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 Suka's Scrapbook

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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Mar 12, 2016 6:36 pm

I finally caved and decided to do a scrapbook for Suka.

I always wanted a decent DSLR, and several years ago, I used our tax refund to buy a Nikon D5000 and an additional lens for long distance. I love it! I also went to a college photography class to learn more about how to take a photo and edit it in software. To be honest, I didn't learn much from that class, but the couple of things I did learn have come in very handy and made the class worth it.

My dogs are my favorite subject when it comes to photography, especially if we go out of the house to do things. I'll often come home with more than 500 photos on my SD card that I have to go through and edit. I wind up deleting most of them because they're blurry or not a good shot. But the reason I take so many photos is for the hidden gems that always come from it. Such as the one below.

Suka's Scrapbook Sunnyd10

This photo below is going to be a "treat" for you guys because I don't often share pictures of myself. I have this mental image in my head of what I look like, but then I look in the mirror or see a photo and I'm often taken aback by it because it just doesn't look like the "me" I have in my head.

Suka's Scrapbook Sunnyd11

Then there's my 11-year-old Chihuahua, Romeo. Every so often, I would go to a pet store in Sierra Vista, AZ to browse their products or ask to play with one of the puppies. I always stressed that I wanted to play with the puppy that hadn't been taken out of its cage in awhile. But on this particular day, they had four new Chihuahua puppies, and one of them really stood out to me. I don't know what it was, but I walked up to the employee and I told her I wanted to play with "that one." She brought him out for me to hold and play with, and I just couldn't let him go. I told Todd I had to have him. The employee told me he was on hold for another woman because she had to run to her bank to find out why she was declined for the puppy payment plan. I was almost in a state of panic. I could not return this puppy to the woman to put back in that cage. Well, it turned out the manager knew me really well, and she told the employee to sell me the puppy. She said I was a guaranteed sale and they had no way of knowing if the other woman was going to come back. So Romeo went home with me. Now I know pet store puppies are a no-no, but at that time, I didn't know much about it, and if this had happened today, I likely would've still bought him. Romeo and I had an instant bond that day, and it's why I couldn't leave without him. I have been more attached to this dog than any other I've owned in my entire life. He was even my service dog for a long time, up until he had to have hip surgery.

Oh, and I got to meet the woman who bred him. It turned out she gave the whole litter to the pet store because she didn't want to bother with selling them herself. She kept one female from the litter and named her Karma. Romeo, Karma, and his father (whose name I no longer remember) all played together for a long time the day we stopped to visit. I emailed back and forth with them for awhile, and over time, the communication ceased.

Suka's Scrapbook Sunnyd12
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Mar 12, 2016 11:15 pm

beautiful fur babies and cool pics, love the photo of you and Suka. Romeo looks very young in that pic, very cool markings that he has.
i wish i had more photos with me, Leo, and Joey, i don't have very many of he three of us mostly cause i'm the one always taking pictures lol.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySun Mar 13, 2016 12:29 am

OMG, I just love Suka's coloring! He's gorgeous! Really great pics of you and your two Smile
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySun Mar 13, 2016 3:27 pm

Ronin, that photo was taken yesterday. Smile Time has been very kind to him. I also try my best to take good care of him because I want him to live a long life. That means good dog food, exercise (which is really easy to do with a Chihuahua), and I keep a close watch on his weight. He gains weight ridiculously fast and then hates it when I refuse to give him anything but dog food and some treats here and there until he loses it again. He usually gains weight when my mom is around. She loves to feed table scraps.

Most recently, he gained weight because I was free-feeding dog food that was high calorie. Jack gained weight from it as well. Now that I'm meal-feeding, I weigh their food morning and evening before serving them, and his weight has finally dropped to a healthy level. Jack is also losing weight, but he could still stand to lose a few more pounds. He's a larger dog, so his weight is taking longer to come off. Yesterday, my daughter started running him alongside her bike to help him lose the rest of it.

I was going through some old photos and found one of my favorites of my last Husky, Kiba. He's about 8-9 years old now but no longer living with me. In 2012, I was going through a divorce and moving into an apartment. They wouldn't let me keep him, so I had to find him a new home. It broke my heart to part with him. That year was so devastating to me that I never even thought to give Kiba to my mother to take care of. If I had done that, he'd be with me today. After one year of living in the apartment, my ex-husband and I got back together. Thankfully, the woman who took Kiba stays in touch and sends photos every now and then.

