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 Frigga's visit to Headwaters Forrest.

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Female Join date : 2014-05-06
Location : Eureka (AKA: Heart of the Emerald Triangle), Ca

Frigga's visit to Headwaters Forrest.  Empty
PostSubject: Frigga's visit to Headwaters Forrest.    Frigga's visit to Headwaters Forrest.  EmptyThu May 15, 2014 12:55 pm

Good Morning Everyone!!!!

Yesterday Ty and I took Frigga to Headwaters Forrest. When we pulled in, she was all excited, sitting in my lap and smelling all the wonderful fields of cow pies. When we pulled into the parking lot, we noticed a full size school bus from a local charter school. Ty and I looked at Frigga and said at the same time: "Frigga your fan club is here!!!". Yes, our Frigga is an attention whore and we proudly say that about her....

We put the horse lunge line on her. All 26 feet of line to allow her to run ahead without dragging my wide rear end!! So, we get walking along the trail and what does our little Frigga hear??? The south fork of the Elk River and she goes nuts. She starts to pull me toward the water, which was on our right side. Ty and I continue our walk. Ty then tells me that he can hear the kids ahead of us. So, as we continue to move forward, I gather up the line and bring her closer to us. We at this point are 15 feet in front of the kids. At this point the kids did not notice her; but she noticed them. Frigga was jumping up and down; chattering away (talking to them); and her back end was wiggling so hard that she almost fell over. Frigga continued on for about 5 minutes until a group of girls screamed "PUPPY!!!!". That was all they wrote.

Screaming puppy in a group of kids is like screaming fire in a movie theatre. There was 75 middle school kids, who stampeded and surrounded us. affraid  Most of these kids were in shorts. Frigga was jumping; wiggling, and licking anything that stood there long enough. Yes, every kid was able to pet; take photos of her; or take a photo with her. Ty was answering questions with the adults and I was answering the kids questions. I felt bad for the teacher, who was trying to line up the kids for the walk back to the bus. Lining up middle school kids is like lining up people in a quiet, polite line when the check window opens at the Welfare Dept (worked in Welfare as a case manager for 15 years). It just does not happen. After all kids got the pets, loves, and photos in, they were ready to hike out. As they passed us, they all said goodbye to Frigga and snuck a last pet.

We continued with our walk. Frigga by this time is hyped up and now really wanting to go play in the river/creek. Ty and I find an area that looks promising from the trail. As we come up on it, it is a 10-12 foot drop down to the creek side, and the ground is very wet/slippery. The trail going down is not that easy. I decide to try to follow it down since is goes back and forth across the side of the drop. I make it to the first landing, Frigga is now acting like that ADHD kid hopped up on Halloween candy, who washed it all down with a Red Bull. She bolts down the rest of the way. Ok, truthfully, she bonzai'd herself off the side and when she landed, she landed running. I drop most of the line to give her some space to run and allow me alittle bit more time to walk down. At that point she hit the end of the line, which threw off my balance, and dropped the rest of the way down. I landed on my right foot which jammed up my right hip. I grabbed a fallen log to steady myself and keep from falling. I look over at Frigga, who is now bounding through the creek, she is just happy as a pig in poop. Ty makes it down and points out that Frigga is now in the deep water (over her head). Frigga is just paddling her way around the water. She took to it like a duck to water. I was floored!!!

The rest of the walk went great and she fell asleep in my arms when we were driving home. She was a dirty puppy, smelled like the forest; rolled several times in the mud; and had gotten green spots on her (from rubbing on the trees that had moss growing on them). Shaelawn, our daughter, crawled into the tub after a stressful day of finals. For as tired as Frigga was, she had enough energy to cannonball right into the bath. At that point Shaelawn sat in the tub with her and gave her a bath. Talk about a pampered pooch......

Today she is resting and enjoying ripping my pea plant leaves off and eating them. Have a great day!!

Frigga's Grandmother!!!
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Frigga's visit to Headwaters Forrest.

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