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 Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......

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Jamie Fox
Jamie Fox

Female Join date : 2016-08-28

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 2:12 am

Hi everyone, new to the forum, or any forum for that matter. Smile
We live in Texas, me, my hubby, our 12 yr old son... our furbabies are Zoe 3 and Ella 1.

We just recently took in a 1 yr old Husky Ella that belonged to a good friend of mine that is moving into a condo and didn't have the proper time for her. We already have a dog Zoe, GS/Pit mix. Zoe is VERY clingy to us, we thought she might benefit from a playmate, and hoped Ella would be a good match for her.

The meeting went well, and once we Ella finally got to our house, they played tug on the long rope right off the bat, and seemed to be having a great time. But now its seems as if Ella is trying to assert dominance over Zoe, and Zoe is trying to hold her own and keep her status, but now the past 3 days have been a power struggle with them.

I have been reading and research on dog body language, but I can't quite grasp what's going on here and how to help the situation. It's only been 3 days and I know it will probably take some time...
but I mean, Caesar Milan can do it all in just 1 one hour episode and makes it looks so easy.... :/

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great night everyone...

p.s. I'll post pictures of our furbabies if they ever sit still long enough to take a picture. Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 11:22 am

Caesar Milan methods are coming from a different place than most people's and while his methods work they can go very wrong for the average person. If I suddenly went Caesar on my dogs they would think I didn't love them anymore and would start being scared of me. With your two you need to assess what is actually going on here. Huskies are a very different breed than many others. Is it a power struggle or is it the husky wanting to goad the other dog into playing and the other dog just doesn't want to? What is the dog actually doing that suggests to you that she is trying to rule? With any new dog you have to set rules and stick to them. Stay consistent with both dogs and make sure that both dogs are getting equal attention and exercise. How much exercise are they getting also? A tired husky is a good husky and if she isn't getting enough she will pester your other dog like crazy and seem like she is trying to push her around when really she just has a lot of energy she doesn't know how to get out any other way.

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Huskyf10
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Jamie Fox
Jamie Fox

Female Join date : 2016-08-28

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 1:00 pm

Zoe, our established dog, is socialized. She gets along very well with my 2 brothers dogs.
Ella, our new Husky will try to lay her chin on Zoe's neck and then Zoe moves right away and either puts her chin on Ellas neck or she turns around to put her butt in Ella's face. They do this same exchange several times until Zoe finally gets tired of her doing this and they go up on hind legs mouth to mouth growling teeth showing.
I know Zoe is not quite comfortable with the new dog, we have had Zoe for 3yrs and I know her body language. But the exchange between these 2 I can't read...
I have been told to just let them go...that one of them has to assert their rank over the other... but i think if I don't intervene they will have a full on fight.
Now don't get me wrong they are playing well, they share toys and share the outside water bowl.
Does any of that make sense? Lol

I trianed Zoe with the basic commands and she does a few little special tricks she is very well behaved... the perfect dog Smile
..I started working with Ella, the Husky as soon as we got her. My son and I walk the dogs after school everyday and we play fetch and rope and do a little training.
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Female Join date : 2014-06-26
Location : west Texas

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 2:18 pm

Sounds more like a husky trying to play. She is young, and a husky language can be quite different to other dogs language. Also under 2 a husky is still full blown puppy, even if they do not look like a puppy. The constant bugging may get your older dog fed up and is just putting the husky in her place, very typical of an adult dog and a puppy. If i could video my two playing, husky 3 years old and my pure gsd a year old, you will think my husky is trying to kill my gsd, when in fact they are a very, very vocal breed. Other times, when my puppy has bugged my adult enough, she will give a quick snap to let the pup know she is done playing. If there is 0 yelping, like someone got hurt, I would let it play itself out. My husband witnessed this play fighting the other day, and was like wow, do they do this often? I told him several times a day, I laugh until I cry, because it is hilarious to watch. I will admit, i have 2 very, very active dogs, and 2 very vocal dogs, with huskies not unusual, with gsds it is unusual. hahaha
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 3:00 pm

Zoe = established; Ella new.
Jamie, like Renee's comment I have to agree it sounds more like the puppy is asking Zoe to play and Ella doesn't know how to read the messages that Zoe is sending.  Zoe wouldn't "put her butt in Ella's face" if she were concerned about her.  She's not, she's just trying to tell Ella to leave her alone!.

