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 Obi's scrapbook!

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Male Join date : 2013-08-03
Location : West Asheville, NC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 1:29 pm

Well, tomorrow is Obi's five month birthday and after looking at some of the awesome scrapbooks here, I figured I'd why not throw my hat in?

My girlfriend, Alya and I had wanted a Husky for awhile. We have two cats currently, Mew and Hobbes, they're Russian blue mixes from the same litter and are about a year and a half.  We're in an apartment, and we thought we'd hold off on a husky until we started renting or bought a house, until we saw an ad on craig's list advertising pure bred Siberian Husky pups!

This is the very first day we met him. He was the coolest of the three pups, he came and laid on my feet and started licking, so I'm like, "Okay man".

Obi's scrapbook! 013_zpsc576f228

So, we wait a week and finally go pick him up.  This was when he was first introduced to our boys at home. Sorry for the dark quality!

Obi's scrapbook! 028_zps3649ee3a

Potty training was a challenge, but fortunately when we renewed our lease, we received a complimentary carpet cleaning. He was so incredibly tiny when we first got him!

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0767_zpse47fb094

He pretty much goes every where with us. This was taken at a local breakfast shop we frequent.

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0251_zpsc75277f7

We take him to the dog park regularly. Here's a shot from his first time, I think he was about eight weeks.

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0253_zps18ea0b25

He was initially nervous around larger dogs, but he quickly begun to hold his own. He loves the dog park, and I think he knows the road whenever we drive past it.

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0448_zps77b450c8

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0586_zps2459b1c0

At a local brewery here, they do "Wet Nose Wednesday", and they donate money from your pizza to local shelters, and all the pups get homemade dog treats. In Obi's case, he got a bandanna.

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0329_zps690ced24

He's great with other dogs! Our neighbor has a husky who's about four months older than Obi, and they get along great!

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0660_zpsaa58b31a

Our kitties have pretty much warmed up to him too. Here's a neat shot.

Obi's scrapbook! 101_zps5883a044

Like I said, he goes everywhere.

Obi's scrapbook! 145_zpsee4e604e

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0786_zps7f777b98

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0552_zps88758d98

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0560_zps0040e069

So yeah, he's my little buddy! Of course, there have been some challenges, but nonetheless, he's the coolest dog I've ever had! Very calm, and well behaved. In fact, lots of people comment on that, particularly for how young he is. Anyway, if you read this far, thanks for indulging me and I'll continue to post pictures of Obi when I'm not "aww'ing" at everyone elses' dogs!

One more for the road. Or dog park, rather.

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0744_zps152b1934
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Female Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : Alabama

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 1:34 pm

Awww he's at the bat ear phase Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 1:38 pm

Oh Lordy! Those ears. Hard to ignore that face. Smile Don't worry, he'll grow into him, he is SO cute. Smile
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Male Join date : 2013-08-03
Location : West Asheville, NC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyTue Oct 15, 2013 1:42 pm

Two most recent photos! Taken maybe an hour ago.

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0802_zpsdcf44fbc

Obi's scrapbook! IMG_0804_zps2a3ac846
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Male Join date : 2013-08-03
Location : West Asheville, NC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptySat Oct 19, 2013 12:07 pm

Obi's scrapbook! 1382796_10201845176884269_180790918_n

One of the cats was out all night last night, I think this is Obi's way of saying, "Welcome home!"
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Male Join date : 2013-08-03
Location : West Asheville, NC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyTue Nov 12, 2013 12:39 pm

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0911

Somewhat blurry photo of Obi a few days ago. I was making some breakfast, and he was suddenly not so sleepy.

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0912

We were out having some pizza and beers, Obi got up on the bench and was really trying to behave in exchange for a slice.

