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 Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)

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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Suffolk County, NY

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyTue Dec 27, 2011 4:18 am

Sharing some pictures of my pups and some more info about them...

Tikaani is my big boy and the "middle child".  Born August 2008, he's my best dog for taking out to public, crowded events and has often been doted upon by many on lookers.   I've started practicing competitive obedience with him and have taken him to a few matches.  He has passed the CGC and I hope to get him TDI certified when my work schedule becomes more predictable, so I can share his awesomeness with everyone.  
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) TKsleep
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) DSCN8836
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) DSCN9644
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Pup19
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) DSCN8676
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Muddy%252520Tikaani
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Tom2

Tetsu, my shiba inu boy is the oldest, born in May 2008.  Out of the three of them, he is the most interested in snuggling (which is totally not normal for the breed).  
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) 311382_10150335698656379_681261378_8297420_1198769776_n
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Window3

Miyu is a shikoku ken, and the youngest out of the three, born September 2010.  She loves people and can be incredibly rude, often molesting them with tons of kisses.  She's absolutely in love with Tikaani and if it were up to her they would do everything together, but due to her bad hips she is not allowed to do high impact activities.  
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Miyu1
(Pack is filled with lightweight items like poop bag rolls)
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) TikaaniMiyuWater1

Last edited by CaliaKisses on Sun Sep 01, 2013 12:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Join date : 2011-12-21
Location : Kentucky

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyTue Dec 27, 2011 4:32 am

They are all sooooo sweet! What a pretty trio. :-)
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Male Join date : 2011-09-02
Location : New Zealand

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyTue Dec 27, 2011 4:55 am

nice wee pack you've got there Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-01-01
Location : The Netherlands

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 10:36 am

They're beautiful! Smile Cool names as well
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Husky Stalker

Female Join date : 2009-05-29
Location : Denver, CO

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 11:49 am

What a great pack! Its great when they all get along Smile

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Iaht10
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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Suffolk County, NY

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 10:16 am

I know it has been some time since I really posted anything, with the way life has been I've spent most of my time stalking this forum instead of participating.  Now that everything has become a little more organized, I can finally relax and be a more active member.

Now with that said, I would like to introduce the newest member to the family, Titan.

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) 560854_10151636679921379_2053456353_n

Coming from a racing kennel, he's a ball full of energy and love.  He enjoys cuddling and is quickly adjusting to his new home.  We're taking introductions to the other dogs slowly, trying to keep everything positive or at the very least neutral.  He and Miyu are hitting it off pretty nicely though, so he gets to have supervised playtime with her.  

Anyways, on with the spam:

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) 10018_10151636624611379_1668455722_n
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) 1186724_10151636671871379_1030151652_n
Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) 1235908_10151636679901379_1641243531_n

First meeting Miyu:

More will come as he settles in, stay tuned!
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Female Join date : 2013-05-26
Location : Michigan

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptySun Sep 01, 2013 3:26 pm

So are you now the Quirky Quartet?

Very adorable pup!

The first picture for some reason the left eye (appears on right of picture) looks bigger then the other eye. Still extremely pretty pup, just saying it cracked me up a little.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 1:04 am


What a cutie!
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Female Join date : 2011-12-26
Location : Suffolk County, NY

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 7:51 am

lillith87 wrote:
The first picture for some reason the left eye (appears on right of picture) looks bigger then the other eye. Still extremely pretty pup, just saying it cracked me up a little.
LoL, yeah his are interesting to look at, especially since his eye lashes are two different colors. The "eye liner" on one eye is thicker than the other, giving him an appearance of having a bigger eye. He's starting to develop "eye liner" around the lighter eye, so it may not look as extreme.
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Female Join date : 2013-04-08
Location : Alabama

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 11:47 am

I love your pack they are cute. Congrats on the new puppy he is precious Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) EmptyMon Sep 02, 2013 2:08 pm

Aww, he's so cute!
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Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)   Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1) Empty

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Terrible Trio + 1 (Updated 9/1)

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