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 Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*

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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyTue Dec 04, 2012 7:56 pm

Hello! Kingsley is a red & white sibe with blue eyes and is registered with AKC. He was born on November 7th, 2012.

3 days:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  0w3days

1 week:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  1week

2 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  2weeks3

3 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  3weeks1

4 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  4weeks
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  4weeks2
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  4weeks3
Comparison to his half-sister from a previous litter.
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Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Photo1

5 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  5weeks3
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  5weeks4
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  5weeks3
"Draw me like one of your french girls."
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  5weeks
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  5weeks2!

5.5 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  55weeks

6 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  6weeks2

7 weeks:
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  7weeks

UPDATE: 1/7 (8.5 weeks)
Drove to Albany today to pick up the pup. He did really well on the trip sans a few moments of crying. Other than that, he's adjusting to life at home (and my cat is adjusting to him). He's quiet, timid, and nervous. Apparently he was the shy one out of the litter and was always at his mama's side. We'll see how that bodes for us.

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He just smells her. She lets him, then hisses, then runs away.
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Note the size. He's a tiny little peanut.
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He loves his crate. No whining, no crying. I can leave him upstairs by himself and he'll just go to sleep. I came home and opened it for him and he just got up, laid back down, and fell back to sleep. Yay!

UPDATE: 1/15 (10ish Weeks Old)
Here's a link to a personal blog entry with a handful of photos.

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Update: 1/20
my husband bought kingsley a jacket.

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Update: 1/25 (10-11 weeks old)

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Every morning, after breakfast and a potty break, Kingsley comes to the living room, takes out ALL of his toys from that black box one by one, and plays with each one for about a minute before rotating to the next one.

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Update: 1/30 (12 weeks old)
Kingsley had his 12 week vet appt today. We took him to a local vet here in town & they were WONDERFUL with him. He weights 14.5 pounds and had 2 shots today.

He did his "sit" command and his "pound it" (fist bump) command to impress all the ladies.

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Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Tumblr_mhgj4lkNyU1s3mtiuo1_1280

He's knocked out on the living room floor right now. He's tuckered out from his 1 mile run (10 minutes), his vet visit, and 2 shots.

Update: 2/3 (12.5 weeks old)
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By the looks of it, Kingsley's more excited about the Puppy Bowl than he is the Super Bowl.

Update: 2/7 (3 months old)
Kingsley is 3 months old today! (Technicially 13 weeks and 1 day if we're going by weeks).

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He's currently at my feet enjoying his Kong. He also stopped waking us up at 6:30-7am on weekends or days I have off. I still have to wake up early to take him out in the morning, and then to feed him at 8am, but he's been letting us sleep until around 9:30 or 10 sometimes (10:15 today!).

Update: 2/27 (3-4 Months)
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Update: 3/4 (16-17 weeks old)

K had his 16 week vet appointment. He's in tip top shape and growing like a weed. We asked about walking/running him and Dr. Jen said that while romping around in the yard/dog park is fine, avoid structured runs until 18 months.

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Kingsley's favorite toys are cardboard boxes

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Kinglsey, go away you already ate.

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Update: 4/9
Hi guys! Kingsley is now 5 months old at 35lbs. We've scheduled to get him neutered at the end of next month. He's doing great at home and at the dog park. He never chews on anything he's not supposed to. He doesn't like sitting/laying on the couches or the bed. Like, I've tried to pull him up to cuddle, and he'll lay down for a few minutes, then jump on the floor.

He gets sleepy around 8 and will sleep soundly until 7:30am. I take him out at that point and feed him breakfast at 8am, then he'll sleep until about 11am on weekends or days off. It's pretty sweet.

Anyway, here are some pictures from instagram and such:

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UPDATE: 5/14
Hey guys! I'm here for my monthly update. Kingsley is now 6 months old (as of last week). We still need to take him in to get neutered, but we've had a lot going on at home that just wouldn't be fair to Kingsley to have a surgery when we cant give him our full attention. We're hoping that next month will work out for us, though.

