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 Need advice about a 2nd dog

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Join date : 2018-12-24

Need advice about a 2nd dog Empty
PostSubject: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptySun Sep 15, 2019 2:18 am

My mother just got a labradoodle or whatever they are called. My husky kiki is 10 months old. The poodle was in a little hut i bought. Sort of like a pen. My husky saw her and was calm, just curious. As soon as pup sees her, the pup goesxnuts yelping and barking. Wont stop . what can i do about that
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Male Join date : 2014-08-18
Location : Terlingua, Texas

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PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptySun Sep 15, 2019 1:17 pm

When you mix two breeds of dogs it seems as if you get either the best of the two breeds --- or the worst.

Mom had a 'miniature poodle' (it wasn't *that* small, about the size of a Cocker Spaniel) and it didn't take anything for that pup to go nuts! My opinion of poodles in general is that they're just one step away from a 'little yapper.' ( er ... better, but still noisy) and I've rarely seen a poodle attack another dog ...

If Kiki doesn't get upset at the noise, I'd just let the LP bark, yap, raise a storm because it'll eventually get used to Kiki - in the meantime, earplugs might be nice.

Need advice about a 2nd dog S-event    Need advice about a 2nd dog S-event

“Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

Corey Ford                    .
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

Need advice about a 2nd dog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptySun Sep 15, 2019 9:58 pm

The pup may also have some "barrier frustration" which is getting her all worked up?

Maybe try taking them for a walk together, your mom with her pup and you with yours?
They may eventually walk along in a friendly way side by side, and then mom's pup will get less freaked out and excited when yours is may also be better if they can meet in the natural dog way (nose sniff followed by butt sniffing).

Puppies are just so hyper in general though!!
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Female Join date : 2013-06-14
Location : Missouri

Need advice about a 2nd dog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptyMon Sep 16, 2019 9:47 am

There's a lot of factors that will weigh into how the dog is carrying forward. Was this dog a case of neglect that your mom rescued? When you say hut I tend to lean toward it being a dog that just has zero socialization and even less exercise. She will need to work on it from the ground up on all things. I doubt it will have an aggression issue. I've met some Labradoodles that are very good dogs. I've met more that are just neurotic no matter what you do. It will take time to figure out what you have on your hands. Either way it has the ability to be fine with Kiki with proper introductions and time more than likely. The barking and over-excitement may not go away though if you have the latter. Some dogs just never learn how to have a little dignity.

Need advice about a 2nd dog Huskyf10
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Need advice about a 2nd dog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptyTue Sep 17, 2019 1:06 am

So i have a super annoying terrier that literally barks if a leaf falls. We suspect he has poodle in him. I love him to death but i would swear he is a few crayons short of a crayon box. He has this im gonna get you before you get me nervous personality. He has major barrier agression at other dogs. It happens on leash also but with no barrier or leash he loves other dogs. I actually suspect spider has the same issues but i dont let my dogs play with unknown dogs, squirt broke me of that.

I would try the walking and introduction when both dogs are tired and maybe in a neutral zone instead of in the house or yard. I would worry with mine about it kicking in the prey drive. We had a very similar issues with my german shepherd and a pitt/great dane puppy i had. I wont go into it but in the end i had to rehome my puppy when it not only became dangerous for him but was dangerous to the 4 non involved dogs and me and my hubby. It was as you said with the yelping and whining. It became an issue when 1 spider went into heat and 2 the puppy was bigger then the gsd.

My experience was a pit and a gsd. Not a husky and labradoodle. And thinking about it i know of 2 other young dogs (at the time) that have reacted that way to the gsd. Hopefully the labdoodle isnt the neurotic type or if it is that your husky has the sense to ignore the labdoodle
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Join date : 2018-12-24

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PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptyTue Sep 17, 2019 10:19 am

pup wasnt a rescue but to be fair, my mother drove 16 hours round trip to get him so im sure that factored in to the dog being on edge, For whatever reason the next morning it stopped and they have gotten along very well. only issue ive had is kiki playing with her peanut butter kong and the pup thinking he could take it, kiki let out a nasty growl and bark, didnt snap at the pup. im figuring that is just a part of kiki teaching it to stay away. I didnt scold her
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Male Join date : 2017-11-03
Location : North Carolina, USA

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PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptyTue Sep 17, 2019 10:41 am

Oh! Well that's good news!
Maybe the pup was just tired.

Yea, in general Kiki should allowed to keep her stuff and the pup should be allowed to keep his stuff...
the question is whether the human should intervene or whether you let the dogs work it out. I think most dog owners tend to be in favor of the human being "in control", since letting the dogs work it out on their own can be risky and trigger some resource guarding?

I don't know, I've only got one (spoiled) dog here!
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

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PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptyTue Sep 17, 2019 2:33 pm

I go the let the dogs work it out. I only intervene if it goes way too far. But i do not allow bullying. Usually it just gets loud. Squirt is the exception to the let them work it out and she is a bully.
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Join date : 2018-12-24

Need advice about a 2nd dog Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need advice about a 2nd dog   Need advice about a 2nd dog EmptyWed Sep 18, 2019 12:44 pm

Only strange thing kiki does is try to pin the pup against the wall with her side. It is funny that the pup isnt scared of kiki, he will bark at her, mouth her, kiki just lets him
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