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 Getting a puppy, need a little advice

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Female Join date : 2014-07-14
Location : Canton, OH

Getting a puppy, need a little advice Empty
PostSubject: Getting a puppy, need a little advice   Getting a puppy, need a little advice EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 5:31 pm

Hello everyone! This is my first post and I hope it's in the correct spot.

My fiance (soon to be husband) and I are getting a husky puppy the end of November/beginning of December. We found a breeder who was planning a breeding with two dogs that have wonderful temperments and she believes will produce puppies with the temperment we're looking for. I've been in contact with the breeder since the beginning of June and she has a due date for puppies at the end of September, as long as everything goes well. The breeder said they would let me know when everything is officially confirmed.

So, now I am beyond excited!

When I was 16 we adopted a husky from the dog warden and purchased a Sibe puppy from a breeder. I adored those dogs, but when I was about 20 my mom started having health issues, and with my sister and I in college, their needs were not being met, so she rehomed them to wonderful people that my mother is still in contact with.

I have experience and knowledge of the breed, but it's been years since I've dealt with a young puppy. I had vacation time set aside for the puppy, 5 days for a total of 7 days, an entire week. However, my fiance's grandmother passed away and I had to take some of those vacation days I had set aside. I only have 2 vacation days left.

So, I was wondering what you guys would think is better. I have Sunday's and Tuesday's off, my fiance works a normal schedule and has Saturdays' and Sunday's off. I'm hoping to pick up the puppy after I get off work on a Saturday. I can use the full two days and take Monday and Wednesday off, so I can be home all day Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday with the puppy. Or, I can take half days. I start work at 9am, so if I did the half days, I'd be home all day Sunday, come home at 1pm on Monday, all day Tuesday, come home at 1pm Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and then my fiance would be home Saturday. If I take the half days, I would try to get someone to stop in around 11 or so to let the puppy out, but thats not something I've found someone to do yet, so not sure...
I know it's really early to worry about, but at my work we have 'vacation boards' with a set amount of time off available each day so I want to make sure I can have the days I want off.

Also, any advice on how I can cool my jets while waiting like, 18 weeks for the puppy to come home would be greatly appreciative!

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Female Join date : 2012-10-06
Location : Space Coast, Florida

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PostSubject: Re: Getting a puppy, need a little advice   Getting a puppy, need a little advice EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 7:26 pm

I like the idea of half days with someone to let the pup out once while you're gone. You'll need to find someone anyway for after your vacay week is over, since young pups shouldn't be left alone all day. You can try asking friends or a vet for a recommendation.
As for what to do during the wait.... It's just too exciting waiting for a pup!! Smile Things you can do are search for a good vet, find a reputable puppy kindergarten class (check with a local kennel club first), meet other husky owners (there's lots of Facebook groups), and lots of shopping! This is also a good time to dig deeper into your breeder's background, making sure she does health clearances (hips, eyes, etc), proves her breeding stock in sport and/or conformation, etc (much easier to do that *before* seeing and falling in love with an adorable pup.
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Female Join date : 2013-05-26
Location : Michigan

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PostSubject: Re: Getting a puppy, need a little advice   Getting a puppy, need a little advice EmptyMon Jul 28, 2014 7:41 pm

Howdy there Gal.

Sounds like you are going to have some fun soon.

I can give you some pup tips Smile

Okay as far as the pup's potty training goes.

General Rule of Thumb: Every month they are old (Up to 8 months, because after 8 months every dog needs to go out within an 8 hour period) is how many hours before they need to go out. So if you get your pup at the minimum age of 8 weeks = 2 months = every two hours. Otherwise you'll be taking steps back, and your pup will relieve itself where ever it feels like it.

I see that you said you have someone that can come by and let your pup out while you are at work. Do you think they will be able to stop a couple of more times a day besides the once?

Things you can do while you are waiting those long 18 weeks... hehe.

Read as much as you can. May it be here, google searches, there are many books; just dive in to as much literature as you possibly can. The more reading you do, the more prepared you will feel when the time comes.

Figure out what Vet you want. Go in to several, set up appointments to talk with the vets and listen to their views on questions you may have.

Look into Pet Insurance. This is always optional, however huskies get into trouble easily so it is always good to have that peace of mind.

Go to pet stores and start picking up toys, leashes, collars,.... The more you have the better!

Also pick up a crate. Huskies love crates. They may not think it at first, but after proper training, they love their "Room/Den"

Pick up some enzyme cleaners, carpet cleaner( if you don't have one), and a Dyson Vacuum. I say Dyson (My opinion) because it is the best ever. So much power for all that fuzz! hehe

Pick up grooming stuff! Slicker Brush, Rake, Puppy Shampoo, Nail cutters and File, Musher's Secret!

Do research on what you would like to feed your dog, whether you're going to do raw, or kibble, there are many threads here that go into great detail on many food choices.

Hope this helps for you!
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