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 Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*

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Female Join date : 2013-04-13
Location : UK

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptySat May 04, 2013 3:44 pm

So this is Sky. She was born 15th Jan 2013, which happens to be my mom's birthday (She passed away in Dec or she would have insisted we call Sky Linda after her lol)

Just getting home and spotting the cats (10 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130327_203042
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130327_203152

Cuddling up with Winnie the pooh (12 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130413_151246

Still nice and light (12 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130413_225128

One brown, one blue and the start of her "eyebrows" (13 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130415_092109

Last edited by SkyPlusUs on Fri May 24, 2013 5:36 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Female Join date : 2013-04-13
Location : UK

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptySat May 04, 2013 3:51 pm

She will sleep anywhere.. on a book, a brush and the TV remote (13 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130419_175507

More dirty grey sheep than husky (14 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130422_093611

Walking to school for the kids (15 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130429_150739

Look how grey she is now (15 weeks)
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130504_104642
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Male Join date : 2013-04-28

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptySun May 05, 2013 9:30 am

Awe, soooo adorable!
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptySun May 05, 2013 3:41 pm

Their coats change so drastically. Very cute!
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Female Join date : 2013-04-13
Location : UK

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptyFri May 17, 2013 4:49 am

We picked up our little man on Tuesday.

He is adorable, follows me everywhere so now I have 3 dogs and 3 kids sat outside the bathroom waiting for me lol He and Sky are getting along great.. fighting like husky and husky hehe I've had to explain to my kids they aren't trying to kill each other when they tumble over the floor

Meet Phoenix Moon Star aka Phoenix

When I went to meet him 5 weeks
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130427_142237

8 weeks
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130515_165919
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130515_165928
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Female Join date : 2013-04-13
Location : UK

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptyFri May 24, 2013 5:35 pm

Sky 4 months
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130516_170625
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130516_170710

Phoenix 9 weeks
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* 20130519_142244

Such a happy boy!
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* IMG_20130523_184006

Not the best quality they were zoomed, taken in a dark room with flash and then instagramed
Told you I was gonna eat you when nobody was looking!
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* IMG_20130520_205210
What?!? I can't hear you!
Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* IMG_20130523_183735
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Female Join date : 2013-02-08
Location : Bolingbrook, IL

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptyFri May 24, 2013 6:42 pm

Awww their adoarable together i wish mine got along so well the only time i can get a pic of them together is when their biting each other or crated and usually their just terrible blurs! Love you pups!!
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Female Join date : 2013-02-09

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptyFri May 24, 2013 8:17 pm

Omg, so cute! Such a great pair. I love Phoenix's coloring!
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Female Join date : 2013-02-11
Location : NYC

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptyFri Jun 07, 2013 10:57 pm

That last pic is priceless!
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Male Join date : 2012-06-19
Location : Las Vegas

Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* EmptyFri Jun 07, 2013 11:16 pm

They look like they're getting along great! Smile
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Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty
PostSubject: Re: Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*   Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13* Empty

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Phoenix and Sky's Scrapbook *24/5/13*

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