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Congratulations Nikita, Archer, and Cheyanne!, our November HOTM winners! HOTM Will Be Taking An Indefinite Break!
Husky of the Month
Congrats Nikita, Archer, and Cheyanne,
our November HOTM Winners!
Husky Cuddles!

Thanks to all for this month's entries!
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 Bandit and Smokey

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Female Join date : 2013-11-09
Location : Minnesota

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptySat Nov 09, 2013 4:28 pm

Bandit at 12 weeks
Bandit and Smokey 529933_656771897265_1975277157_n
Trick or Treat
Bandit and Smokey 280412_635650389935_1830037519_oBandit and Smokey 169414_637585252455_1148116597_oBandit and Smokey 615525_638307120825_1516328422_oBandit and Smokey 530710_652645796005_786758641_n
Yay Snow!
Bandit and Smokey 71814_652665566385_1159751034_n
Arrrgh Matey
Bandit and Smokey 215807_664344002705_454780811_n
Smokey at 7 Weeks
Bandit and Smokey 1013652_677484379285_756317479_nBandit and Smokey 1014368_677484419205_394729805_n
I Love you brother
Bandit and Smokey 947265_684377774865_482684049_n
Bandit and Smokey 945986_692341565365_95272187_n
One of my favorites
Bandit and Smokey 1462963_707505566585_1244274501_nBandit and Smokey 541474_707504753215_214029927_nBandit and Smokey 1001678_684377749915_757957303_n
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptySat Nov 09, 2013 4:51 pm

Gorgeous pups!
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Join date : 2012-06-13
Location : Denver, CO

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 11:16 am

Great pictures! Bode has that same pumpkin squeaky toy. It's one of his favorites! We ended up buying like 5 of them last Halloween when they were on sale.
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Female Join date : 2013-11-09
Location : Minnesota

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptyThu Dec 05, 2013 9:58 pm

Bandit and Smokey 1472083_711636787585_297454276_n
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Join date : 2013-04-17
Location : South East Wisconsin!

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptyFri Dec 06, 2013 7:57 am

Who lives in the 2nd floor of the dog house? LOL
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Female Join date : 2013-11-09
Location : Minnesota

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 7:55 pm

Ha, they have two doors now with a flap in between, even a little deck, so spoiled!Bandit and Smokey 1525104_716102802655_1535435519_n
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Female Join date : 2013-11-09
Location : Minnesota

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptyWed Dec 18, 2013 8:03 pm

Here are the latest Christmas photos...they hate me for this Smile
Bandit and Smokey 1506653_715967838125_204533823_n
Bandit and Smokey 1462973_715967888025_1207713645_nBandit and Smokey 579698_715967863075_1506879798_n
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Male Join date : 2013-12-24
Location : Australia

Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey EmptyFri Dec 27, 2013 4:44 am

That is an awesome dog house!
Pretty tempted to build my own now
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Bandit and Smokey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bandit and Smokey   Bandit and Smokey Empty

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Bandit and Smokey

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