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 Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043

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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 2:47 pm

Meeka at 14 weeks

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Meekaa10

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Meeka111

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Meeka112

If I can only learn how to rotate these pictures....blah!

Last edited by ateam043 on Thu Jul 11, 2013 1:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 3:52 pm

Here you go. Meeka's gorgeous by the way.

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 34ozmea

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 10pvy2w
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 5:08 pm

Thanks! CN you show me how you rotate these pictures?

Couldn't figure it out and assume I had to do on my own applications (iPhoto)
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Female Join date : 2012-08-30
Location : Ohio

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 6:03 pm

I rotate them on GIMP it's free to download and you can find it online. Smile
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Female Join date : 2013-03-04
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Mar 16, 2013 7:00 pm

I love Meeka~! <3
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
Location : CA

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:09 am

Day at the Park with her BFF Miles (my friend's male 1 1/2 year old Husk)

My Meeka might be the laziest Husky ever, I take her out for walks but she rather just lay down and get tummy rubs. Cant wait until she gets her hyper mood. I basically have to beg her to take her out for walks, but with her BFF, all of a sudden....hyper mode on.

On another note, would any one know if the discoloration on her nose may fix itself as she grows? Is there something I can give her to fix it up?

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_4710

This week I have noticed a slight change in Meeka's coat. It almost looks like its getting a lighter shade of gray.

As you can tell from the picture, took them to a local elementary school where there is a small gate. Gave the change for my 4 year old son to also play. Here in CA can't have a leashless dog in a public park or else there is a big ticket, and closest dog park is a long drive away.
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_2810
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:13 am

What discoloration are you talking about? From what I can tell from your pictures, there isn't anything wrong with her nose?..
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:17 am

Meant the pinkish color right on top of her nose.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyMon Mar 18, 2013 2:37 am

Oh, that's nothing to worry about! It's just her skin!! Kennedy has skin freckles(that's what I call them) as well!! Nothing wrong with her nose and it isn't a discoloration, or some freak thing. Just her skin.
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Mar 20, 2013 1:16 am

More pics to keep and see in the future and look back how spoil I am right now with Meeka (Meeks).

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Meeks11

A staredown with my 2 girls in my life...

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Stared10
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Laying12
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1510

Ok, no more pics for a while (at least thats what im telling myself right now). Very happy with Meeks, it's like our family has changed for the better. We go to the parks now more often instead of being so dang stuck in working out (insanity) and studying all the time
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Female Join date : 2013-03-04
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Mar 20, 2013 1:18 am

She's growing up beautifully <3
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
Location : CA

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Mar 20, 2013 2:45 am

She is indeed. She might of been the last pup of the litter but very happy with her.

She might be the most calm husky I seem around town. Rather just chill down than chasing anything. I have bought her numerous toys and she blows all of them off, but if she is lucky and I drop a sock when doing laundry she goes nuts for it.

Lately though been getting negative comments about the gentle leader leash shown on my pics. I have tried a harness with no luck but the GL has been great for me. No pulling at all and she walks right next to me at all times (no heel training).
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Mar 20, 2013 2:50 am

As long as you are training Meeka to walk politely without as well as with the GL, then no harm done. A lot of people use a GL, Halti, what have you, as a cruch and never train their dog to walk loose leash without the use of the device. These are just that, training devices. So as long as you ween Meeka off the GL or use it sparingly, there is no problem with them. A lot of people will constantly walk their dogs with a head collar, and then one day don't understand why their dog is pulling's because they learned how to work around the head collar because they have had it one for so long.

I use a Halti, and tonight is the first time I have used it in at least a month. When Sheba starts to get a little wild, I will use the Halti for one walk and will click and treat her and give her praise when she is walking like she is supposed to. Problem fixed.

