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 Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP

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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptySun Mar 10, 2019 7:32 pm

Hi everyone, I got a siberian husky puppy about a month ago. I joined this website for advice since he is my first big dog! I have no husky experience!!

I would like some tips for preventing my puppy to stop digging in the water bowl so much, yelling at him seems to make him do it more and I feel bad taking it away but ive had to do that sometimes. It's a pain to clean up since he bites the towel and pulls on it whenever I try to clean up the water.

He also bites a lot but since hes a puppy thats expected. however, the one thing I really need advice for is to stop his jumping from a young age. I'm 16, and i'm only 4'11 and i've been bruised many times by dogs much smaller than full grown huskies because of them jumping on me. He can practically knock me over if he continues to jump on me so much. I really need advice on how to train him to not do that. thanks!!!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyMon Mar 11, 2019 12:00 pm

Redirect him when he starts digging at the bowl. Use a toy to lure him away, give him something to chew on. He needs stimulation and exercise. Start training to wear him out. How old is he? Little puppies are just going to jump to a point and mouth since they are teething. As they get larger stepping into them when they go to jump can help by knocking them off balance without brutally swatting them down. Or you can opt for leaving him tethered to a leash and when he jumps give the leash a correction or step on it to keep him down. Mostly it sounds like you have a typical hyper puppy that needs some physical and mental stimulation and structure.

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyMon Mar 11, 2019 2:48 pm

You should have heard my husband roar the day I was walking up the hill in the backyard and my big boy came running and leaped into my back. Face plant into the lawn Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP 1625187496

I had to put a stop to that behavior PDQ. I took him into the backyard, let him loose. If he approached me with leaping I turned away from him with my arms folded, head down, no eye contact. If he approached me with all 4's on the ground, I threw a toy for him.

In the house I have a similar problem - he likes to paw my arm when I'm sitting and he wants something. Being old and on steroids makes my skin exceedingly fragile and his pawing rips my skin. To curb that behavior - when he approaches all wiggly waggly and starts to put up a paw, I put my hand out like a school crossing guard signallying "STOP."

As for the water bowl...ugh, son's dog Archer used to do that All. THE. TIME. Fortunately, when he was here, we had him outside mostly. Mostly, he just outgrew that but I do remember removing the water bowl when he started digging in it. Wearing a leash in house is a good thing, you can haul his little butt away from the bowl if he's not drinking appropriately. You might want to take 10-20 minutes a few times a day. Have puppy on leash. Put the water bowl down, if he starts to dig, say Uh huh or No or whatever to indicate your displeasure, simultaneously pulling him away AND removing the water bowl for a few seconds. Then put the bowl down again - if he digs, repeat, if he drinks, let him have at it. Do this for 10-20 minutes than put the bowl away for an hour or so, repeat.
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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyMon Mar 11, 2019 10:49 pm

Thank you so much for the advice everybody!! I will try all of it! Smile
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyTue Mar 12, 2019 12:21 am

Digging in the water bowl, I believe, is a puppy thing, it's something they grow out of. My boy, Kohdi, did it, and it never bothered me (I didn't have his bowl in an area where water on the floor would be an issue though) and honestly, I thought it was cute. . On walks, a neighbor several blocks away used to keep a bowl of fresh water with ice cubes for when Kohdi came by, they'd sit on their porch and wait for him, and sure enough, Kohdi would dig the water out and then chase around the ice cubes. If you think about it, we were unknowingly actually encouraging him to dig in the water bowl and yet, Kohdi grew up not to dig in the bowl. They grow out of it. Yelling at a puppy is pointless. They don't understand yelling.

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Join date : 2018-04-07
Location : San Diego

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyTue Mar 12, 2019 10:33 am

Interesting... I had completely forgot about the water bowl digging. Their bowl is outside so it wasn't a problem- more of a source of entertainment (for us). Smile After seeing this post, I realized I haven't seen them do it in a long time. They are a little over 1yr old.

We'll see what happens when summer comes around if they do it more.
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Join date : 2015-05-19
Location : manteca, ca

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyThu Mar 14, 2019 5:48 pm

Leo, still likes to digging in the water bowl but only at the dog park or in this pool.. he used to do all the time as a puppy; we would usually have a towel under his bowl inside and sometimes we set the bowl where it wasn't an issue..
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Female Join date : 2019-03-15
Location : Florida

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyFri Mar 15, 2019 8:20 pm

My puppy doesn't dig in her bowl but she does like to stand in it or kind of pounce in it. I think it's silly and cute but understand the frustration as she makes a huge mess tracking it threw the kitchen. Maybe try a smaller water bowl, you know one she can't really fit her paws in. Good luck in finding a solution!
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Male Join date : 2016-12-10
Location : Anaheim, California

Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP   Digging in the water bowl and jumping HELP EmptyFri May 17, 2019 8:52 pm

LOL no worries my husky did the same thing as a puppy. LOL Lucky I kept her bowl outside
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