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 DNA tested

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Join date : 2015-07-01

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptyTue Sep 11, 2018 7:34 pm

We finally broke down to curiosity and had Lykaios DNA tested to see if he wants. Wooly husky or a husky mix. So much input from our local community had our heads spinning. We did a blood test through the vet, the company never had a picture or any previous knowledge. His result came back 100%husky. The vet is floored, saying that she would have put money on a mix. DNA tested Img_0010
DNA tested Img_0010
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptyTue Sep 11, 2018 7:47 pm

Dang he is beautiful. I wouldn't have guessed wooly myself, he is fluffy but not wooly fluffy. My two are similar in that they are fluffy, but not wooly.
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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptyTue Sep 11, 2018 8:34 pm

He's very cool looking.

Are the DNA tests considered generally accurate? Might be fun to do one for our 2.
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Female Join date : 2017-11-15
Location : Tampa, Fl

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptyTue Sep 11, 2018 11:03 pm

Wow he's gorgeous! You've got yourself a real stunner there!
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Join date : 2015-07-01

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptyWed Sep 12, 2018 8:53 am

Thank you! We found him as a stray a few years ago and have wondered about what he was. The vet thinks that the test used is the best on the market. She feels confident that the results, while surprising are accurate. He was freshly groomed in this pic, I'm guessing down a couple of bags of hair. He gets insanely full coat.
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptyWed Sep 12, 2018 11:58 am

dvflyer wrote:
He's very cool looking.

Are the DNA tests considered generally accurate?  Might be fun to do one for our 2.

The larger the database the more accurate. Wisdom Panel who does the blood testing through the vet also has a cheek swab option that tends to be much cheaper and runs against the same large database that the blood draw test does. Another company with a large database is Embark. Embark is working toward getting the older more obscure breeds. Both have a good quality of samples on hand for comparison. With Embark you get more medical related testing, so if your dog shows genetic signs of being a carrier for various genetic health issues or you are intending to breed it will tell you if you could be passing some stuff on that you shouldn't, but it costs more at around $200. I've used both. I liked both but Embark takes longer. Choosing a test to me largely depends on what you think is going on.

DNA tested Huskyf10
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Join date : 2018-07-30

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptySat Sep 15, 2018 11:59 am

I did a DNA test on my sibe. He didn't have the typical traits of a husky that many seem to say they have so I did a test. I did not say what breed he was to the DNA and it was 2 cheek swabs. It took weeks to come back but its came back siberian husky plus malamute.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptySat Sep 15, 2018 12:16 pm

Jimmy between your dogs this one is the tufting from the ears. And bet, if hr stands up, there are also leg feathers. This would coat is similar to Ami's... Long and wispy fine around the face. The the "Lion's name chest" some woolys have a much denser, very thick almost impenetrable under coat. In pictures they almost look like a ball of wool.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptySat Sep 15, 2018 1:07 pm

Amy, your response got me to wondering, and if this is a stupid question, then I apologize, but the OP had him tested to determine, for the most part, if he is a wooly or a husky mix. Since he came back 100% husky, that doesn't rule out him being a wooly, does it? It's been my understanding a wooly is not because it's been mixed with another breed, but because of a recessive gene within the husky breed, like a husky's blue eyes, so I'm curious if a wooly husky would come back in a DNA test "100% Husky" or specifically as a " Wooly Husky", or if it's just alluded to in the data part of it all, if at all.
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

DNA tested Empty
PostSubject: Re: DNA tested   DNA tested EmptySat Sep 15, 2018 3:42 pm

I dunno if the DNA test discriminates for wooly. Excellent question.
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