Suka's Scrapbook Kiba11

But if I had kept Kiba, I wouldn't have Suka today, so I guess that's a silver lining in this. While it hurts my heart to see photos of Kiba and think of him, I'm thankful to have Suka in my life. Not having a Siberian around made me feel like a part of me was missing, but I refused to buy another one until I knew I was in a stable situation. I never want to part with another dog like that again. Now I'm getting all teary-eyed thinking about Kiba. It was very hard to part with him, like saying good bye to a child.

Here are some photos of Suka taken when my daughter and I went to Mud Creek Nature Trail yesterday. Almost all the snow has melted here in Wisconsin, but the grass and trees haven't yet turned green.

This first one wasn't taken on the Nature Trail, but Mud Creek runs all around the village we live in. It's even the back border of our property.

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre21

I'm not sure what he found so fascinating about this tree. Dogs don't pee that high, but he sure was interested in it!

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre17

He was especially curious about the creek. I don't know if he saw something in it or just liked the water, but he was constantly looking at it and pulling to be near it.

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre19

At one point, he decided to plunge right into it!

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre18

Soaking wet and shocked by how deep it was, he scrambled to get out of the creek as quickly as possible, but that didn't deter him from it. He continued to stare at something in the water and stayed along the water's edge.

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre20

He wound up jumping into the water at least two more times, and each time, he was surprised by how deep it was and scrambled to get back to shore. Normally, the creek is a lot lower than this, but with the melting snow, it was unusually high.

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre16

His fascination with the creek made it difficult for us to walk home. I had to keep encouraging him to follow me, but he wanted to stay longer. It wasn't until the creek was finally behind us that he was eager to continue the walk home.

Suka's Scrapbook Mudcre22

So hopefully he learned something about jumping into water, but I doubt it. If anything, it taught me that he loves to swim, so we'll have to bring him to this spot a lot more often. Today, my daughter wants to go to the Brillion Nature Center to take the dogs for a walk, but there's rain in the forecast. If we go, I'll take more photos!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 11:47 am

Suka has such a neat coat color. I think they each take their first swims a little differently. At least he was brave enough to give it a try again. Kenzi got into some stuff deeper than she thought and it ruined her for swimming. That is very nice that the woman who took Kiba stays in touch. He's a wonderful looking dog.

Suka's Scrapbook Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 2:32 pm

Kiba had a great personality too. He was unlike any Husky I've met before. He was calm and didn't do zoomies. If I wanted to take him for a run, he'd settle into an easy lope and get fed up with it quickly. Once around the block and he was ready to go home. He could be trusted off leash without any fear of him running off. He was a great dog. I really miss him.
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Male Join date : 2014-09-20
Location : Houston, TX

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 2:36 pm

Suka is beautiful! sunny
The wet pictures are funny, he just wasn't giving up on the water haha
You have a cow Chihuahua how cute, he's looking great.
(I do not mean to offend the little guy its just thats what I like to call that type of coat/colors on any dog)
Kiba looks like a majestic fellow, at least you know he is doing well.
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 11:19 pm

My daughter and I took our dogs to some trails yesterday. We both had a lot of fun, and the dogs really enjoyed it too!

Suka's Scrapbook Brilli16

Suka's Scrapbook Brilli17

Suka's Scrapbook Brilli18

Suka's Scrapbook Brilli14

Suka's Scrapbook Brilli13
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyMon Mar 14, 2016 11:38 pm

You have the most beautiful backdrops there! Suka's is just SO beautiful, he just takes the most perfect pics!
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyTue Mar 15, 2016 1:10 am

Jessie, such great pics. Suka is such a unique looking husky, so cool he loves water. The pics of you and your daughter are lovely. I just love where you live, so much beauty, you're very lucky to have spots to take the pups walking. Btw, what a cool looking chi, and lovely Kiba, you indeed have found some interesting looking dogs, lucky you!! Oh, and thank you for sharing how you got your lovely brood, well except for Jack(if I remember correctly you do have a third dog living with you and that is his name?)...Anyways, thank you for sharing, can't wait to see more pics!
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyWed Mar 16, 2016 4:11 pm

sorry, to hear you had to give up Kiba; its very cool that his new garden keeps in touch.
Suka has a very cool coat color. he loves the water, nice to see that it didn't scar he one bit lol. that is a beautiful area for walking, wish we had places like that close by. very nice pic of Kiba and your daughter together, very cool place for awesome pictures.
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyThu Mar 17, 2016 7:21 pm

We have four dogs total. Jack is the American Eskimo posing in the photo with my daughter. He belongs to her. Then we have Romeo (the Chihuahua) and Suka (you all know him). The last dog is Gypsy, our Alaskan Klee Kai. I haven't shared photos of her yet, so this is her with my husband (she belongs to him). I thought this would be a great photo to show her size. We got her at the age of three from a woman in Virginia. The woman rehomed her because she was fighting with the woman's other dogs. We've never had a problem with Gypsy fighting with other dogs, so maybe she just wasn't happy there.

