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 Vacuum Recommendations

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Join date : 2016-03-12

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PostSubject: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptyMon Oct 01, 2018 10:25 pm

What vacuums do you all use/recommend? I am needing a new one and want to get opinions as the majority of what's being picked up is dog hair.

We have carpet everywhere except for kitchens and bathrooms. Our current vacuum is heavy, gets hair tangled in the brush and inside the actual container (hard to explain), and the tools suck. We have one husky with medium-long hair, but he doesn't really blow his coat like most. It is just a consistent shedding every day with no huge spikes a couple times a year.

I would prefer something that is not $600, but if it has a good warranty and works well it may be worth it. Something light weight, easy attachments or ways to clean furniture that doesn't pull at the threads in our couch cushions like our current vacuum. Lol

We do have a blower, but we live in an apartment so rarely get the chance to use it. We will be moving to a home soon and plan to get a second husky, so it will get used much more often, as well as the vacuum we end up getting. The home will have lots of carpet ,too, because Loki seems to have trouble finding his feet on wood floors so we had to stick with carpet the last time we moved lol
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Vacuum Recommendations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptyTue Oct 02, 2018 9:49 am

I have an old Eureka bagless right now. My next will be a rainbow though. Rainbow a lot more than $600 but my Eureka has done a good job. I tend to use the wand attachment to vacuum more than the the actual brush part. Less binding to have to deal with. I also have a neato robot vacuum that I like.

here's an older thread with some recommendations --> Vacuum

Vacuum Recommendations Huskyf10
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Join date : 2016-03-12

Vacuum Recommendations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptyFri Oct 05, 2018 11:34 pm

TwisterII wrote:
I have an old Eureka bagless right now. My next will be a rainbow though. Rainbow a lot more than $600 but my Eureka has done a good job. I tend to use the wand attachment to vacuum more than the the actual brush part. Less binding to have to deal with. I also have a neato robot vacuum that I like.

here's an older thread with some recommendations --> Vacuum

Thanks for that, I couldn't find anything when I searched for some reason.

The Rainbow is definitely a bit over the top for what I would/need want personally, it would be awesome but I can't justify it haha
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Vacuum Recommendations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptyMon Oct 08, 2018 12:06 pm

I use the brush comes with resolve (without the foam) to pick up the hair on my carpets. Just light, gentle long pick up the hair nothing else. I can do my 13 x 15 bedroom in about 5 minutes. It extends the interval between vacuums and I also use pre vacuum. Probably saved a marriage. I use a Roomba every other day and every weeks, Central vacuum for the places Roomba can get well.
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

Vacuum Recommendations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptyMon Oct 08, 2018 5:52 pm

I've been happy with my Shark Navigator ($200 or less). I believe the trick is to clean out the canister frequently before vacuuming (during coat blow, the contents is mainly dog fur, sigh).

( Anyway one of my secrets is that I am married to a physicist, who has big metal vacuum chambers in his Lab that he can "pump down" to practically the density of outer space...he cleans out/maintains the vacuum cleaner if I have an issue, and when he's done with it, it works better than new! In our house, vacuum cleaners never die... )

Some people swear by "Dyson Animal" vacuum, but it seems expensive?

@amymeme, I am glad that the right vacuum saved your marriage! Very Happy Laughing
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Male Join date : 2017-03-30
Location : Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptyMon Oct 08, 2018 8:11 pm

As amymeme mentioned above...ROBOT VACUUM CLEANER!!! Doesn't have to be a brand name or a Roomba.  I honestly just have a cheap Amazon China one and it does the trick.  I have an EcoVAcs Deebot and it hasn't failed me or spontaneously combusted in the year that I've had it, but it sure has kept the tumbleweeds at bay.  It runs once a day when i'm out on my daily park time with Echo, and it makes me feel less disgusted with my floors.

No matter what robot vacuum cleaner you buy it will never replace an actual manual vacuum/mop and so every so often I will still go over my floors with a Dyson Animal canister vac, and then steam my floors with a shark.   The Dyson has been absolutely amazing, bagless, and super suction power remains the same 6 years later.  The shark floor steamer I got literally for like $50 at some thrift store and the cloth turns black every single time i finish vacuuming, so it must be doing something!

Happy Cleaning!

P.S. I'm hoping to snatch a good Black Friday sale this year and trade up my Dyson Animal Canister to the new Dyson Cordless V10. Get rid of the wires and have a smaller profile portable vacuum. The dyson takes up a lot of storage room in my loft.
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Join date : 2015-11-13
Location : Upper Bucks County, PA

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PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptySun Feb 10, 2019 4:56 pm

Hi all! My 5mo old is blowing coat. Should I use the Dyson my parents gave me or my shop vac? I'm worried that the shop vac bag will fill up fast and be a PITA to empty. Thoughts?
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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

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PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptySun Feb 10, 2019 7:01 pm

I've been slowing getting the dogs used to being brushed with the shop vac while being brushed. LOTS less hair when I brush them. Smile
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Join date : 2017-11-25

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PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptySat Feb 16, 2019 6:58 am

I have a new Dyson stick vacuum and love it! The cabinets fill's up in 30 seconds and every day I can do one room and empty the canister twice in each room. But I just carry a plastic page or the bin with me and empty it as I go. I am lucky as I do not have much carpet. But it is so portable and easy to use that I can vacuum three times a day and it takes minutes.

I hate carpet and once he is a bit older I will be pulling most of it up. Just don't think any vacuum is going to pull up all the hair well enough. It may look clean but what is hiding...

Have profesional carpet cleaners through regularly and the amount of dirt they pull up from two year old carpet makes me cry.
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Join date : 2015-11-13
Location : Upper Bucks County, PA

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PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptySat Feb 16, 2019 11:38 am

Anyone have (or any experience with) a whole house vacuum? Would they even work on hair or is that more for dust? Danke!
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Vacuum Recommendations Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vacuum Recommendations   Vacuum Recommendations EmptySat Feb 16, 2019 9:51 pm

If you mean Central vacuum, yes, I have Central vac. I like it for the wood/slate floors but our system originated in the late 70's and does not have the electrified attachments. So no beater brush. I did replace the unit several years ago when the original went dead but I didn't add power to outlets. It does a great job and definitely keep dander etc out of the air. But I didn't want to be vacuuming daily (twice daily?!!?) that the fluff butts require so I use the Roomba most of the time and then Central vac every week or two for the nooks "Bob" aka Roomba, leaves behind. Also, Bob doesn't get the moldings, the doors, under the fridge, the furniture, the draperies etc...

But. I really have to tell ya, for a real quick pickup, a Swiffer the perimeter the kitchen and the Resolve carpet brush on the rugs: can't be beat. Not a vacuuming, it won't pick up grit, but sure makes a quick fur removal.
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