Cesar - who I think you'll find, most people who have dogs don't like has a one hour program where he shows how to solve a problem.  The problem is that he may spend a week (or more) before the program working with the dog and taking videos and then presents it as if it all magically happened in his one hour of glory.  Sorry, that's not only not realistic, it does more harm when an unsuspecting owner tries to use the techniques he sees - without the knowledge that Cesar has. (( PS, I do not like Cesar either!! ))

I just added a new girl to my pack of two and over the month she's been here, there's been hell to pay between the two females.  Again, referring to Renee's message.  There have been a few scuffles that have resulted in a little blood - really very little considering the sounds they make - and they've now settled down to a truce.  I let them work it out until it gets destructive to the house or me (for some reason, they've started three of these scuffles right under my feet!) then I tell them "enough", raising my voice until it registers with them.  Over the past week, I haven't had any more 'discussions' - but let me point out, to me, it is the same as having a discussion.  If they work it out themselves, it'll work; the more you (or anyone) interferes in the discussion - so that they don't have a chance to complete the discussion  - the longer it's going to take.

We've now reached the point where Sky, the addition, will happily play with Avalanche (the male who stays out of their discussions, smart guy!) and Sasha, the other female, knows she's missing out but she really doesn't know how to play - but she's learning.

Two final comments, I've probably mixed up your dogs names, but I think you can understand which of the two I'm speaking about, yes??

And ... since Renee and you and I are from Texas, do you mind if I ask which part of our great state ya'll are from??

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... S-event    Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Jamie Fox
Jamie Fox

Female Join date : 2016-08-28

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 4:19 pm

Yes you got the 2 right.
I am from Fort Worth.

Thank you all for your input I think you are right about Ella not knowing Zoe's signals... I don't think she has had much experience playing with other dogs her size.
I <3 this forum!
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Female Join date : 2016-05-20
Location : Corpus Christi, Texas

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 5:51 pm

TEXAAAAANS everywhere lol! welcome!
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Male Join date : 2014-09-20
Location : Houston, TX

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyWed Aug 31, 2016 11:35 pm

Texans everywhere indeed! Cool
Welcome to the forum fellow Texan bounce
I don't have any expertise in what you're going through but good luck
and looking forward to pics in the future.
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Mark Grubbs
Mark Grubbs

Male Join date : 2016-01-10
Location : Long Island, NY

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyThu Sep 01, 2016 12:05 am

So, I will throw my 2 cents in here.  Colby has been with me for 5 years now.  He has always been my buddy, sidekick, and partner.  In comes Zhukov.  In the early months, when they were close to the same size, Colby was the leader.  He played with Zhukov, but when he was done, he let Zhukov know.  Now that Zhukov is bigger (much bigger), he has started exerting his dominance, much to Colby's chagrin.

Really, the only time we really have any problems is when it involves food or a treat.  Zhukov will take the treats right out of Colby's mouth or push Colby away from the food bowl.  This will usually involve some growling and showing of teeth, but every once in a while, it involves a full blown fighting match.

Really though, I see Zhukov asserting himself over Colby.  He puts his arm over him and will actually lay down on top of him when they are playing.  He also does not realize it when Colby is done playing and will keep after Colby until Colby either starts barking at him or runs away and hides somewhere Zhukov can't get into.   Don't get me wrong, Colby gives as good as he gets.  He has figured out that if he goes for the legs, BOOM!!  Down goes Zhukov.  Colby then does his victory dance (humping Zhukov's thigh) and then the struggle resumes.

Anyhow, my advice is to keep an eye on them and let them work out their arrangements.

Here is Zhukov telling Colby "You're my little buddy and now we're gonna play"
Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Img_3310

Zhukov saying "Ready?  Set.  GO!"
Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Img_3311

Colby saying "Step off, Gigantor!"
Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Img_3312

When they are roughhousing, Colby always sounds like a rabid raccoon, yipping, barking, growling, yodeling, and grunting.  However, they almost always end up like this.
Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Img_3010
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Jamie Fox
Jamie Fox

Female Join date : 2016-08-28

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyFri Sep 02, 2016 12:23 am

Today they are working it out Smile
It sounds like a dog fight in here with all the growling and slobber flying around.
They are getting along great.

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... 20160915
Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... 20160914
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Mark Grubbs
Mark Grubbs

Male Join date : 2016-01-10
Location : Long Island, NY

Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Power Struggle between old and new furbabies......   Power Struggle between old and new furbabies...... EmptyFri Sep 02, 2016 12:53 am

Yup! Zhukov can look pretty vicious when he gets going also. The funny thing is, Zhukov is almost totally silent, unless he gets real mad. Sometimes he "hoots" to get Colby started.
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