Suka's Scrapbook Easter11

And then this was my old Husky, Mika. She was given to me in 2000 shortly before I moved to Wisconsin. She was about a year old and then died in 2007 from contaminated dog food. She was the best dog I've ever owned.

Suka's Scrapbook Mika0010
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Female Join date : 2016-03-16
Location : Tiffin Ohio

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyThu Mar 17, 2016 8:09 pm

Beautiful dogs!
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Mar 19, 2016 1:37 am

they are beautiful fur babies.
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptyWed Mar 30, 2016 2:49 pm

I found an app that lets you have 86 free prints every month if you just pay $2 S&H, so I plan to take a lot more photos with my camera phone (even though I prefer my DSLR because it's not blurry with a moving target and the colors are often better).

Here's a photo taken yesterday with the phone. I have to say the camera on smart phones have gotten a lot more sophisticated than they were just a few short years ago.

Suka's Scrapbook 94254510
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 09, 2016 1:44 pm

I finally got a great photo of his eyes!

Suka's Scrapbook Eyes_011

Plus an extra one of him running towards me.

Suka's Scrapbook Eyes_010
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Female Join date : 2014-09-19
Location : Temecula, CA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 09, 2016 4:40 pm

He's has gorgeous eyes Smile I love his color
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 09, 2016 9:02 pm

He has such a cool look to him, he's just beautiful. Great pic of his eyes too. Kohdi's father had unique eyes similar in color to Suka, almost a red! His nickname was volcano or something like that cuz of his fiery red eyes.
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 10:10 am

It's been almost a month since I took my camera and got photos of the dogs. So I decided to do that this morning, and I'm glad I did! Suka found a stick a few days ago, and it's currently his favorite outside toy. He runs around with it...

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20027_zpsdhnmtjx0

Chews on it...

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20030_zpsfucip9uq

And carries it around with him as he moves around the back yard...

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20010_zps5xa9r59t

He thinks I'm weird for taking photos of him playing with his stick.

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20012_zpsuhbgikcr

But whenever Jack starts barking at people who are walking by on the sidewalk, Suka drops the stick to rush over and see what's going on.

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20033_zpsqu2zteic

When he's assessed the situation, he goes back to the stick again.

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20034_zpsgmacqena

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20028_zps4qw7hcvh

All while Gypsy looks on.

Suka's Scrapbook Stick%20018_zpso3t46bcw
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 2:55 pm

ok this boy pretty much has the same coat color as my boy,kenai..what color is he?! lol..liver nose etc and then that brownish..blackish coat! lol look! they could be brothers! lol Suka's Scrapbook IMG_0714_zps2likflyl
Suka's Scrapbook IMG_1045_zpspnrh4cw0
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 3:53 pm

On paper, it's red and white (due to the color options being limited in AKC). Officially, it's referred to as copper and white (sometimes called chocolate copper depending on the color of the undercoat). You can read more about it here: (scroll down the page about 3/4 of the way to get to the section on "Brown" because that link may not jump to it like it should).

Kenai is beautiful! I love this color in Huskies! You don't see it too often. For awhile, we thought Suka was going to be a red agouti, but when his adult coat finished coming in, we saw that it wasn't. I'm okay with that. ^_^ I think his coat is beautiful!
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 4:26 pm

thank you! wish we could have a puppy playdate with them..too bad in stuck in cali lol..kenai andm y girl miku need husky friends..but theres a lack of them here :/..and yeah kenai's coat has always confused me! lol
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Female Join date : 2016-02-10
Location : Reedsville, WI, USA

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 7:56 pm

I would love to know another local person with a Husky! I've seen Huskies being walked in the next town over, but I don't know of anyone in my town. I think it would be cool to walk together and share stories about our dogs.
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Vincent Drake
Vincent Drake

Male Join date : 2016-04-28
Location : Lancaster california

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 8:26 pm

whitehusky3 wrote:
I would love to know another local person with a Husky! I've seen Huskies being walked in the next town over, but I don't know of anyone in my town. I think it would be cool to walk together and share stories about our dogs.

come visit california? hang out with pups and mah horsies heehee
see? theyd like ya to come visit with yours! they are even looking under a chair for you! lol =D
Suka's Scrapbook IMG_0618_zpshap5ue8f
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook EmptySat Apr 30, 2016 9:53 pm

Huskies and their sticks, lol Smile

Great pics, I LOVE Suka's look, his markings are awesome. He is growing up so beautifully!
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Suka's Scrapbook Empty
PostSubject: Re: Suka's Scrapbook   Suka's Scrapbook Empty

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