they would bring him to meet us... it was love at first bite... he instantly came over and started to gnaw on my hand and shiny new watch, nibbled on her purse... gave some kisses and went back to playing with his toy. Continuing through the conversation with the clerk, discussing the usual (price, how often do you get huskies, and so on) we decided that we simply couldn't leave him there... regardless of the typical "pet store" price tag.

We had to come back to pick him up in day or two to take him home and his cage was clearly marked "I'm going home" as he was not to be handled by any new shoppers... our little man was off the market!

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Look at that face... could you leave him there?

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The first time he was brave enough to walk down the stairs (about a week after we got him). I put his paws down one at a time... he wimpered a little then figured it out... then thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

4 months or so
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Right around 6 months old

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After a bit of trimming affraid 

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Lovin' him some pool time... this was a hot day and prior to this he freaked out if I got him wet... not this day, he welcomed the cool water!

It's hard to believe we've had him for 6 months. His weight when we picked him up was right around 17lbs... he is now over 50lbs at 8 1/2 months and full of personality. We wouldn't trade him for the world and wouldn't know how it felt without him around had we not taken him home. He has his wild moments but for the most part just wants to be by your side (or under my feet, sitting on my head, standing on my chest... you know the typical places a 50 lb dog should be)

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Obviously not amused by me or my camera...

He loves EVERYBODY.... even the neighbors that no one likes jocolor His favorite activities are playing with his treat puzzle ball, chasing grass hoppers in the yard and running around the house at 85 mph bounce . So far we've taught him to sit, talk, paw, high five, lay down, rollover (kinda) and count to 4 (he gets 5 some times). He is spoiled rotten... every time we get a box in the mail he thinks there is something for him (most of the time there is scratch )

This is him now... getting so big Crying or Very sad 
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Wait... that's not your bed Loeki (at least he is on mommy's side Twisted Evil )

Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* 1235148_10100980254534458_490394199_n
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Male Join date : 2012-11-20
Location : Ohio

Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy*   Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 1:35 pm

Love the pictures!! Seems like a awsome dog!! The one if ur fiance (i think) holding him is halrious!! Like a oversized baby lol!
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Male Join date : 2013-04-11
Location : Pittsburgh, PA

Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy*   Loeki's Scrapbook *most likely pic heavy* EmptyMon Sep 30, 2013 2:18 pm

Ericobeasto wrote:
Love the pictures!! Seems like a awsome dog!!  The one if ur fiance (i think) holding him is halrious!! Like a oversized baby lol!
Thanks, that picture was back in June I believe... probably 10 or so pounds ago... and she still tries to hold him like that haha!
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