He's now 45 lbs (WOAH!)
Still sleeps in a crate at night (does anyone let their pups sleep outside? how's that working?)
eats about 3-3.5 cups of dry kibble a day
1 fish oil pill a day
1 tbsp of extra virgin coconut oil a day
still won't cuddle on the couch or bed with me
stopped abusing the outside bell every 15 minutes to play. only rings it when he really has to go.
pulls on his leash like a psycho.  

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2 months/6 months 

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He looks so grown up.

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Chillin' in the front yard.

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We bring him with us everywhere.

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He was feeling sick one day and wouldn't keep any of his kibble down. He continued to throw up until he had nothing left to throw up. Dave fed him boiled rice/potatoes/chicken and he immediately felt better. kept it all down. 

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Kingsley had his first weekend away from home while Dave and I went to NYC. He stayed with a friend of mine who has a 140 lb yellow lab, a dachshund, and a pug. Apparently he and the pug where  best friends all weekend, but he was according to my friend "very hyper all weekend". Needless to say I think I  might board him next month just because I felt like you really have to understand huskies in order to watch them. 

Update: 7/1 Nearly 8 months

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Kingsley got neutered. He was a big whiney bitch about it that we had to get an extra prescription of tremodol to calm his ass down. He kept to cone on for the full 7 days, except on the last 2 days, we took it off during the day while we were with him.

He's also not sleeping in the crate anymore. It's there for him (he goes in and out of it as he pleases) but we don't close it at night.

He also destroyed his first non-chew toy house item. My $87 macbook pro charger. Way to go, Kingsley. Sad

We enrolled him in doggy day care. He goes once a week. The owner has huskies. Her son also competes in dog sledding. They know huskies. So he goes once a week to play and gets some light training. He comes back home exhausted for a couple days.

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I crazy love taking pictures of my dog, y'all.

k, bye see you next month!

Last edited by DanielleCortez on Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:45 pm; edited 40 times in total
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Female Join date : 2012-08-24
Location : South Lake Tahoe, CA

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyTue Dec 04, 2012 9:08 pm

Oh my goodness! What a sweet little baby face! Can't wait to see the updated pictures from the breeder!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:12 am


Last edited by DanielleCortez on Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:19 am

Holy cute overload!

I bet you're beside yourself waiting to get him Razz

Shadow's Blog

Canine Hydrocephalus Support on Facebook

"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  85ced801-eef9-49ab-a499-d82fe0067cd7_zps64d8039a
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:22 am

blueeyedghost wrote:
I bet you're beside yourself waiting to get him Razz

Yes, it's quite unbearable. We're getting him the day we fly back from Texas for Christmas break. I'm more excited about that day than I am about Christmas.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:38 am

Haha I bet. We went up to Chicago for my nephew's baptism the weekend before we got Ghost, and I was beside myself the whole weekend. Then I drove close to 12 hours round trip the day after we got back to go get her.

Shadow's Blog

Canine Hydrocephalus Support on Facebook

"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  85ced801-eef9-49ab-a499-d82fe0067cd7_zps64d8039a
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:40 am

blueeyedghost wrote:
Then I drove close to 12 hours round trip the day after we got back to go get her.

Holy crap! We're flying from 5:45am, jumping 3 planes, and arriving in NY at 2pm, then driving 2.5 hours to Albany, then 3 hours (probably longer with stops for Kingsley) back home.
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Female Join date : 2011-07-01
Location : Denver, CO

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:48 am

I currently live in the ass end of the FL Panhandle (I escape next weekend), and Ghost's breeder was out by Jacksonville. It was a long day...

