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 Nikolai's Scrapbook

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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyFri Jan 07, 2011 5:01 pm

0/52 - Just establishing a thread and figuring out how to post. Wink
Feel free to comment (either here, or on Flickr) as I am always trying to learn new things and improve my photography skills. Thanks!

Nikolai's Scrapbook 5330660777_035d8b888e_z
Loves being a couch potato... by CoffeeK8, on Flickr

Last edited by CoffeeK8 on Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyFri Jan 07, 2011 6:48 pm

Aw, Nik the couch potato! Sleep

Ginger doesn't like our couches - I guess it's not keep enough for her.
But she LOVES our bed!! And will lay perpendicular to us so she's touching both of us; one gets the head, the other gets her butt. And after we fall asleep, she'll go lay down on her blanky at the foot of our bed on the floor Very Happy

Nikolai's Scrapbook 41765413
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 9:22 pm

Awww makes you want to curl up next to that ball of warmth! Aren't they warm when they are sleeping! I love it! Mya LOVES our bed hubby's spot to be exact! I normally go to bed earlier than him (he's a night owl) and me, well, I'm in bed with my babies by 10:30pm. Once he comes to bed though she'll either A) leave to the couch that she's allowed to lay on or B) lay on my feet and curl up into a warm ball. Can't wait for Kody to be old enough to be left out Smile
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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 2:40 pm

Yes, he's a wonderful cuddle buddy - so warm!! My hubby won't let him up into our bed. At all. Ever. :-( He considers it the "last sanctuary" for our cat... so Nikolai's got his own bed at the foot of ours.
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyMon Jan 10, 2011 2:47 pm

CoffeeK8 wrote:
Yes, he's a wonderful cuddle buddy - so warm!! My hubby won't let him up into our bed. At all. Ever. :-( He considers it the "last sanctuary" for our cat... so Nikolai's got his own bed at the foot of ours.

I once said the same thing when we first got Ginger. And now what?? She snuggles in bed with us before we go to bed and when we wake up. The funny thing is, once we fall asleep, she'll get off the bed and sleep on her blanky at the foot of our bed until we wake up and call her up. And she's only allowed on our bed when we invite her Very Happy

Nikolai's Scrapbook 41765413
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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyFri Apr 22, 2011 2:02 pm

Nikolai's Scrapbook 5643290035_e6ed60b376
Zonked out by CoffeeK8, on Flickr

My Beautiful Boy
Nikolai's Scrapbook 5643858470_ca8e87519c
Nikolai by CoffeeK8, on Flickr

Chillin' on the sofa with both my fuzzies...
Nikolai's Scrapbook 5643861260_f1b1ed6b0e
Word of this must never get out, Mom... by CoffeeK8, on Flickr

Last edited by CoffeeK8 on Wed May 25, 2011 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 2:11 pm

Nikolai's Scrapbook 5759143700_0d8a8dd1d9
My sweet boy by CoffeeK8, on Flickr
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 2:50 pm

I must have missed this thread before! Love all the pics! My favorite is the "zonked out" one with his head smushed against the glass. LOL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Summer10
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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 3:31 pm

*grin* Yeah, that was a pretty good one. We'd just come home from a good long hike and he was actually TIRED. Hehehe...

Looking at all the photos I have here, ya'll must think I have the laziest husky EVER. Every photo I have is of him wiped out, lying down... Maybe I need to work on getting some of him, oh, I dunno, ACTIVE.
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 3:37 pm

We understand! When they're zoned out is when it's easiest to get pics. Laughing

Nikolai's Scrapbook Summer10
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 4:04 pm

Awwww Nikolai! Such a cutie! I love you
That pic on the bed. Daddy wasn't home so sneaked on? The kitty let him? lol
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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 4:09 pm

I was still in bed this morning and Chris was downstairs eating breakfast, so I invited him up for cuddle time. I got up, took a shower, and he was still there. Hehehe... Shhhhh... Chris and Cosmo don't need to know our little secret.
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyWed May 25, 2011 9:53 pm

CoffeeK8 wrote:
I was still in bed this morning and Chris was downstairs eating breakfast, so I invited him up for cuddle time. I got up, took a shower, and he was still there. Hehehe... Shhhhh... Chris and Cosmo don't need to know our little secret.

Shhhh, don't worry, we won't tell! LOL! Super cute pic! And isn't cuddle time the best with them. They're so sweet =)
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Female Join date : 2010-10-28
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 1:01 pm

Nikolai's Scrapbook 5790138069_034bec46af
Earless husky! by CoffeeK8, on Flickr

All he needs is some soft music, a little candle light, and a glass of wine to be a REAL ladies' man.
Nikolai's Scrapbook 5790137853_1d9dce8c12
Hey Baby, how YOU doin'? by CoffeeK8, on Flickr
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Resident Nutritional Bookworm

Female Join date : 2009-06-23
Location : Huntsville, AL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 1:28 pm

Earless husky LOL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Summer10
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Nutrition Subject Moderator

Female Join date : 2010-10-12
Location : Denver, CO

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 1:33 pm

Huskyluv wrote:
Earless husky LOL

Where are his ears? Razz

Nikolai's Scrapbook 41765413
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Female Join date : 2010-10-01
Location : Miami,FL

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 2:20 pm

cmanding wrote:
Huskyluv wrote:
Earless husky LOL

Where are his ears? Razz


He's so cute!!! I love the thick eyeliner around his
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Female Join date : 2011-04-15
Location : WI

Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 10:52 pm

Love the ears back look!
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Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nikolai's Scrapbook   Nikolai's Scrapbook Empty

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