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 Will his coat change or stay soft?

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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyWed Mar 20, 2019 5:16 pm

Hello all! For those of you who saw my post about allergies, I'm keeping Koda and using lots of benadryl haha.

Since Koda is my first husky i'm not an expert on telling how he'd look when he's older. Koda was born on December 9th, 2018 and I chose him from the litter on January 13th. He was the smallest of the litter and he also had very soft fur(like a teddy bear), but the rest of the pups in the litter were very coarse since the first day I saw them. The breeder told me that his fur would change too, but it still hasn't yet and is the only one like this so I was wondering if he would remain so soft or turn coarse like the others. I saw the parents and they were more like the other puppies. He also went from being the smallest of the litter to being much, much bigger than the rest of them but I think it's just because he is a lot fluffier than them, he is only 17 lbs now.

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Kodano11

^ This photo was the day that I got him.

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Koda210
[Will his coat change or stay soft?  Koda310

^ These are photos I just took to post this, they're not the best because my camera quality isn't great but the last one of him sleeping is okay.

Will he stay this way?
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyWed Mar 20, 2019 5:24 pm

Eventually the soft fluff will blow away and he will get his adult coat. It will have some more guard hairs which will make the top of him feel a bit more coarse, but a quality diet and proper grooming and he can stay fairly soft. He needs the guard hairs to protect his undercoat from the elements. That will come in sometime in the 6 month range possibly. they all kinda do their first coat blow at their own pace. So it varies. My girl is very soft on her legs and chest and top of the head, but she has the rougher (still not that rough though) guard hairs that run down her back that are less soft.

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyWed Mar 20, 2019 7:10 pm

MY wooly boy is soft as silk. My son's dog Archer, a husky mix with a shorter, sleeker coat, is soft as long as you rub the fur in the direction of growth. Against the fur, it's more bristly. My persnickety, little one (a permanent foster) - when we first got him his coat was coarse, stinky and sparse. After 2 months on TOTW High Prairie, his coat was sweet smelling, plush, shiny and almost as soft as my wooly. While this is wildly speculative at such a young age, your pup looks to be more on the plush side and may very well stay softer than the others as he grows, though the adult guard hairs will be somewhat coarser.

He really is a beautiful pup, BTW.

As for Benedryl - works fine as antihistamine but can cause sleepiness. If that's a problem for you, you can try either Allegra (fexofenadine is the generic and a LOT cheaper), Claritin (generic Loratidine) or Zyrtec (cetirizine hydrochloride) You may have to try each one to find the one the works the best for you (for instance I can't take claritin due to psychiatric side effects and use allegra while my oldest son can't take allegra for similar reasons. He describes it as "feeling really dark" and takes Claritin. Go figure. These side effects are known but very rare. My grandson takes Zyrtec with no issue.
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Female Join date : 2019-02-27
Location : Florida

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyWed Mar 20, 2019 8:36 pm

Thank you Amy.. your husky is beautiful too I love his coloring! also, I saw your profile and we share the same birthday! Smile
so far, no sleepiness but I may try another allergy medicine too. I have had problems in with allegra in the past so that one is a no go for me as well.
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Male Join date : 2014-07-23
Location : San Diego, California

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyWed Mar 20, 2019 8:51 pm

Grooming is the key, in my opinion. Both my Huskies are very fluffy, yet have distinctly different coats. I used to think Mishka had a coarser coat than my fluff ball, Kohdi, but regular brushing and Mishka's coat is as soft as Kohdi's.
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Female Join date : 2019-03-15
Location : Florida

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyThu Mar 21, 2019 9:10 am

Aw your pup is so cute! And not much older then my Sasha! Smile
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Join date : 2011-08-19

Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Will his coat change or stay soft?    Will his coat change or stay soft?  EmptyThu Mar 21, 2019 11:02 am

What a beautiful pup! Quality food and regular brushing will definitely contribute to a beautiful coat. Congrats!!
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Will his coat change or stay soft?  Empty
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Will his coat change or stay soft?

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