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 Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot.

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Join date : 2014-12-23

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. Empty
PostSubject: Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot.   Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 3:05 am

I have an 7-8 year old Husky who loves to go on walks, but for the past week, has been unable too. She keeps licking these two things. I can't find any info on them through Google searching. Do you have any ideas on what these are? We will be taking her to the vet on Monday, but any ideas for help till then is much appreciated.

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. 2014-111

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. 2014-112

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. 2014-113
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot.   Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 10:35 am

I am not a vet or anything medically related.
My Beka used to get a bunch of skin tags wart tumors and lesions she produced too much keratin, skin and hair oils.
Looks like a sebaceous cyst  or a type of wart/skin tag that my Beka used to get. They are similar to an ingrown hair and or acne or swelling under skin. They grown sometimes with or around something but other time are just a pocket of fat cells/protein (Keratin). She used to get them on her back and they were check for cancer (by aspiration) when they got larger. The sebaceous cyst seemed smooth compared to the picture you have and almost sac like but never cancerous. However sometimes she would also get the sebaceous gland tumor which was cauliflower like this one. All the treatments were, once aspirated to check for cancer, was to leave alone unless they bothered the dog. My vet sometimes would lance the cyst if it got too big or would scrap the top of the gland tumor off with her nail if too big. But I would let a doctor do that as you could internally pop it or make it infected.

We had one on her neck like this removed via surgery when she was approximately 3. It was being "sawed" by her collar and irritating her. It was the size of the base of a Sharpie pen.  So we had it and a couple others taken off. As she got older they got worse or more but she got more of the cysts which are old age common. The the doc would de puss (not really puss but keratin) if they got too big. Twice they got too big on there own and burst. But I digress because your is more the gland tumor type. Which besides the top being "stripped" off nothing ever happened too. They never bothered her except if "in the way".

Yours looks like the sebaceous gland tumor the black area is probably scraped raw and scabbed. They will probably lance it off and then you will just have to keep it clean for a few days. It is probably a really irritating spot. Vitamin E or Coconut oil on it will probably help but then the dog WILL lick so maybe a sock on for a bit.

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. 20170810
Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. LcFfm5Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. KIX4m5
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Female Join date : 2013-02-21
Location : Ohio

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot.   Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 10:41 am

Oh I forgot to say in all of that that a common wart looks the same to the naked eye. The vet can tell and a microscopic look can tell.

Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. 20170810
Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. LcFfm5Help is appreciated for weird bumps on a foot. KIX4m5
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