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 Best fence for a husky

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Join date : 2020-09-14

Best fence for a husky  Empty
PostSubject: Best fence for a husky    Best fence for a husky  EmptyMon Sep 14, 2020 11:03 pm

Hi! I need some good advice on fencing. I have two huskies, a male and a female, and they have learned how to get over my six foot high fence. The part of the fence that runs along my neighbors is chain link, and they have/had chickens. My dogs have gotten over there twice and have killed 47 chickens. Sad As of right now I am only taking them outside on a leash and lots of runs/walks, but this isn’t a permanent fix. What has everyone done for fencing to keep them in?
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Female Join date : 2013-12-20

Best fence for a husky  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best fence for a husky    Best fence for a husky  EmptyMon Sep 14, 2020 11:16 pm

I use invisible fence - we live next-door to cows, chickens, pigs, ducks. They have a 4 ft welded wire fence around their pasture. I attached my fence wire to that, dogs don't go past the correction boundary (I have it set at 10 ft. Out from the wire)

I use the PetSafe YardMax system and purchased an extra collar to go with it. You need to teach the dogs what to do when they hear the warning beep, once you see that they turn away from the boundary at the warning beep then you
can add the correction. Given the previous, successful experience with prey (chickens) I would use a hefty correction level.

Or. You could buy an electric fence charger, and install a full fledged agricultural type electric fence. I have one of those for my beeyard to keep our bears (a 2 Joule charger puts out a HEFTY shock!). Though I tried to discourage the dogs from testing the fence (and the cat Rolling Eyes ) everyonevhad to try it and now no one goes near it.
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Female Join date : 2018-10-22
Location : Colorado

Best fence for a husky  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best fence for a husky    Best fence for a husky  EmptyTue Sep 15, 2020 8:42 am

so what i use wouldnt work for you but my recommendation is to put about a foot or so on the top that leans inward. My neighbor has chain link with 3 wires that are angled inward and electrified. Basically like a backstop. Or a pvc roller. Look at wolfdog/ wolf type fencing ideas.

Im so glad mine are diggers not jumpers
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Female Join date : 2019-11-18
Location : Uk

Best fence for a husky  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Best fence for a husky    Best fence for a husky  EmptyTue Sep 15, 2020 9:15 am

Skye used to jump 6 ft fences like hurdles, I built her a pen with galvanise sides and then a tarpaulin thing over the top and That just stopped her jumping all fences
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Best fence for a husky

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