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0810

About a month ago, we had a health scare with Obi.  I left for work one day, and he was fine. Alya came home later, and she told me he was acting kind of strange; he wasn't all up and lively like he usually is, and he was just kind of laying by the window.  So, I looked up a few of his symptoms online and some things were saying that it was possible that he had an infestation of worms, which we knew about and had been giving him some treatment for them.  Also, I read a little bit about the dreaded parvovirus. Optimistically I thought to myself, "He doesn't have parvo".  The next day, Alya took him to the vet and they tested him and he had three or four different kinds of worms, and he tested positive for parvo.  They told us it would be a few days before whether or not they knew he would live.  Naturally, we were shattered; I left work early to be with him.  It would've cost approximately $1500 to keep him at the vet clinic and have him treated.  Alternatively, we were informed that we could take him home and do an in-home treatment. Fortunately, we found out on a Thursday and we had taken Friday-Sunday off to celebrate Alya's birthday.

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0812

The vet gave us some IVs to give Obi. We were supposed to give him X amount each day, and then use this syringe to inject this hydration stuff into his mouth. And he had an antibiotic he had to take every twelve hours, and he had to take his dewormer every day for three days.  The first two days, he was pretty lethargic.  He laid in a little spot on the loveseat in front of the window. We were really diligent about taking care of him and showering him with love and affection.  The first two days were the worst. We were both really sad, and just had to wait to wait.  It wasn't until day three that he started to come around.  I was up early feeding the kitties, and as I was opening their can, I suddenly felt Obi's nose on the back of my leg.  Granted, he hadn't been up walking around for two days at this point, so I was pretty surprised.  

He still was taking it easy, but he was showing a lot of signs of improvement. I had read all of these horror stories about how quickly parvo kills your pup, but Obi was a real fighter.  

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0814

By Saturday, he was eating ground turkey and wasn't having diarrhea. By Sunday, he was acting completely normal.  The vet did say that this could be a red herring, so we remained cautious. But, with each day he got better and better.

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0815

I took this photo the day that I knew he was truly recovered. He looks so happy, and rejuvenated. Really one of my favorite photos I have of him!

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0913

We've moved into a new place recently, and Obi really likes the patio. He sits out there for hours at a time.  

Obi's scrapbook! Img_0915

Alright, I'll shut up now. Here's a picture of Obi and I running some errands. Thanks again for indulging me!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyTue Nov 12, 2013 1:33 pm

Wow, glad to hear that he's okay. That's scary. He's lucky to have such a loving family to get him through such tough times. Hope there's nothing but good times ahead.

Obi's scrapbook! Huskyf10
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Male Join date : 2013-08-03
Location : West Asheville, NC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyMon Dec 09, 2013 12:17 pm

Obi's scrapbook! Photo_10

Obi went to the dog park one day when it was extremely wet and muddy, aaaaand now he's not a white Husky anymore. Alya cleaned him up really nice afterwards though.

Obi's scrapbook! Photo_11

We took him and got him updated on all of his shots and yadda yadda the other day. After the parvo scare, we're really paranoid even if his nose a little bit dry. But we took him to Charlotte Street Animal Hospital, it's a local place and they're really, really awesome! A lot of the staff remembered Obi! They were all really taken aback that he had survived parvo. One girl on the staff came in and was just loving on him and was telling us that she spotted him from afar while he was getting a shot and had said, "Is that the same Obi that had parvo?" So, he's like our little miracle pup! Okay I'll stop being mushy, here's a video of him howling:

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Male Join date : 2013-08-03
Location : West Asheville, NC

Obi's scrapbook! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obi's scrapbook!   Obi's scrapbook! EmptyMon Dec 09, 2013 12:24 pm

Oh, and he'll be seven months a week from today. He weighs about 53-55 pounds. Height wise, I'm not one hundred percent sure, I'll measure him today. We originally thought that he would be about 60 pounds, because Alya had a three year old husky named Blue a couple of years back and he was only sixty three pounds.  So, maybe Obi will be closer to seventy pounds? There's no telling.

For those interested, here's Alya with Blue.

Obi's scrapbook! Alya_a10

She had him before we were became partners, and she unfortunately had to give him up. But he seemed like a sweet dog.
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