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 raja's life book

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Female Join date : 2015-02-01
Location : sydney nova scotia canada

raja's life book Empty
PostSubject: raja's life book   raja's life book EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:34 pm

This is my (Raja) life story book
this is my father red
raja's life book Pauls_10
This is my brothers and sisters can you find me hint I'm in the middle.
raja's life book My_sis10
This is me raja and my new mom Laura  getting picked up from the breeder I was 6 weeks old.
raja's life book Picked10

after getting home I had to have a bath as I was stinking to high heaven (wolfing out loud)
raja's life book New_to10
this is after my bath: do  I look cozy?
url=]raja's life book Afterb10[/url]

I learned my name in a week.  I also learned to climb stairs at 8 week and two days old
I am  getting chipped on the 12th of this month with my 3rd set of needles, I love the vet
as I get a treat for being a good boy. Very Happy
now at 3 months old I don't sleep in my crate at night I roam free just me and my toys but there is nothing to get into (drat) I love my crate I only use it when mom goes to work. This is what I look like now I was 3 months old Jan 29th 2015
url=]raja's life book Img_0611[/url]
well I have been busy growing and getting spoiled and I found out I love to dig. My mom had a tree that her cloths line was attached to and i dug all the way around the tree about 2 feet deep and then I chewed all the bark off the tree that was fun for me to bad mom did not take a picture of that.
well I will be 2 yrs old in two weeks and I am now 55 pounds i still have not blown out my coat yet but I have learned my gee and haw for this coming winter cant wait.
I got off my leash a couple of weeks ago and I went exploring and poor mom was trying to catch me she used treats and coaxing of car rides but I was to smart for her. mom followed me for about a mile then gave up and went home so i decided that was enough exploring for one day and went home myself and there she was and told me to get in the house which I gladly did as I was pooped out and thirsty.

I also don't like to wear my harness I stand stiff tail down after its on I don't want to move but with a little coaxing I do move and its fine. Oh this summer the family took me to a lake to go swimming and I had to be carried into the water don't like it one bit so the bought me my own kiddie pool and thats the same don't like it one bit other than its good to chew on.
We moved to a new place wow it's different so much people and noise but alas I'm still tied up in the day and brought into the house at dark time I found a snake under a rock that was interesting mom said it was a garter snake not to worry.
I get a lot of soup bones but mom says they make me go to bathroom a lot so I guess they will be fewer, I have to stop destroying my toys i don't have a lot left but on the bright side is i always get new ones.
My toenails were getting long so my owner took me to the vet and sorry to say I peed all over her and would not sit still I also got no treat that day.But my nails did get trimmed.

Last edited by paintwithjoy on Tue Oct 18, 2016 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : adding to my story)
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

raja's life book Empty
PostSubject: Re: raja's life book   raja's life book EmptySun Feb 01, 2015 9:54 pm

Beautiful lil pup and I love how you use his voice to talk to us. House trained and free at 3 months! That must be some sharp dog there!!!

raja's life book S-event    raja's life book S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

raja's life book Empty
PostSubject: Re: raja's life book   raja's life book EmptyMon Feb 02, 2015 3:54 am

Awww, he is adorable Smile
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