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 The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)

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Male Join date : 2011-08-16
Location : VSU

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 2:58 pm

I haven't been exactly sure what's caused it, but Koda's been having the runs for the last day or so. It wasn't even normal diarrhea after a while-this slimy stuff would come out later in the day. He had it pretty bad Saturday morning about 3am first, and again all day in about 2-4 hour intervals up until about 7-8ish. I thought he was fine, so I had gone over a friend's to study in peace, but I received a text saying he was beatboxing in his crate (his usual "I gotta go-NOW!" sign) about 12:48ish am. By the time I made it home though, it was too late. Nice sized "mud pie" in the front left part of his crate, and he darn near destroyed the thing to get away from it. He curled both front corners of the bottom of the crate up (has a slip in tray he lays on) in an attempt to escape, but it also kept him from stepping in it. I spent the next 2 hours washing his crate cover, scooping doo, mopping the tile with various cleaning agents, and washing his feet.

He has a habit of grazing in the kitchen, trash area, and in the living room so if my roomies drop anything it's fair game. I know I saw him eat a small black thing one day in front of the garbage can and it's been hell ever since. This is similar to that time I had given him some all natural jerkey from Canyon Creek Ranch-he was fine for weeks on it, then all of a sudden bubble guts. I've been occasionally giving him new treats for training, but it's too early to tell what's causing it. I've kept him hydrated and left only kibble so he'll have something to push out whatever's in his system. I think I'd like to try using pumpkin, but I don't know what brands to get. Would Walmart have any?
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Female Join date : 2012-02-24
Location : Denver Colorado

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 3:02 pm

Did you check and see if any foods had a recall?

Sounds like my mal but I took her to the vet and she had Giardiasis.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-11

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 3:54 pm

Eurith wrote:
I think I'd like to try using pumpkin, but I don't know what brands to get. Would Walmart have any?

Brand doesn't matter as long as it is not pumpkin pie filling. You don't want the spices in it. Just plain 100% pure pumpkin. Now that I think about it though, I don't ever recall seeing any other brand excpet Libby.
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Female Join date : 2012-02-24
Location : Denver Colorado

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 3:57 pm

I didn't think there was any. Pumpkin this is new. What does pumpkin help?
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Female Join date : 2010-09-11

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 4:05 pm

Pumpkin is great for firming up runny pooh. You can also use yogurt. But it doesn't solve the real issue if there is one. If there is a cause beside a simple doggie flu/cold then pumpkin won't cure the problem. If you have other symptons with the runny pooh, you really should call the vet first. If not, then alot of us try a bland diet with pumpkin for a few days and then reintroduce regular food. Most of the time, that works, but if it doesn't, then you will still need to seek a vet.
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Female Join date : 2012-02-24
Location : Denver Colorado

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 4:13 pm

26nikita wrote:
Pumpkin is great for firming up runny pooh. You can also use yogurt. But it doesn't solve the real issue if there is one. If there is a cause beside a simple doggie flu/cold then pumpkin won't cure the problem. If you have other symptons with the runny pooh, you really should call the vet first. If not, then alot of us try a bland diet with pumpkin for a few days and then reintroduce regular food. Most of the time, that works, but if it doesn't, then you will still need to seek a vet.

Oh okay. I would give my dogs yogurt, pumpkin is a new one for me. I agree, I took maggie to the vet and she had giardiasis. We got her on the medication right away.
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Female Join date : 2010-09-11

The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic)   The Runs-Day 2 (semi graphic) EmptySun Feb 26, 2012 4:22 pm

The vet techs always recommended Yogurt for mine as well. I found out about pumpkin from this forum. Personally, I think the pumpkin works better. Mine get almost a daily dose now. I fill their kongs with pumpkin or yougurt mixed with peanut butter for when I need to crate them. They love it!
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