Also, ignorant people around town think it is a muzzle. What confuses me is how a muzzle is supposed to work if it doesn't close around the dogs mouth!! Laughing . I've had people ask me "Is she friendly?.." and I'm just like Yeah? and they go "Oh, well she has that thing around her mouth, so I thought she was vicious". Stupid people. I just shake my head at them and walk on by.
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Female Join date : 2013-03-04
Location : AZ

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Mar 20, 2013 10:53 am

Don't let people's opinions ruin a good thing for you. If it works, and it's not dangerous for you or the dog, it works. Smile I don't use GL/halti's very often because my dogs just jerk all over the place (because they're used to being able to move around on a flexi-lead), and I am afraid they'll hurt their necks. But if your dog doesn't do that, I think GL/halti's are just fine, especially if the alternative is never getting a walk/etc.
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
Location : CA

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 12:48 am

Meeka at the Vet today. In 2 days she turns 4 months and currently weights 32 pounds. In just a month she gained nearly 15! Vet advised she is in the ideal weight for her age and here I thought I was over-feeding her. Tried taking out treats during training but now she does not go "down" at all unless I give her dental treats.

A dog that loves dental if I can only convince my son to brush his teeth everyday.LOL

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1610
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 1:19 am

She is beautiful!! She weighs almost as much as my 11 month old!! Haha!! Her coloring is just gorgeous I love you .
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 1:37 am

In looking at your reply I started to look at the pictures I posted two weeks ago to this one I posted today. Her coat changed a bit (dark grey stripe turned black) and I didn't even noticed until now. Haha.

Kelsey don't scare me like that...Meeka is going to be a big girl from the comparison you have Smile
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Female Join date : 2012-08-13
Location : Nebraska

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyThu Apr 04, 2013 1:39 am

Hahah!! Shebs is just a little girl! I highly doubt your girl will be giant. She is still well within standard! Don't worry Smile .
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
Location : CA

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:34 am

Meeka procedure was completed today. When the vet brought her over to me she just laid down on the floor and basically passed out, couldnt not convince her to get up for the life of me.

Small scene as a very nice older guy was offering to bring a stroller as Meeka was just plain out to wheel her to my car, the vet came before he got back from his car,the vet got my leash and basically forced her up with my leash (choking?)....some people didn't like it. I didn't like it but did not say anything as this is the first dog I get the procedure done so was unsure if it was normal but based on a couple reactions it didnt look like it.

Anyways here are the post pics:
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1710
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1711

Had to place Meeka on this Innova blanket as my small breed dog decided to destroy their bed while we were out all day. Happy to say Meeka has a new bed now and laying comfortably despite having issues standing still, which I quickly help her lay back down.
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 1:38 am

On another note, completely fell for this dog, never seen one like it.

Apparently its a "Panda Face" German Shepard.

Just beautiful....

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1712
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Doggy10

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Male Join date : 2013-02-13
Location : Durham, NC

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 8:29 am

Meeka's gorgeous, they grow so fast though Sad
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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyMon May 27, 2013 4:15 pm

Meeka after going for a quick bath and groom at Petsmart.

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1810

Meeka and her best bud "Myles"
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1811

and finally this is what I think Meeka thinks in her head when she doesnt feel like training

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_1812

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Male Join date : 2013-03-06
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Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 12:44 am

Welcome Abby!

Came from HuskyCamp located here in SoCal.

Poor little one is about a year in half or so....has made great friends with Meeka.

The best description I can give is that from the rescue site itself:

"Spice came to us after being struck by a car.  One of her front paws was broken and de-gloved.  After surgery to repair one of her toes and some soft casting she has almost made a complete recovery.  Just a little bit more generating of some new pad is left and we feel that can be best done in a new home.  You would never know this girl injured anything by how strong she can be on a leash.  She is a bit afraid of walking around traffic now but with the right encouragement and reassurance that should soon fade.  A doggie partner would be a must as she needs entertainment"

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_5710
Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Img_3910

I am having a bit of trouble with basic commands with her (sit, down, etc). The wat I was taught at Petsmart are of no use with her as she tends to lunges for the treat and or is unwilling to sit since I assume she is still under pain from her paw.
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Female Join date : 2012-08-29
Location : Ohio

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 1:11 am

Wow shes gorgeous, congrats!
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Female Join date : 2010-09-15
Location : Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043   Meeka and Abby's Scrapbook - Ateam043 EmptyWed Jul 10, 2013 2:05 am

What a pretty girl! Congrats!
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