Shadow's Blog

Canine Hydrocephalus Support on Facebook

"Being the parent of a special-needs pet means living your life constantly poised on the edge of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you become a fierce defender of the ways in which your little one is perfectly ordinary — all the things he or she can do that are just like what everybody else does. And yet, you never lose sight of how absolutely extraordinary that very ordinariness is, how difficult, remarkable and rewarding that fight to be 'just like everybody else' has been."  -Gwen Cooper, "Homer's Odyssey"

Shadow - 03/01/2013 - 10/02/2014

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Female Join date : 2012-11-03
Location : San Antonio, TX

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 12:52 am

But they are so worth it!! We drove 7hrs both ways to get Karli and I wouldn't trade her for anything!!! I have to say, I can see why you're so desperate to have him, he's a cutie!!!
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 1:22 am

blueeyedghost wrote:
I currently live in the ass end of the FL Panhandle (I escape next weekend), and Ghost's breeder was out by Jacksonville. It was a long day...

Ew, yeah, I've made that drive before. We drove from South Texas to Houston, Houston to New Orleans, New Orleans to Gainsville, Gainesville to Jacksonville, then Jacksonville up north to New York. I effing HAAAAATED driving through the panhandle of Florida because it's just hours and hours of the same swampland.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 1:23 am

cinnamonbits wrote:
But they are so worth it!! We drove 7hrs both ways to get Karli and I wouldn't trade her for anything!!! I have to say, I can see why you're so desperate to have him, he's a cutie!!!

I'm glad to find out that so many people have driven crazy far lengths just to get their furbabies. Makes me feel better about our obnoxious plan to fly 2020 miles then drive for another 5 just to get our pup. haha.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 4:48 pm


Last edited by DanielleCortez on Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 06, 2012 5:58 pm

He is so cute! I love you
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyWed Dec 12, 2012 10:03 pm


Last edited by DanielleCortez on Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Nira Sky
Nira Sky

Male Join date : 2012-02-21
Location : Upstate NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 1:18 pm

Gorgeous puppy. Congratulations. Very Happy
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 1:21 pm

Thank you!
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Female Join date : 2012-10-25
Location : Seattle, WA

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 2:02 pm

Cute cute cute Smile I'm excited for you to get him, less than half way now! Oh goodness. This little carpet-pooping bean next to me sure is a handful though. Sleep while you can! lol. I loove his eyes.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 4:48 pm

[quote="Dot"]little carpet-pooping bean next to me[quote]

LOLOL! Love it.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 4:57 pm

DanielleCortez wrote:

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  5weeks3
"Draw me like one of your french girls."
This is my fav, he's so adorable. Wonder if he'll look a little like my Maya when he's full grown.
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 5:00 pm

MayaAndSophie wrote:
This is my fav, he's so adorable. Wonder if he'll look a little like my Maya when he's full grown.

PROBABLY. I've been really partial to the red/brown huskies because I know mine will look like them when he's grown. Smile Smile Smile Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-08-02
Location : Louisiana

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 5:01 pm

What a cutie!

I'm dying waiting and my pup isn't even born yet. I can only imagine how much harder it's going to be when he is born and I'm having to wait 2 months before I can take him home. XDD

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Signat11
Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  O8Cmm5
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 5:02 pm

simplify wrote:
What a cutie!

I'm dying waiting and my pup isn't even born yet. I can only imagine how much harder it's going to be when he is born and I'm having to wait 2 months before I can take him home. XDD

it's gets harder and hard as time goes on. by the end of it, you'll have just as much trouble containing yourslf as your pup hahaha.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 5:35 pm

I just LOVE reds, if you couldn't tell lol. I wanted our third to be a dirty faced red but my mom wanted a black and white.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptyThu Dec 13, 2012 10:38 pm

Oh gosh he is just too adorable! One day I will get a red male to be Yuki's playmate. Most people call me crazy for wanting three dogs. I say its sanity so Yuki can have another husky to play with >:]
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Female Join date : 2012-11-25
Location : Ithaca, NY

Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  EmptySat Dec 15, 2012 7:01 pm

Just posted a new picture on the original post. Uggggh so cute.
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Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*    Kingsley's Scrapbook UPDATE 8/1*  Empty

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