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 This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.

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Join date : 2017-11-25

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptyThu Jul 12, 2018 8:54 pm

Between allergic reactions to bees, concussions, eye infections. I thought at 10 months old we had finally. Finally reached the point where he started to grow up a bit, mature a little bit.

Very long story short. On Sunday morning he woke up sick. Throwing up and all round lethargic. Made him some rice and chicken, he ate and the. Stopped throwing up. By lunch he just seemed too lethargic so off to the emergency vet we went.

By the time he was seen he had gone from just a bit lethargic to full blown sick. Was throwing up every few minutes. The vets didn’t waste much time and he was whisked in for X-rays and then prepped for surgery.

His stomach was a mess and something was stuck in his intestines.

He is home now but it’s not an experience that I would like to have again.

Someone needs to reassure me that once the puppy phase is over he will stop seeing the vet once a month.

For those wondering I believe the object to be something he picked up at the park months ago! I know and see everything he puts in his mouth. He is never out of my sight and when he is it’s in a confined space.

For a dog that never shows that he is sick, or that he is in pain. He was so obviously sick and sore. Still is Sad but pushing the limits of “bed rest” at every opportunity lolThis dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  120f7310
This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  84f1c610

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  96ba2910
This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Ae9ec510

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  5e5a2110
This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  5c773610
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptyThu Jul 12, 2018 9:29 pm

Ouch, let me know who the vet users for a supplier, I'm gonna take stock in the staple company!

Seriously, oh, poor baby. I wish I could help, but Sasha - the eldest of my crew - at about 8ish still like to munch on anything she can find. Thankfully, what she finds are deer hooves and skeletal parts so I just let her chew.

Following in your comment, yëh, I think there's a brain in the stomach that says "that's been in long enough - time to move it along", even stuff that should really try to come out the other way (we'll assume that it went down the esophagus so it should be able to come back out, yes?)

Now you're gonna have vets who look at that and wonder "Why did they have him spayed??

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  S-event    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptyThu Jul 12, 2018 11:36 pm

Awwwww, poor Loki Sad that is my biggest fear with Mishka.

I hope he recovers well! Poor thing Sad
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptyFri Jul 13, 2018 10:39 am

Some never grow up. Those are the ones that you will have to have an eagle eye on and really drill in 'leave it' and 'drop it' and just do your best to get out ahead of things. Insurance is usually good if it looks like your dog is going to continue down this path. Won't get you back any money you've already spent but might save you in the long run. Maturity in most that I've known didn't start coming along until 1.5 years or so, so you still have a little time before you may see him mature if he's going to. Some are just filled with puppy curiosity forever. Glad he's okay, even if he may not feel okay for a while.

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Huskyf10
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptyFri Jul 13, 2018 2:04 pm

Oh man that looks so bad, glad you got him in when you did! OUCH. I would have wanted to see the item and figure out what it was for future issues.

Jenn says 1.5yrs, I am still waiting on that with Finn.... he is about that age and as big of a pain in the ass as day one. every month its a new thing, right now its socks, underwear, water/plastic bottles and paper of any kind. we do have insurance on him since day one, what we had been through with Sierra i figured i was a good idea with a puppy.

hang in there i keep telling my self 1.5 more yrs (3) and it might get better.....

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Iaht10
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Male Join date : 2010-12-22
Location : Portland, OR

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptyFri Jul 13, 2018 8:06 pm

That second to last picture is why you have to keep at it.
It does get better!
Age two maybe?
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptySat Jul 14, 2018 5:58 pm

that is my biggest fear with Leo, he always seems to put something in this mouth that he shouldn't, when he was little i though he might have pika. he seems to be slowly out grown that so far.

hope Loki gets well soon, prays for a smooth recovery.
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Female Join date : 2018-02-07
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Wait until he's three   This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptySun Jul 15, 2018 6:24 pm

Sorry to hear about your ghastly problem.  You must have been so worried, that's major surgery, I know because I had a bowel resection done. Poor baby, I hope he recovers well.
You do know that adult dogs are three and up don't you. You have a way to go to get there. We have a three-year-old and a one-and-half-year-old.  These are not the first Husky I've had five before this.  They do slow down and 'mature' a lot then.  So I'd seriously think about that insurance because it can get expensive really quick, as I'm sure you've discovered. Keep taking care of him and he will love you back so much.
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Male Join date : 2013-07-16

This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  EmptySun Jul 15, 2018 6:48 pm

Wow. That would be a scary experience. I am glad he is home and doing well. I can pass on my experiences with Finley when he was a puppy. He is just over 5 now. He swallowed quite a few things such as tails off of stuff animals and a sample pack of treats that was wrapped in tin foil. In both cases he threw them both up in a couple of hours so it worked out. In the tail of a stuffed animal I heard him throw it up and I went to grab it and he beat me to it and swallowed it again. That's how bad it was. He did grow out of it though. I noticed that when we were walking we would walk past bottle caps and things like that and sometimes his head would go down but he never picked them up. I taught him the leave it command early. At about 1.5 years old we had to stay at a Holiday Inn for 18 days and we were coming back from a walk and in the parking lot where there is landscape bushes and he very quickly reached his head into one and came out with a stick of green rat poison in his mouth. I am so glad I saw it happen. Luckily we were only 5 minutes from a emergency vet so all was taken care of.

He was so crazy that we made a decision at a early age to get pet insurance for those type of happenings. Although we never had to use it for something like that he now has a severe hip issues and it's quite possible in the future he may need surgery so it may be something to consider.

Eventually your pup will be great. Good luck to you!
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This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty
PostSubject: Re: This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.    This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.  Empty

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This dog is trying to send me to an early grave.

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