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 Pippa's pooping in the house?

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Female Join date : 2012-08-08
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

Pippa's pooping in the house? Empty
PostSubject: Pippa's pooping in the house?   Pippa's pooping in the house? EmptyWed Oct 22, 2014 11:15 am

Been a long time since I've posted, but I'm a little confused and wanted some opinions!

Pippa's about 2 and a half, from what the shelter told me, and I've had her for just over two years. She's been nearly perfect with housetraining since I got her, only peeing in the house once and pooping in the house once (when she was having stomach issues and I wasn't paying attention). Both of those incidents happened over a year ago.

In the last two weeks she's pooped in the house three times. There have been no changes in her diet, and none really in her schedule. My brother (who she's obsessed with) moved away to college in August, but he's been home a few times and she really hasn't seen much less of him than she did in the summer. I work roughly the same hours everyday, sometimes I go in a few hours earlier.

She gets fed twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. She's never been one to eat and then want to immediately go outside (like our older dog always has been). There are no health concerns, no other odd behaviors, so I'm kind of at a loss.

I crate trained her when I got her and she was always in the crate when I was gone, but we slowly transitioned her to having full reign of the house in June. I realize putting her back in the crate when I'm gone is an option, but I hate to do that now that I'm working and not in school (and able to let her out a few times during the day).

Any thoughts? Suggestions?
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Pippa's pooping in the house? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pippa's pooping in the house?   Pippa's pooping in the house? EmptyWed Oct 22, 2014 4:42 pm

Katie, can you clarify the last part? Were you able to let her out a few times a day when you were in school and now that you work you can not, or just the opposite? If you are unable to let her out now that you work, that may be the change in her behavior. Remember consistency in a husky is what works best, and any changes in routine may take a few weeks to work through. Perhaps limiting her access to the house with baby gates would be better, at least you can restrict where she goes. Subtle changes to routines, often come subtle changes with a husky, going to work earlier, giving free reign, are changes that take time for them to adjust. When did you start working in comparison to her having free reign. Sometimes we have to dig deep to explain why our husky does what they do, but once you pin point the change, you should be able to correct the problem. Example, maybe she had more exercise in the mornings, now that you leave earlier she gets a little less time and less exercise to encourage her to go (poo)? Just an idea.

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Female Join date : 2012-08-08
Location : Atlanta, Georgia

Pippa's pooping in the house? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pippa's pooping in the house?   Pippa's pooping in the house? EmptyThu Oct 23, 2014 9:54 pm

Thanks for your response!

I was able to let her out more frequently while I was in school. Now that I'm working, I can't get home during the day, but she only by herself for more than a few hours on Monday and Wednesday (my mom only teaches two days a week).

I'd agree that it's the schedule change, but we've been doing this since the beginning of August. My dad's been out of town this week, which might have thrown her off, but she's not all that close to him.

It could be that the mornings I leave earlier she doesn't have enough time to get things going, so to speak. But she also doesn't always eat her breakfast right away.

I'm just not sure. It's frustrating, because this has literally never been a problem since I got her at 6 months.
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Pippa's pooping in the house? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pippa's pooping in the house?   Pippa's pooping in the house? EmptyFri Oct 24, 2014 10:00 am

Your avatar is still one of my favorites!

I agree it sounds like the shift in schedule, but I would actually recommend shifting her more to get her in rhythm with the new routine. Get up earlier, feed her right away and pick up her food for the day if she doesn't eat, and get her on a longer walk/run in the morning to 'get things moving.' Wink
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Pippa's pooping in the house? Empty
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Pippa's pooping in the house?

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